Crystal Vox 1.19 by RagingFalls

Crystal Vox 1.19

By: RagingFalls
Last Updated: Jul 7, 2016
11 Votes
Build 1 of 1


Build: Team Killer

Ability Path

Julia's Song
Heroic Perk
Sonic Zoom
Wait for It

Threat Meter

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Threat Hero Notes
  No Threat
Ardan Ardan isn't a threat to you, but he provides a lot of utility for his team and his very bulky. You can use him to bounce attacks, but don't particularly focus him.
Koshka Avoid her in early game, pick up a Reflex Block before she gets her ult. There is a reason she is out of meta.
Reim Take advantage of his lack of speed. You can stutter step while keeping his pace, so it's safe to attack him if he is chasing you. That being said, don't go try to solo him like an idiot. If he gets too close, you're screwed.
Catherine Catherine is one of the most annoying roamers - with stuns every few seconds as well as a team-wide silence. Build your Reflex Block into an Aegis to get a shorter cool down, but only use it when you would otherwise be crippled or die. Your roamer should have a Crucible to block the ultimate, and if he doesn't, he is an idiot and it's acceptable to cry.
Krul Wait until he is targeting someone else before engaging; a good Krul player will be reluctant to change targets and start over on his Weakness Stacks. You may want to pick up a Frostburn if you can't seem to shake him off.
Lance Can be a huge pain if he sticks to you. Try to use him to hit his allies with your bounces. Pick up an early Reflex Block to avoid being knocked into bad positions.
Ozo . . . I don't even know what to say about this one. Avoid his third bounce I guess? He doesn't pose too much of a threat, but use your Reflex Block for his ultimate.
Ringo Again. Don't solo him. You shouldn't be soloing anyone. Reflex Block his ult and burst him down with your bounces.
Rona Avoid her slow and you should be fine. When she is using her ult, her team is likely to gather around her, making a perfect time to murder them with your ult.
Lyra Lyra's poke is insane, but she drops in power severely mid and late game. Focus on out-farming her, and do not try to engage in early game. Later, she becomes frail enough to burst down easily.
Adagio Adagio's Gift of Fire can be a huge pain, stay on the edge of the fight to avoid it and his ult.
Blackfeather Blackfeather is another gap closer, but he isn't very bulky. As usual, wait on the edge of the fight for a few seconds before engaging.
Fortress Fortress has a very powerful early game and ult. Don't engage when he has his ult channeled, and, as usual, stay behind your teammates. On the bright side, he isn't super bulky.
Joule If she is WP, just keep on the edge of the fight. However, you have to get an Aegis and be very careful if she is building CP. You are very squishy, so getting caught in her ult is a death sentence. Try to focus her down before she can use it.
Kestrel Very squishy, but her poke is large. don't get to close and use your A (Sonic Zoom) to dash out of the way of her ult. Focus her above most others.
Petal Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think her munions aren't affected by resonance anymore. Very squishy, just be sure to focus her before she kills your team.
Phinn Pain in the ass, but he is almost always near his teammates. Keep your distance, Reflex Block his ult, and move on with your life. If you wanna look really cool, you can try to use your A to avoid his ult.
Skye If she can trap you in a corridor with her A, you're screwed. Stay in the open, use your A to dash out of hers, and focus her down.
Vox If it's a weapon Vox, play to your advantages. Stay out of range and use minions to bounce onto him. Don't try to 1v1 him, as he does more base damage. If he is Crystal. . . hope that this build is better than his?
Celeste Celeste is just like you - hiding on the the of teamfights and hoping she doesn't get targeted. Her Heliogenesis has a huge range once overdrived, so build an Aegis to not get destroyed. If she gets in range of her allies, however, your bounces can take her down in a heartbeat.
Glaive A huge pain if he targets you. Get a reflex for his Afterburn, wait until he stops targeting you, and then use him to bounce your attacks onto his team.
SAW If you try to solo him, I will track you down and give you what you deserve. He is slow, so he can't avoid your bounces. Don't get too close.
Skaarf He will destroy worlds if you aren't careful. Avoid his A with yours and focus him before he can channel his ult.
  No Threat
Alpha Alpha is a nightmare to CP Vox. She has good base stats and seems to stick to you no matter what you do. Stay in the back of teamfights and wait until she has targeted someone else, then try to use your resonance bounces to take out the other carry through her. You may want to grab a Frostburn if she is being an asshole.
Taka I want him dead. I want his family dead. I want his house burned to the ground. Get a scout trap for your bush in lane, use your B to locate him while he is invisible, and pray he doesn't target you.
  No Threat

Introduction Top

Hey guys, RagingFalls here. I've been playing VainGlory for a long time now, and I played Vox when he still got barriers from basic attacking. That being said, I'm open to suggestions, and interested to see if this build works out for you guys as well. I created this guide mainly off of what has worked for me in the past, but I took a lot of other guides into account. I hope this helps!

Breaking Down Vox Top

Julia's Song (Passive)
Julia's Song is what makes crystal Vox so powerful, but most people don't know the specifics. As you can see from the stats, each Resonance Bounce deals 25(+80% crystal ratio). If you look at the stats of Alternating Current, every other basic attack does 70% of your crystal power. This means that your Resonance bounces will always do more than your basic attacks, even when Alternating Current is in effect. This makes you do more damage to the carries if you attack the roamer directly, whereas other characters would never want to attack the roamer. However, you should only do this when the roamer is in range of his allies.
Sonic Zoom (A)
This ability causes Vox to dash a short distance, as well as throwing two basic attacks to the nearest hero or minion, marked with resonance. This ability can be maximized by using it directly after a basic attack. You can then basic attack directly afterwards, allowing you to get 4 basic attacks off when it you could normally only do 2 in the same amount of time. It is worth noting that each of the basic attacks from Sonic Zoom do 50% damage, so it is the equivalent of hitting the target with 3 basic attacks.
Pulse (B)
Vox's Pulse has a couple of uses. First and foremost, it applies resonance to every enemy in it's range. This ability is needed to set up for Vox, or his attacks won't bounce. Pulse also marks the location of enemies for about a second. You can use this to see if enemies are invisible or in a bush near you; if they are, you will see a circle of resonance around them when it applies. The third use of this ability is the slow. Using it will slow all enemies based on how close they are to you. If you and your teammates are running away, you can use Pulse followed by a Sonic Zoom to slow and hurt all of them.
Wait for It (C - Ultimate)
Wait for It is an amazing ability if used correctly, and can wipe out entire teams. It sends out a bolt of resonance, applying resonance to all in its path and damaging them. Half a second later, a second wave hits the same spot, silencing, dealing higher base damage, and creating resonance bounces to all enemies. Use this ability when all the enemies are within Resonance range of each other, and preferably when they will all get hit by the silence. Wait for It has a 40 second cool down when maxed, so you will be able to use it in every team fight. DO NOT use this on single enemies. It is a complete waste, and will only deal a small amount of damage. The only time when Wait for It should be used on one enemy is when it will secure an important kill or an ace.

Ability Paths Top

People have a lot of different opinions on which abilities they should max for Vox, so I'll be going over the correct option. And the other ones too.

Maxing B and C (Correct Path)

This is usually the correct upgrade path for crystal Vox. First, we have to understand the objective of crystal Vox. He isn't meant to 1v1 people, though it is possible. The real damage is dealt in the resonance bounces, so it would make sense to maximize their damage. If you take the overdrive on on Sonic Zoom, it increases the damage to your first target. On the other hand, if you take the overdrive on Pulse, it maximizes bounce damage, as well as increasing slow. This makes the overdrive on Pulse more effective than the overdrive on Sonic Zoom for crystal Vox. The third ability point on Wait for It is almost always a beneficial pick because it can then be used in every team fight, and has devastating effects if the enemy forgets about you for a second.

Maxing A and C (Inferior Path)

This path is used when you want to do more single target damage. The two shots fired by Sonic Zoom do more damage, but your bouncing shots do less. It is generally a better weapon path, but is only good for crystal Vox situationally.

Maxing A and B (You're a Moron... or a Pro)

Not upgrading your ultimate fully is generally a mistake. The cool down at level 2 is 60 seconds, and it does less damage. However, the reason some pros do it is because their enemies are smart enough to not get hit by Wait for It, rendering it less useful than your other abilities. As you are not a pro, I would strongly recommend you not taking this path.

Skipping an Ability Point

When I first heard about skipping an ability point, it was really hard to understand, so I'll try to explain it to you guys. Let's say you upgrade your abilities to level 6 in this order: B-A-B-B-A-Ult, which is what I demonstrated in the ability paths at the top. Doing this will leave you at level 6, with your A at level two, B at level 3, and ult at level one. However, you can skip upgrading level 5. By this, I mean you don't tap the upgrade button when level 5 comes around. Then, when you get to level 6, you have two ability points to use. What makes this special, however, is that one can be put into a fourth spot on one of your abilities. So, at level 6, you can have a level 1 A, level 4 B, and your ult.
This gives you a larger power spike at level 6, but sacrifices the second level of an ability for a level. While not always useful, if your team is functioning well in the early game this can give you the power spike needed to snowball.

Item Choices Top

Alternating Current, Broken Myth, and Eve of Harvest are fairly obvious item choices, so I won't explain those. However, I will explain why I chose the other items.

Journey Boots > Halcyon Chargers

I prefer Journey Boots over Halcyon Chargers because it allows you to run into and out of a fight. If you find yourself running out of energy, or you need the additional cool down, the do take Halcyon Chargers. However, you won't be able to run away as much, so be prepared to commit to fights.

Shatterglass or Frostburn?

Shatterglass provides slightly more power, so if you aren't doing enough damage, go with that. However, if someone keeps sticking to you and you can't do any damage because of it, Frostburn would be the better option.

Aegis, Crucible, or Metal Jacket?

I strongly recommend Aegis over Crucible or Metal Jacket. It provides a Reflex Block, which is very useful when facing lots of characters, while giving health, shield, and armor. Use Crucible sparingly, as it has a longer cool down. Metal Jacket is an option if the enemy is going double weapon carry, which happens much too often at this point.

Besides that, this has been the best build I've seen so far. Leave a comment if you have a suggestion.

Stages of Game / Obligations Top

Crystal Vox is meant to stay on the edge of fights, and deal heavy damage to unwary opponents. Don't try to 1v1 an opponent unless you are sure you can win. Vox does great in lane, where his enemies have to avoid minions to not get hit by his resonance. He takes a little while to get used to, but the rewards are great.

Beginning Game (0:00 - 8:00)

During the beginning of the game, you need to focus on out-farming your opponent. You should be getting about 2500 gold every 5 minutes. Rotate down to help your teammates if they are facing great early game heroes, or if the enemy laner rotates down. This allows you to buy something from the shop as well. Make sure to buy a scout trap on your first jungle rotation, and place it in your bush in lane - far enough back so that it won't be triggered. This can easily save your life from an ambush.

Mid-Game (8:00 - 15:00)

You should almost always be rotating down with your allies. Try to bring fights into corridors, so the enemy has to group up, and then use Wait for It. Still use Sonic Zoom to kite your enemies, and keep on the edge of fights. Remember, one well placed ult can easily reverse an entire team fight.

Late Game (15:00 - End Game)

Any team fight at this point can decide the whole fate of the game, as the Kraken is up. You should still stay consistently powerful at this point in the game, but make sure you have an infusion.

Conclusion Top

In conclusion, Vox is one of the most dangerous characters on the Fold. As long as you stay on the edge of fights, this build should win you most games. Make sure to stay away from assassins, like Taka. If you lock in Vox during draft, this is immediately going to be going through the head of every enemy Taka main:

Parting Thoughts and Credits Top

This was my first guide, and a relatively short one. I did assume you guys knew a few things, so comment if you don't understand something. If you guys try it out, tell me how it works! Thanks for reading!

Also, a quick thanks to AzureAbsolution for being my human spell checker and helping me with some tips. Thanks!

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