Pros and Cons: Top
Ringo's one of the decent laners now, not the best, but far from the worst. Most people think his early game sucks. It's actually not that bad, it's just that his late game is better. Here are some Pros and Cons to Ringo:
- Quite mobile
- Good lane harass
- Passive helps him consistently farm
- Great single-target damage
- Strong slow, good for setting up ganks
- Item dependent
- No hard CC
- Not much multi-target damage, just the splash damage from his ultimate
- Channeling his ultimate leaves him vulnerable
- Low base movement speed, get boots ASAP
Item Strategy: Top
Most of the time you'll want to start with Spawn Items 1 for early game damage, but if you are against a SAW or a Petal who will poke you a lot, go for Spawn Items 2. It will help a lot for sustain in the lane so you can farm up to the items you need.
Sprint Boots should be your top priority. Ringo has a very low base movement speed compared to other heroes.
Always get Tension Bow first, as it is a cheap item that will improve your quick burst/harass against your lane opponent, which is what you want as a Ringo. Upgrade to Travel Boots, as always, and then go for Sorrowblade for a significant power spike. Next comes Tornado Trigger, since the attack speed is great and you get some more crit chance. Usually you'll want to get a defensive item next like Aegis, which is a great item for squishy laners like Ringo. Last is Tyrant's Monocle for even more crits and then Journey Boots.
Tips for Developing Ringo Players: Top
- Don't try to all-in your lane opponent at low levels. Just go for quick, short trades and eventually you'll come out on top.
- Usually you'll want to hit the enemy later with your passive and immediately pop your A ability on them. The slow will prevent a lot of retaliation damage from them.
- If the minions start attacking you, walk into the TOP brush of the lane. The reason for this is because it's in the middle of the lane you can apply more lane pressure by forcing them back. This position can also save you from ganks.
- If you are behind, just focus on farming. Your passive should make this easier.
- Because Ringo is item dependent, each full damage item he gets will significantly increase his power. Ringo is also a great snowballer due to this.
- If your jungler is near the lane, but did nothing to help you when you die, don't ping them or blame them. It's not their fault, it's usually a mistake you made, and besides they probably couldn't have done much about it. Just thought I'd put that in there. Basically, don't rage when you die. Think about what you did wrong and focus on the game. A key tip in general if you want to become a better player.
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Thanks, Ninja7911
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