Threat |
Hero |
Notes |
1 |
Ringo |
You should own any Ringo in lane because, frankly, you should have much more trading damage than he does with your first monocle. |
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Petal |
You can out trade her. |
1 |
You can out trade him and kite him pretty easily. Engage when his passive is down and it will be a pretty easy fight. |
2 |
Vox |
You out trade him level one and you can push him out of Lane. This is the only matchup where I will say to play very aggressive. |
3 |
Adagio |
He can mess you pretty bad in,Lane if you aren't careful. Just grab a couple extra potions to survive his harass and you will be fine. |
3 |
Ardan |
You need to time yourself here. You HAVE to have block by level 6 or your screwed. |
4 |
Joule |
I would put her higher, but with silver you can pretty much dodge all her abilities. As long as you dodge her stun your good. |
4 |
Krul |
I would also put him higher as well; however, if you can kite him and block his ult he really isn't a problem at all because chances are you only need a couple of seconds to kill him. |
5 |
No Threat |
6 |
No Threat |
7 |
Celeste |
Celeste is nearly impossible to out push, and if she is any good, to out trade as well. Play safe and wait for your team or for her to make a mistake, like wasting her stun, before trying to fight. |
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Skaarf |
He has ridiculous range and even more ridiculous damage. This comes down to a skill matchup: dodge his stuff and win or get hit with everything and feed him 10 kills by 6 minutes. |
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Catherine |
Catherine is the embodiment of hitler, especially early game. If she is supporting the enemy then play safe near the turret and punish her when she tries to stun you. |
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Koshka |
Another hitler. She can build all tank and still burst you down. Like Arden, def get block early and try to time out her ults. |
10 |
Fortress |
He is impossible to get away from and can easily tower dive you. And unlike Catherine, even if you punish him he has insurmountable chase. Get boots early against him as well as a couple mines. |
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Glaive |
Glaive is even worse. With this build, if he gets you out of position you will die instantly. Get block as SOON as you can because his ganks can ruin your game. |
10 |
Taka |
Since the nerf to flare taka has had no counterplay except mine the shit out of your lane and play safe. Get block early, though chances are he will kill you anyway because for some reason her abilities make him invincible to auto attacks |
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