Threat |
Hero |
Notes |
1 |
No Threat |
2 |
Joule |
No reliable gap closer allows you to easily kite her and even if you get caught in her stun, you can easily kite away. |
3 |
Krul |
Kite him. You are faster then him if he doesn't have his passive up, so just watch out for his ganks and ult early on while laning. |
4 |
No Threat |
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Adagio |
Haven't faced any good Adagio, however 70% slow should be feared but without any speed skills you can easily kite him, while keeping him at bay with 1st. |
6 |
Glaive |
Depends on farm, a good Glavie that is welled farmed will target you in a team fight and wreak you before you can even kite however if you're ahead in farm you can easily kite him because of boots. |
6 |
Ringo |
May the best Carry win. |
7 |
Koshka |
Never had troubles with this match up, just shut her down pre-frostburn and remember to use 1st after she jumps on you to gain some kiting distance. |
7 |
One of the easiest farming phase you will have however late game Saw will be able to delete you and your whole team with 2nd, Ult and Tyrant combo. Get allies to stun him to stop his spin up (Catherine, Koshka etc.) but if no one can stun, hit him with that long range ult and wait him out. |
8 |
Petal |
This is one hell of a annoying match up since she out ranges you, you gonna get harassed alot in lane so play passive early on and buy pots. Late game you should be able to take her. |
9 |
Catherine |
One of Ringo's worst nightmares. A gap closer and a stun in one skill, one of the best defensive skills and a silence which along with her stun add to her passive every hit. Try to shut her down early game though coordinated ganks and invades with teammates. |
10 |
Taka |
I hate facing Taka so much. His ablity to stick to you with his ult and 1st while also during team fights kaku into the team and delete you. If you ever face a Taka hope to god that he is not experienced and buy flares and mines (best spot is under the kraken IMO). |
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