About Me Top
Hey fellow players, my name is dakartux and I have been playing Vainglory since the first day it released for Android. As a player of other popular MMOs such as League Of Legends, DOTA, and Smite i was attracted to Ringo because of the sheer power he had in the right hands. His kit is so strong and lacks skillshots, making him very easy to learn, but to get the most out of him you need good mechanics and anticipation.
If this guide helps and you would like me to continue making Vainglory content please upvote it so I know there is interest. Also comment any mistakes or build ideas and I will address them.
Why CP? Top
CP Ringo is very strong. Although most play him WP I have found CP to be much stronger. If you look at his kit, you may notice that his second ability, Twirling Silver, has an 80% CP ratio, meaning if you have 150 CP (1 Shatterglass) you can add 120 damage to each auto attack, combine this with the added attack speed, move speed,
AND the slow from Achilles Shot, Ringo can chase down anyone in the game and kill them very fast. While using CP Ringo I would say I average around 17-3-8 KDA, with a 70% win rate. The majority of games I lose are due to AFK or just horrific teammates. Before you read this guide you need to recognize one thing... CP Ringo is a patient build, you need to use more game sense than with other heroes and builds. Just because you can go in does not mean you should. As I said before, I average about 3 deaths a game, that is very important, dying multiple times as CP Ringo will screw you over until around 20 minutes, and by then you will probably have lost. This means you may need to let your team die and continue farming, or leave a fight that is obviously going bad while letting the roamer die. This may seem selfish, but your team will thank you when they realize you are the true Vainglory Senpai and your back is strong enough for both of them to hop on the Carry Train to victory land.
Early Game Top
Early game is tough for Ringo, and going CP could make that a bit harder. First, Ringo's base damage is pretty low, and the fact that you are building an energy battery first means you have practically no damage. In lane farm the best you can, focus last hitting with Achilles Shot, don't be afraid to span abilities because your energy battery gives pretty good Energy sustain.
Farm up until you have enough for clockwork if the lane is passive. Don't attack the other laner unless your jungler is nearby, as they can most likely kill you. Don't back for as long as possible so you can hopefully start building Shatterglass on first back. The most important part here is map awareness, while you cannot secure kills yourself, watch for the level 3 skirmish that happens almost every game in the jungle shop area. Generally both junglers clear at about the same speed and end up at the shop at the same time. Watch for this and hurry down ASAP to surprise them with a bit of extra damage. Chances are your lane opponent will not notice and will continue farming, and you may be able to secure a kill, or worst case save a teammate if the fight goes south.
Play an aggressive lane VERY SAFE. This is very important against SAW, the most common lane bully in Vainglory. SAW will burst you down, out sustain, and our farm you no matter what you do. As Ringo stay under tower if the wave is pushed to you (which it will be) and farm with your Achilles Shot if you are having trouble securing farm.
In this lane it may be best to take your 3rd point in Achilles Shot instead of Twirling Silver to help slow down the enemy laner and damage them without going into AA range. (Thanks bdombe1)
Mid Game Top
If your team is winning once the laning phase is beginning to end keep focusing farm. If your teammates are nearby use Hellfire Brew from a bush onto the enemy squishies. At this point you can probably hop out after it hits and burst them down with one Achiiles Shot and a few Twirling Silver powered AAs. Focus on getting turrets, Minion Mines, and Kraken once it is up.
If your team is losing once laning phase comes to a close you will want to play very safe. Ringo's success is built on farming and not dying very often. Don't follow your team on suicide missions, even if it gets you peppered with little purple question mark pings all over the Fold. The most important thing here is DO NOT EVER GO INTO THE JUNGLE. Ringo will be burst down in approximately .1 seconds, so only go into the jungle if you are behind both of your teammates, or you are with someone with huge peel like Ardan or Catherine.
Late Game And Finishing Out Top
CP Ringo really Shines in the late game. You can burst anyone down and chase them with ease. As long as you don't get focused and have good positioning you should easily be able to ace the enemy team. Make sure you complete your build and play a bit more passive than any other hero. You want to make sure your team fights in the best possible conditions, ie. under turret, with the element of surprise, or while the enemy takes Kraken or minion mine aggro. It only takes one ace to put the game away after about 20 minutes, so remember that when fighting, any teamfight could win or lose you the game.
Situational Items Top
Use Aegis if you are being burst down often, and by identifiable abilities such as a Ringo, Kestrel, Joule, or Celeste Ultimatess, also only use this if your support has purchased Crucible or the damage you are taking is mostly ability based.
Use Crucible if you are being burst down by WP heroes, or your support did not purchase it themselves.
Use Frostburn if you are doing well and the other team is fast, such as a Koshka, Taka, Krul, or Fortress. Use the slow to chase them down or kite them so they cannot reach you fast enough.
Use Shatterglass if you are very far ahead of the enemy team and they cannot even reach you before dying, The extra 150 CP will allow you to absolutely torch anyone who tries to kill you, including tanks and DPS champions
Tips and Tricks For CP Ringo Top
Use your Ultimate, Hellfire Brew, while in a bush, in this way the enemy will not have time to use reflex block to negate the damage.
Use your Ultimate to initiate, not to finish. This seems counter intuitive, but past about 15 minutes most enemies will be building Reflex Block. They will block your ult and make you waste 5 seconds and a ton of Energy. Instead, use the previous technique, your team will see your Ult animation and go in realizing what you are trying to do.
Kraken is NOT safe for the team who has it! This tip is more for lower level players, but I often see teams getting aced while they have the Kraken. While the Kraken is big and menacing, it doesn't attack players. This means that even though it is there, it will not tank turret shots if you injure an enemy, and it will not help you kill an enemy either. Just think, you are essentially fighting an enemy team under turret, they will ace you and kill the Kraken quickly. Instead, as Ringo, use all your abilities (Except Hellfire Brew) on the turrets, backing off if the enemyy gets aggressive. You can take down a turret solo in about 5 seconds at full build, use that to your teams advantage.
This was covered in the last tip, but you can blow up a turret is about 5 seconds late game. Just use Achilles Shot and Twirling Silver. Always go for turrets as the global gold helps everyone on your team.
What hurts CP Ringo? When do i want to stay away from it? Top
CP Ringo is hurt the most by super tanky heroes and DPS tanks such as Glaive. He can also have troubles with some ranged characters, but only if he is behind. No hero in the game can out burst a CP Ringo past level 6, the only thing that is really scary is a fed DPS tank that can kill you while taking loads of damage. The usual low level stomp heroes like Krul will be easy to fight because they are easily kited and can never reach you to do any damage. Also, Catherine is pretty scary if she has stacked her IronGuard Contract, as she will actually do loads of damage while being incredibly tanky.
Conclusion Top
Thanks for reading guys, I hope you all have as much fun playing CP Ringo as I do. His unique ability to build CP and still have tons of WP because of his kit means even if an enemy builds Shield he will still do good damage due to his WP. Anyway, leave comments below on improvements to the guide, or link images or videos of your favorite games using CP Ringo. I will probably be adding a video guide in the next couple weeks and will post it here and on Youtube at that point.
dakartux out
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