Koshka 2.0 the Shatterglass Queen by DecayMembrane

Koshka 2.0 the Shatterglass Queen

By: DecayMembrane
Last Updated: Feb 15, 2017
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Build: Ability Path

Ability Path

Heroic Perk
Pouncy Fun
Twirly Death
Yummy Catnip Frenzy

Threat Meter

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Threat Hero Notes
Baron Koshka's speed makes it easy to dodge his Porcupine Mortar.
Lyra Easy to kill. Abilities are fairly week.
Fortress Quite easy to kill although his wolves can seek you out and expose your whereabouts.
Skye Easy to avoid Forward Barrage and Death From Above.
Phinn Easy to dodge his Quibble and Forced Accord. High health allows him to survive onslaughts, so stack up the Crystal damage.
Ardan In the early game, his Blood for Blood does a good amount of damage, but he is less dangerous in the late game. Watch out for his Gauntlet, as it can stun you.
Vox Vox's resonance can detect you if you are near, make sure to take him out first. He is fairly weak.
Joule Easy to dodge her Rocket Leap and Thunder Strike. Don't Leap on you though.
Samuel Samuel's Malice & Verdict has a far range and will kill you from afar if you are low. His Drifting Dark will also do damage and hard to avoid. He will try to control your movement with it.
Adagio Heals his allies, and if you are near such healed hero, you will be slowed and take damage from his arcane fire. So be warry, but still killable. Easy to dodge his ult.
Skaarf Spitball and Goop has the potential to deal massive amount of damage. Goop can slow you down too.
Lance Watch out for his Impale and Gythian Wall, as you can be rooted, or stunned. But over all he does not do too much damage.
Kestrel Has the potential to deal a lot of damage and even stun you. Watch out when she goes invisible.
Gwen Gwen's Buckshot Bonanza can slow you and Skedaddle can let her walk out of kasha's ultimate. Low Health though.
Alpha She can use Prime Directive to chase you. Watch out for Termination Protocol, as it does alot of damage and will regenerate her health.
Celeste Low Health, but does massive crystal damage. Watch out for her range and super novas.
SAW Hard to escape Suppressing Fire, and does alot of damage no matte which damage he builds. Stay hidden and pounce on him or use Yummy Catnip Frenzy to stop him while your team mates do damage.
Glaive Able to deal massive amount of damage and his afterburner can knock you to the enemy team for them to finish you off or into their turrets.
Blackfeather Able to slow Kosha and he easily heals. Watch out as he can be annoying with his constant attacks, makes it hard to flee.
Krul Easy to escape, but does massive damage and will most likely try to slow you. His ult, From Hell's Heart, can stun you and do alot of damage. Avoid 1v1 battles.
Reim Low mobility, but is able to slow and root you. Avoid 1v1 battles. Does more damage over time.
Taka Take can deal a huge amount of damage and sneak up on you or escape when you are about to kill him. Use flares to counter him. But be warry as he keeps up when you flee.
Idris If this hero is building crystal power, his Chakram can deal tons of damage if you did not build any defense, he can also teleport and can be very annoying.
Ozo Like Krul, he can regenerate his health when fighting. This monkey is more deadly as he can use his Acrobounce to catch up with you and does alot of damage.
Catherine Cathrine is the Queen of Stunns, stay away as far as possible since her Merciless Pursuit will stun, along with her Ult, Blast Tremor. Even her second ability, Stormguard, is used to burn all melee heros such as our beloved Koshka. Best way to shut her down is with Yummy Catnip Frenzy whilst with your team to back you up.
Petal Petal's munions can slow you down and deal tons of damage. She can also keep up with you.
Koshka Koshka VS Koshka is always a Crystal Damage battle. With this build you should be able to destroy her 1v1. Not recommended for new players to engage in a battle.
Rona Rona's fast attack and heavy damage can kill you almost instantly. Her Red Mist blocks most attacks and allows her to heal quickly so get out when used.
Ringo Low health and easy to ambush. Be wary of his Achilles Shot, as it will slow you down and Hellfire Brew can finish you off,
Flicker Can provide vision for the enemy team of you without you knowing. His root and slow are also extremely annoying. Worst of all, with his ultimate, Mooncloak, the whole enemy team could be next to you without you knowing.



Did you know that the word "Koshka" means female cat in Russian? Vainglorys´ Koshka, is an in-your-face assassin adept at getting the kill and then getting out. She should focus on assassinating weak targets and locking down the most lethal enemy.

Beginner Guide to Koshka

For beginners, play with bots and slowly increase the difficulty until you are familiar with Koshka's abilities. Your main job is SHUTTING DOWN THE ENEMY! Remember, to stay hidden while your team is putting pressure on the enemy. When you are SURE you can strike them down, run out or use Pouncy Fun to gain distance to your target. When you are smack next to them, use Twirly Death and make sure to keep target with the enemy. It´s not the initial ability that makes Twirly Death so Deadly, but the two Basic attacks that fallow up, they are the key to your build. So don´t forget to spin!

Begin the game by entering the jungle. Build your Ingame level and slay jungle minions for as many coins as possible. When you hit Ingame level 2, level your Pouncy Fun to 1 and consider helping your laner to assassinate the enemy laner and get a kill in. Back off and keep in the jungle to level up and build your bank (Gamer Term for your coins).

Never Engage Krul or Reim because they dominate in 1 vs 1 close ranged battles (This means it is their specialty and they were made to withstand these close encounters)

Also be wary of Heros that have the ability to become invisible and sneak up on you while your hiding such as Kestrel, Taka, and Flicker. Her low health can leave her vulnerable when stunned or rooted, so always be on the move. Don't be afraid to retreat and get health.

It's always a good idea to carry a few Halcyon Potions around, just in case. They restore a fair good amount of health and over time heal more. If you run out, you can go into the jungle and kill Health Potion Minions, that when killed, grant the same effect as a single Halcyon Potion.

Detailed Explanation for Item build

Crystal Items
1) Aftershock compliments her Twirly Death because her next 2 basic attacks will deal 140% more Crystal damage and also Heal Koshka in the process from the life steal.

2) Shatterglass tremendously increases your crystal damage, including the next two basic attacks after using Twirly Death. Her ultimate, the Yummy Catnip Frenzy, will also deal massive amounts of damage.

3) Broken Myth gives an extremely high damage increase, amplifying her Crystal damage by 4% per second for nine seconds. When combined with two Shatterglass's, the damage is quite extreme, stacking Damage to it's maximum. NEVER BUY BEFORE Shatterglass SINCE THIS ITEM ONLY AMPLIFIES CRISTAL DAMAGE.

4) Frostburn will slow your enemy with each attack, allowing you and your team mates to get more hits in. It will also increase Koshka's crystal power.

5) Alternating Current matches well with Frostburn as it will increase Kasha's attack speed, dealing fast and heavy damage, also increasing the rate of slow from the Frostburn. This item allows Koshka to quickly use her empowered attacks from twirly dearth. BUT THIS BUILD FOCUSES ON GETTING IN, DOING DAMAGE, AND GETTING OUT, so this item is not recommended.

Health Items
1) Aegis gives koshka the ability to block damage worth 25% of her missing health. More importantly it blocks ALL debuffs, meaning she can not be stunned when activated. This is best used when using Yummy Catnip Frenzy, because when used, she is vulnerable for a few seconds to all damage and stuns. This item is the upgrade from Reflex Block and also gives her extra health. You also receive +125 Shielding from Enemy abilitys. The cool down is only 35 seconds which is ESSENTIAL when leaping in, activating aegus, doing massive damage, and getting out :D .

2) Fountain of Renewal is an item that focuses on granting a huge amount of health over a short amount of time. When activated it gives 2 Health per % of missing health. BEST USED WHEN YOU or YOUR TEAM MATES ARE VERY LOW ON HEALTH. It will give you more health if your missing health is greater. It is important to have late game when the enemy team is stacked with damage. After "Getting out" and most likely being in the bushes for protection, she can heal herself and her team mates greatly. You also recieve +200 Max Health.

3) Metal Jacket is an interchangeable item in this build for if your enemy jungler is stacking on basic attack. The reason is that koshka is fragile to defense, if the enemy jungler stacks basic damage, they are more likely to target you and shut you down before you can destroy their lainer.

Your Job as Koshka

One of Koshkas main goals is to shut down the Enemy Laner. The laner is the hero, most commonly ranged, that is in the back doing mass damage to you and your allies. As an assassin and with this build, you are able to wait in a bush, target your enemy lainer, use puncy fun to draw yourself in closer, then use Twirly Death to slash away thier health.

After the laner is downed, you and your team should focus on the jungler or the main melee on the enemy team that is doing the most damage. Using Yummy Catnip Frenzy on the jungler will give your team enough time to destroy them, since you stun them in the process, and even if they are not able to kill the target, your final blow does a good amount of damage at the end of the stun.

The captain should not be able to shut you down while you attack the jungler since they focus more on support. The captain should ALWAYS be the last to be targeted.

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