quick and easy tips on how to slowly just make all your opponents dread your existence. you click your A ability and when you see an enemy enter your range oh jesus just click on that direction and god the health that goes away.
ok so basically you are played in the lane (of course) or in the jungle but if u play in the jungle you die really fast so i dont advise it but you can. uh so in early game just play very passively poking only if they poke you, try not to die too much, and stay very cautious, if you fall really behind in early game, basically you cant get back. during mid game and teamfights just stay away and use your A on any targets that get close or that you can (dont A minions gosh) and your C ability is for stuns, only for stuns. during the late game you become a BEAST, A SAVAGE, you will roll across every champion you face, their health bar will be chipped away faster than butter with a saw, if people get close? just use C to stun them, then A and basic attack and boom most of their health is already gone if not they are dead. tanks? oh thats a joke, with your shield penetration tanks are like swiss cheese, and plus with that 7% and 5 stacks thats 35% more damage every hit, so goodbye tanks. and for the squishies? oh jolly jesus run for those squishies and kill them as fast as you can so they can face your wrath and dread your existence.
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