Reason for this build and how it's effiencent
Hi, my names Karma. Known as UnDeaDOleG8 from EU server, I've been playing Vox for since he came out, that is more than a year. I main him for more than a year and he's been my favourite character since he came out. I pretty much learnt the idea of how to play him and have experimented with many builds, the most common WP build for a Vox would be the Tyrant Monoclex2 and breaking point, followed by aegis, metal jacket and t3 boots. However, I have decided to bring back the old school Vox build with serpents and double blazing salvo as it was used since Vox was released. This build is really efficient as Vox gets to heal constantly while attacking due to his high attack speed plus the double blazing salvo as well as dealing damage at the same time. After this core mid game build is accomplished-Serpent with double salvo, you will move onto getting breaking point as Vox can easily stack Breaking Point stacks on his opponents due to his double basic attack on his A-keep in mind the enemy has to be resonanced to get the A working. Whatever is upgraded from the second blazing salvo really depends on the enemy build and comp. If they're really squishy than I suggest tornado or just replacing it with a tyrant monocle. If the enemy is tanky or building metal jacket than go with bonesaw as it will help you stack the damage up as well as increasing the wp damage and heal from the serpent mask. This build works really well but can be countered by Vox's biggest threat easily.
Thank you for following my guide, I have to rush this as I have to revise for my exams tomorrow XD
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