This is a very unique build, you don't normally see a support glaive. But we underestimate his natural tankiness and his utility on the halcyon fold. To start the game, grab an iron guard contract and head on over to the bottom jungle camp, ignoring an enemy invade, and waiting a few seconds after minions spawn so you don't get ambushed by the other team. Farm and stop at the shop frequently, head up the lane at least every other rotation through the jungle, this help your laner immensely. Try to land your aft urn on the enemy laner. Here are some after burning tips! Don't initiate with the ability, walk a couple meters towards them or into the other bush before using it, make sure you are behind and send the enemy right into your teams hands! Even if you can't kill them, they should be low enough to give your laner a good advantage. By about 4 or 5 minutes you should have your dragon heart, boots, hourglass, and maybe your energy battery. Ag 8 minutes complete your crucible and by 11-12 minutes maybe a few minutes later you should have your clockwork. Now you can start picking team fights, since you are the initiator! Blast the weakest enemy into your teams line of fire, normally the laner or jungle carry. Use your bloodsong in the middle of it all and then your twisted stroke on whoever is left, primarily the damage dealers like taka, Celeste, ringo etc. keep farming! Many players will want to do nothing but pick fights and lose out on farm that could give you the big advantage. The rest of the game should be left to farming and getting objectives until around 20-22 minutes where team fights are a must. Never wander alone in the jungle and stick with your team. Use your support items and abilities wisely, and see you one the halcyon fold!
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