Threat |
Hero |
Notes |
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Baron |
Who is this??? Never seen him being played. |
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Ardan |
Reflex block Gauntlet. NO THREAT |
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Joule |
Walk out of beam and reflex block jump, EZ life NO THREAT |
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Reim |
Reflex block the stun and he will not be able to catch up. NO THREAT |
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Too slow to do anything, poke form afar NO THREAT |
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Krul |
Reflex block stun and bboots if he comes from a bush. NOT REALLY A THREAT |
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Ozo |
Reflex block Bangarang and stay out of range of leap. EARLY THREAT(ish) |
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Alpha |
Do not get slowed, otherwise ez life(do not get hit by ult either).EARLY TO MID THREAT(unless you are good and dodge then NO THREAT. |
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Celeste |
It is the long battle of the mages, so who wins. Skaarf. More range, more damage(arguable but Skaarf ulti is just insane, and goop does more than Core Collapse, actually only Heliogenisis and Spitfire are arguable) only a bit less mobility/ escaping(Celeste has Core Collapse to stun chasers). So yeah
EARLY TO MID THREAT(cause Skaarf is complete shit early, and meh mid) |
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Fortress |
Have not seen him being played in like, 2 patches, no jk but not really a threat, BUT MAKE SURE TO STAY OUT OF RANGE OF THE LEAPY THINGY. LEAPY THINGY THREAT |
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Phinn |
Reflex block the drag and you are set NO THREAT |
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Ringo |
Poke him from afar, but be careful because he can dodge then try killing you. ONLY A THREAT IF HE CAN HIT YOU |
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Adagio |
You outrange him so try to poke him. If he boots to you there is probably a gank(maybe not but still) use your boots to run away. His late game is... worst than yours. EARLY TO MID THREAT |
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Lyra |
Watch out for teleportation and reflex block the snare and boots out. EARLY TO EARLY MID THREAT |
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Petal |
Spitfire will melt munions and goop will as well. Try to kill munions before they explode. EARLY TO MID THREAT |
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Rona |
Boots around the crater thing and kite her THREAT IF SHE LANDS THE CRATER ON YOU |
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Samuel |
Range is about same, but you do have a bit more, so try to poke him from afar, do not get hit by the two shots and ult him in big teamfights ONLY A THREAT IF HE CAN HIT YOU |
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Skaarf |
Depends on skill, will probably max B though HIGHER SKILL THREAT |
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Gwen |
Much stronger early game, stay on your side and dont try to basic attack to deal extra damage with FAN THE FLAMES(which i am going to call FTF) as she will Auto Attack you(AA) which deals more damage. Your stronger late game. EARLY TO MID THREAT |
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Idris |
1. Do not get hit by Chakram 2. Stay out of range of ulti 3. Do not let him get close by using dash thingy and stay far away EARLY TO MID AND EARLY LATE GAME(EARLY LATE GAME IS AROUND 20 TO 23 MIN) THREAT |
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Blackfeather |
Do not let him stab you, or poke you, or dashy thingy you, basically, boots the hell outta there, if he does catch up place your goop (on fire) right underneath yourself so he has to stand in it. MID THREAT(late just lifesteal plus kite and he is dead, and he can not stop ulti) |
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Flicker |
Ask your captain to put scout traps and boots if he slows you. ALL GAME THREAT |
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Kestrel |
Do not walk into invis trap and try to not get hit by glimmershots. Ask captain to place scout taps and flares(contraption) |
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Vox |
Vox can dash a lot so he will dodge a lot, focus him with ult and do not get hit by bounces. ALL GAME THREAT |
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Glaive |
PLZ stay away from the enemy brush, he will afterburn and kill you, so always stay at the top of the lane and on your side. EARLY TO MID THREAT(late game you can reflex block, but in mid game reflex block might be more important for big teamfights) |
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Lance |
Watch out for the impale and stay away from walls so you do not get stunned. ALL GAME THREAT |
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Skye |
Can easily dodge spitfire so kill her with ult, reflex block if the stun is about to hit you, try not to get hit by her AA as she will dash to you. ONLY A THREAT IF HE CAN HIT YOU(WHICH IS OFTEN) |
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Koshka |
OH GOD NOOOOOOO. I hate Koshka. She just leaps at you then spinny thingys you and BAM she has 2 extra move speed. Oh and did I forget the stun. At least its easily blockable. JUST A THREAT ALL THE TIME |
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Catherine |
CATHERINE!!! Your worst enemy. The best you can do is reflex block the stun(NOT THE SILENCE) as the stun will stop your ulti. Hope that your captain(IT IS A SUPPORT/ROAM, WHYYYYYYYYYY SEMC) blocks the silence. ALWAYS A FRICKING THREAT |
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Taka |
WP taka is meh, but cp taka will deal so much damage, ask captain for contraption and boots after he x retsus THREAT AFTER REACHING LVL 6 |
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