Threat |
Hero |
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Kensei |
Don't worry about him, he gets banned all the time anyways. If you're going blind mode, let him wp jungle for your team and go cp carry. If for some reason you're up against him as Vox, get metal jacket after poisoned shiv. That's vox's only hope. |
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Adagio |
Adagio is a healer, poisoned shiv's passive shuts him down hard. |
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Celeste |
Vox's sister is easily dealt with midgame, but watch out for a stun-ult combo in late game. Reflex-blocking the stun will stop her from bursting Vox down. |
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Fortress |
Kite this doggo. Free Breaking Point stacks! Avoid getting caught out by him and his team. |
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Varya |
Easy to trade with her, easy to dodge her a, easy to win. Her glory days are long over. |
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Ardan |
Ardan is not too difficult of a roamer to deal with by yourself, but when he uses his barrier on an opponent, it can get messy. Make sure to trade if he tries to bully you out of lane, it can be a good idea to reflex his ult. |
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Flicker |
Good vision in your tri-bush stops him, as well as in the center of the Vainglory Logo in the middle of the lane. If all else fails, sonic zoom out of fairy dust. |
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Joule |
Block A, sonic zoom dodge B, build BP, win. She's out of the meta for a reason. |
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Krul |
Kite the undead warrior into oblivion. He'll thank uou for finally giving him peace. Watch out for ult and keep good vision. |
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Lyra |
Can trap you easier than adagio, but same concept. Land mortal wounds and win. |
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Petal |
The one hero I would recommend CP Vox for. Still burstable on wp, play it safe until you have two t3 items, then you can fight her. |
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Phinn |
Free Bp stacks, if somehow Phinn leads the charge. Block or dodge the quibble after he ults. |
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Reim |
Laugh at him as you kite him to death. Sonic zoom dodge A, reflex ult. Ez. |
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Skaarf |
Like Samuel, dodge at an angle towards him and trade. His threat is so low because you shouldn't get hit by spitfire. |
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Baron |
Baron isn't the meta-defining force he once was, but if he gets ahead in items, he can snowball. Trade with him after you get poisoned shiv. |
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Catherine |
A smart Catherine can use her bubble against you and send back some damage off a crit. Be wary of this. Echo Cath is also annoying, be ready to reflex block. |
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Koshka |
Make it to the late game, block ult and get your bp stacks. Koshka is a burden to her team unless you miss the block on ult. |
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Lorelai |
Moving around makes her skill-shots difficult to land. Watch out for her using ult on her jungler. |
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Ozo |
Block ult and land mortal wounds on him, he will be easy to deal with. Watch out for third bounce. |
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Baptiste |
If Baptiste gets close enough, he can be hard to deal with. Reflexing his Ordained is generally a good idea so he cannot land an empowered Bad Mojo on Vox. One thing I see all the time is players walking into the wall of Ordained. This is a bad idea! Just wait for the wall to go away, then run/kite. This is also a good time to build breaking point stacks. |
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Glaive |
Good vision shuts down Glaive, and blocking aftershock is also helpful. Vision helps block it too. Build up BP (breaking point) and win. |
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Grumpjaw |
Block the A, build up BP, Win. If you miss the A block or if he atlases you, it gets a lot more difficult. If you can block atlas pauldron, by all means block that. It is way more beneficial to block. |
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Kestrel |
Easy to dodge arrows and then trade. Watch out for wp, which doesn't always have to land glimmershot. |
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Lance |
Generally easy to deal with, but a lance main can roast you if you don't predict his B ability. Be ready for an impale. |
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Ringo |
Vox is just...better. In every way. You should have no problem beating him late game (unless he has an item advantage). |
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Rona |
Not too hard to beat, sonic zoom after her a ability and land some free basic attacks. Get her to a point where she is low enough to engage. |
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Skye |
Same as Samuel and Skaarf. Weapon might be able to trade with you if they have an item advantage. |
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Vox |
Don't have much to say here. Could be easiest or scariest hero to deal with, it all depends on who has better mechanics. You beat him head-to-head if he's cp tho. |
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Blackfeather |
Wp Blackfeather is hard to deal with in midgame, but if you make it to the late game, you can easily trade blows with him. Probably not best to fight until you have breaking point. |
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Churnwalker |
Smart Churnwalkers can destroy Vox if they have team coordination. Best counter is probably to have vision. Knowing where he is and if he'll chain you is vital, as blocking his ult is quite difficult. |
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Can be hard 1v1, but just pick stuns. Call up a team member and win. You don't really have to kite him ever. |
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Taka |
Smart takas will take advantage of you if you don't have vision. Once you get your first monocle, don't be afraid to fight him. Let him engage, then surprise him with a burst of damage. You should be able to win that first monocle fight. Until then, trade a little, but be cautious when he gets his aftershock. Get your items, then fight him. Use vision to track him down as he runs away! |
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Alpha |
Alpha is a nuisance to Vox in the early to mid-game after she gets level two. It's best not to pick a fight with her until Vox gets his first monocle. |
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Gwen |
Can be a tough matchup once she gets tension bow. Best thing to do is have a jungler that can solo jungle and have someone babysit lane until Vox gets items. |
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Idris |
Vox wins WP, kite and trade. CP forces you to save sonic zoom to dodge Chakram, and an Idris main will know how to maximize basic attacks to harass you. Get a tank like ardan to counter-harass |
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Samuel |
Good samuels are always annoying, and will generally land one of two malice and verdicts. Dodge at an angle towards him when he is not in drifting dark and has no allies nearby. Trade, then win the fight. |
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Tony |
Watch out for his early game after tension bow/sorrowblade. If you're alone in lane, you probably won't win early game. Late game, kiting is essential. |
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Grace |
Grace is imo the best roam in the game. She has the best matchup against Vox for a roamer, able to slow him and instantly atlas pauldron simultaneously. A good Grace can pull this off easily. Best initiator, great support, and a really good tank. Be wary of her, best not to pick into grace. |
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Malene |
I don't have much experience against Malene, but she is scary in the right hands. Really slippery and can definitely outplay you if it comes down to 1v1. Be careful, definitely dangerous. |
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Reza |
The single biggest threat to vox. Really strong with aftershock right now, and if vox isn't prepared, vox is dead. His strongest point is your weakest. Be very, VERY cautious until late game. |
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No Threat |
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