Tips on Building the Tank Top
Tank Glaive is a really solid support with lots of utilities that can help you teammates and annoy the heck out of your opponents.
You may have noticed I skipped the stormguard banner in the item list and went straight for the warhorn. This just means that get warhorn ASAP after getting 1 or 2 tanky item(s). The tank item does NOT have to be in its final tier yet. Look at the next paragraph for help with that. I recommend that right after getting an ironguard contract that you get tier 1 boots right after.
Get a coat of plates mid-game and/or a kinetic shield depending on what the other team is building: If most of the team is building weapon, get a light armor into a coat of plates, and eventually an atlas pauldron or metal jacket, it doesn't really matter. If they are building mostly crystal items, lean towards an aegis. If the items are dispersed, lean towards a crucible and/or a fountain. Tank glaive is flexible.
I recommend building void battery because so that you can keep using your afterburn. Afterburn will be used a lot so that your team can keep demolishing your opponents when they try to escape, and Afterburn takes up loads of energy.
Tips on Being the Tank Top
In the early games after you clear the jungle with your partner (hopefully you have a solo lane, dual jungle setup), if the opposing laner(s) on the other team are pushing too far or are running away because they have low health, there's your chance to gank. GANK GANK GANK.
With your jungle partner, in the early games, travel together and hit the minions, but let your partner get the last hit. Both of you get get gold from it.
Your afterburn is the main reason why tank Glaive is so amazing. you can push opponents into your opponent. Also, since you only have tier 1 boots, use your afterburn strategically to escape through walls. If the fast heroes catch up again, just push them back. It's the ultimate plan.
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Please. Don't be a pen15 and leave a bad comment. It's my first time doing a guide and I barely play this tank Glaive. Please don't be too harsh and leave constructive criticism. Tell me how I can improve the guide. Thanks for reading and enjoy the trolliness of the troll Glaive!
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