Overview Top
Koshka is one of the easiest heroes to learn due to her straightforward yet powerful skillset and perk. She also has the power to invade the enemy jungle ( unless of course, Petal ;_; ). So here is my build that I personally feel is the best possible build for Koshka.
Note: I will make this as simple as possible so it can easily be learnt by newer players. Also, it's hard to write on my small phone so apologies for that. :)
Skills Top
A (Pouncy Fun)
- Use this mainly as a gap closer and a way to escape the enemy team by locking onto a jungle minion, a lane minion, or a weaker enemy, such as the captain (also known as the roam).
- Max this overdrive second after Twirly Death (B) because:
1. Her B offers more powerful early game confrontations, invade and jungle clears.
B (Twirly Death)
- Max this skill first because not only does this skill deal AoE damage, but it also gives you a few seconds of extra speed+extra damage on her next 2 attacks whenever you need it.
Ult (Yummy Catnip Frenzy)
- Arguably, you can either max this skill or her A. But here are the following reasons why most top tier players pick A and B over her B and Ult:
1. You'll use her A and B more throughout the entire match.
2. Her ult will still stun unless interrupted or blocked.
3. In teammatches, her A and B are her main sources of damage.
Early Game - Mid Game - Late Game Top
Early Game
: Get 2 Crystal Bits and a Halcyon Potion to ensure maximum damage early game.
: Go for an early jungle invade (preferably with other heroes that have a very strong early game presence, such as SAW and Lance). Every teammate should go into the enemy jungle and attack the enemy heroes. Usually, this will ensure you at least 1 kill, 3 at most.
: After the invade, farm as much as you can and help out in eliminating the enemy carry whenever she gets too close.
: Get tier 1 or 2 defences, depending if the enemy carry or jungler is doing huge amounts of damage against you.
Mid Game
: Things start getting more complicated in this point of the match. Every hero will get their ults. Heroes who dont have stuns or silences in their first 2 abilities get it in the form of their ult (Gwen, Koshka, Krul, Catherine, and many more). Anyway, farm as much as you can. By the time they everyone reaches level 6, you should be level 8 to have an advantage. The enemy jungler will most likely use the same tactic, so be cautious.
: By now, you should have rushed an aftershock as this can help you sustain better againdt enemy heroes. Aftershock pairs really well with Koshka because her abilities have low cooldown.
Late Game
: Team fights will happen more often in this part of the match. By now, you should have at least Aftershock, Broken Myth, Tier 2 Boots, and 2 Tier 2 Defences.
: Use your ult against the enemy that is dishing out the most damage. Then try to target him only to ensure a kill. Then eliminate the remaining damaging hero (jungler or carry).
Ending Top
So I guess that's it. Thank you for taking the time in reading my Koshka Guide and I hope this guide will help improve and possibly hone your skills on the way to Vainglorious Gold.
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