Threat |
Hero |
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No Threat |
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Joule |
Joule is a hero dependant on landing abilities and hitting you while you are unprepared. Vox's natural mobility counters this. If you see her jump, or her ult, just use sonic zoom, and you'll get out of there fast. |
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Adagio |
While laning, this is a terror to avoid EARLY GAME. During late game, you can silence him, use your gapclosers, and out damage him. |
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Celeste |
As all fights between siblings go, the one who dodges more, wins. As with Joule, just dodge her abilities with Sonic Zoom and you will succeed. Despite this, watch out for her zoning ailities, as they can cut off your positions. |
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Ardan |
Your dad is only a danger because of his gauntlet. As he rises into the air, Sonic Zoom or Boots out of the area. After that, your dad is toast. |
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Skaarf |
As with adagio, he is very dangerous early game, but not really end-game. Your barrier and EoH from basic attacks will negate his fire damage, which is the only danger he poses to "squishies" such as vox or celeste. |
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Petal |
Petal's range is her only upside. Low health, barely any armor/shield, she is just a fluffy flower easily countered by Vox's barrier and EoH. Constantly use sonic zoom to get in close and prevent her range from kiting you. |
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Vox |
Whoever has the better build will win. If he is CP, it will be much harder, as his ult can destroy your health. |
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Ringo |
With a powerful slow, and a dangerous ult, watch out for ringo. He has a longer range than you, but has lower health. As with petal, your barrier and EoH will prevent most of the damage, but watch out for his ult, it can be the finish to a hard 1v1. |
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If using a weapon build, avoid when spun up. If he isn't spun up, then engage. But beware. If you don't have defensive gear, then kite A LOT, as the damage only increases. With CP Saw, focus on staying out of range of his shank ability. |
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Glaive |
Glaive is a tanky weapon fighter with a stun than shoots you backwards, into a possible teamfight, where you are more useful, but also more prone to huge spikes of damage, which can cut your health down quickly. |
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Catherine |
A tough hero who can change a 500 damage ult to a 40 damage ult with her B move, she is a dangerous person to worry about in teamfights. If she hits you with Merciless Pursuit, it's over. Just accept it. |
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Koshka |
With her heroic perk serving as a gapcloser, and possessing a dangerous stun ability, watch out for Koshka. This pussycat will cut your health to nil using the aftershock combo. Kite at all costs, and do not let her basic attack you. It will just power her up. |
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Krul |
With lifesteal left and right, this is the one character that can sustain through your intense end-game damage, Krul is a nightmare. When invading the jungle, always bring a support or a tanky fighter with you, as Krul could be sitting in a bush right next to you, just waiting for the right moment to ambush you. |
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Taka |
With guaranteed critical strikes just granting him speed and lifesteal, a quickly cool-downed ult that cancels your barrier, and being the most bursty character in the game, watch out for Taka. If he becomes invisible, use pulse to reveal him and keep track of him. If a taka is on the opposing team, I would recommend carrying a defensive item. |
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