That's Not Catnip That's Grass: a Koshka Guide [2.7] by MagikarpUsedHyperBeam

That's Not Catnip That's Grass: a Koshka Guide [2.7]

By: MagikarpUsedHyperBeam
Last Updated: Sep 5, 2017
11 Votes
Build 1 of 1


Build: Koshka Build [2.7]

Ability Path

Heroic Perk
Pouncy Fun
Twirly Death
Yummy Catnip Frenzy

Threat Meter

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Threat Hero Notes
Skaarf GG easy
Celeste Punish her when she's not using helio to gain sight in bushes. Don't attack her if she has a bunch of helio balls around her, because all it takes is for her to stun you and she will burst you down.
SAW Don't attack him if he's spun up. He is too slow and he has no chance if has already burned his shank.
Ringo Easy to kill, but if you fail he will kite you.
Kestrel She isn't to much of a threat unless you're low health.
Koshka Easy if she isn't fed.
Taka He's hard to chase, because he can disappear.
Joule can be problematic
Samuel Don't get caught in his ult, and you should be fine.
Ardan You're basically screwed if he ults.
Gwen Gank her, so that she can't do anything late game.
Ozo He's sticky and hurts if they are a good Ozo.
Petal Do those eyes look like the eyes of mercy?
Phinn He can't be stunned, so don't bother. He's also hard to kill, but very slow.
Skye If your gank fails she will screw you up.
Glaive will burst you down if you get afterburned
Krul Will gain back his health faster than you could kill him.
Reim Tanky and hard to take down.
Blackfeather sticky af, don't get caught out by black feather.
Lance His CC and high damage (for a support) will screw you over, if you can't get away fast enough.
Lyra Don't get caught in her bulwark or you're basically screwed
Flicker His slow is annoying and prevents escapes. He is overall really nasty to deal with because if he is smart he will stick close to the carry as a way to prevent any ganks.

Table of Contents Top

Intro Top

Koshka what are you doing in that patch of grass? Wait, what are you eating? No stop, that's not catnip Koshka. That's grass.

So you wanna play Koshka. Do you like squishyness? Do you like ganking? Do you like kitties? And do you like the hips that can not lie? If yes to most of these thing then Koshka is the hero for you.

Please comment and vote as this is my first guide, and I want some feedback on anything that I did. :)

Abilities Top

Slot: Heroic Perk

Koshka gains 2 move speed for 2.5s whenever she deals damage with her abilities.

This is perk is basically what makes Koshka an assassin. It allows her to make get out when right after she kills someone, or when someone is chasing her.

Pouncy Fun
Slot: A

Koshka pounces to the target enemy and deals damage.
  • This ability resets her basic-attack cooldown upon activation.

This is Koshka's main form of initiation with enemy heroes. It can also be used as a way to disengage too.

Twirly Death
Slot: B

Koshka twirls, damaging all enemies around her.
  • Her next 2 basic attacks within 4s deal bonus crystal damage and have reduced cooldown.
  • Koshka gains barrier per enemy hero hit for 2s.
  • This ability resets her basic-attack cooldown upon activation.

Twirly Death is where Koshka is going to do most of her damage. Most of the damage won't come from the ability itself, but the two stacks that it grants Koshka. Each time Koshka does her twirly dance she gains two stacks. Those two stacks are consumed whenever she does a basic attack. These basic attacks that are using the stacks deal additional damage (in the form of crystal power) to whatever you're attacking. Many people mostly those who have never played Koshka or those that are low tier might build an Alternating Current. Don't build one, there's a faster way to use these stacks; which is to stutter step.

Yummy Catnip Frenzy
Slot: C

Koshka leaps at her target, then launches into a flurry of slashes, stunning the target for the entire 2.2s duration.
  • Koshka will stop slashing if the stun is blocked (by Reflex Block, for example).

This is the ability that completely locks down a kill. Yummy Catnip Frenzy has the longest stun duration out of any ability in the game. The downside is that you have to way to control the ult once you have activated in and used it. You can't do anything while Koshka is ulting except for using items. Another thing is that Koshka can get stunned out of Yummy Catnip Frenzy, so it is always smart to activate Crucible / Reflex Block / Aegis.

Ability Path Explanation: Twirly Death should be the first ability when starting the match. It has a fast cool down and allows Koshka to clear the jungle faster. You also want to take the overdrive on Twirly Death again because it is the main form of damage by Koshka. The next ability is Pouncy Fun. Pouncy Fun should be the next ability to be overdrived. Why? Why not upgrade Yummy Catnip Frenzy? Yummy Catnip Frenzy shouldn't be upgraded all the way because you get the 2.2 secs right off the bat, and with it's relatively long cool down it would be more effective to take the double overdrive as opposed to fully upgrading Yummy Catnip Frenzy.

Assassin Core Build: Top

The Assassin Core is designed to deal as much damage to enemies, then run away before you get killed. This build is effective against enemies that are extremely squishy, those that were to stupid to build any shield, and those who just have low mobility in general. the two Shatterglasses and will deal most of the damage, and if the enemy is smart enough to build shield the Broken Myth will be there to add in the pain. The Halcyon Chargers are to give Koshka good movement speed and to allow her to keep her energy levels up. Rush Shatterglass first then the Halcyon Chargers, and then just build in no particular order the rest of the core and the sit. / def items to take up the last two slots.

Anti-Tank Core: Top

The main point of this core is to help take out tankier heroes that might be on the enemy team like Ardan, Phinn, and Joule. This build revolves around an Aftershock as the main form of damage. Aftershock if you time the Twirly Death with the cool down of Aftershock allows Koshka to deal a significant amount of damage to tanks. Aftershock won't deal as much damage to squishy heroes, because it does additional damage based on the amount of health someone has. Next get Halcyon Chargers because why not. Then get Broken Myth because tanks tend to build shield, so yeah shield pierce. Then Shatterglass for more damage. Finally build whatever two items you want to build,that is necessary.

Lock Down Core: Kill Those Who are Slippery AF Top

Are you tired of those heroes that always just somehow get away from you. Well I have just the build for you. Rush Frostburn because it just slows anyone who tries to escape. Next build Halcyon Chargers because you can, but if you want all of the speed go Journey Boots. Next build Broken Myth, ha ha there's no shield for them now. Then build Shatterglass, because damage... yeah. If for some odd reason they still get away from you, build the least used item besides in all of VG... the Shiversteel. Seriously Shiversteel is probably not needed, but you never know.

Situational: Top

Clockwork: Nice for when you just want that extra cool down and the 35% CP boost that it provides.

Journey Boots: Nice for those moments when you have to really chase down an enemy.

Shiversteel: For when you really want to make an someone want to question why they were caught out of position.

Minion Candy: For helping push lane, or to give your already op crystal miner steroids.

Crystal Infusion: Get this when ever you sense a major team fight coming as this just boosts you.

How to play Koshka: Top

Koshka is... just Koshka. Koshka's kit makes her an early game hero. Late game, she kind of just dies... a lot. If she isn't fed on kills and CS early, then her late game just makes her a potato. She's one of those heroes that if she loses to much early game then she ded. But how is she played? She is best played by clearing farm, either by backward rotation or by a regular rotation. Then going over to the lane bush and wait until the enemy laner sticks their stuff out to far. Then jump on them and kill them. A good combo for this is to use your B, then A, AA, AA. If they haven't died by the time you get finish your second auto attack, then rinse and repeat the combo. If they are at their turret. Then don't chase them, What you could do is see if they are going towards the back of the turret, if they are... flank them, then turret dive. Make sure you either have boots or a reflex block so that you can escape the turret. Once you're at level 6 a different combo you can use is B, A, AA, AA, C, B, AA (or A), AA. This combo basically makes it impossible for the enemy to escape a gank. Also when leaving a lane use your B on enemy minions to give you a speed boost, and to help push the turret. After leaving lane go farm some more, then go gank again. When it comes around to team fights, the goal is to weave in and out. Throw off a few attacks then leave, then comeback and throw off a few more. Then start chasing the enemy when they are low on health. If any of the enemy team members are out of position punish them. You don't have to kill them (that helps), but if you manage to get them to go to base that is just as effective as killing them, because they are still removed from the teamfight.

Pros and Cons: Top

  • Mobile
  • High Damage
  • Has the longest stun
  • Her heroic perk makes her good for hit and run attacks

  • Squishy AF
  • Basically screwed if she gets rooted, or stunned
  • Easily shut down

Draft/Teams Top

Never pick Koshka into Flicker, you'll regret it. Unless the Flicker is stupid, there is very little chance for Koshka to get good ganks on lane. Flicker shuts down Koshka because his slow just allows the enemy team to beat Koshka up. If your unlucky to end up in match against Flicker the best way to counter him is byhaving good placement of vision. If you see him when you're about to gank, just wait till he leaves, burns his Fairy Dust, or don't bother ganking. Just go back to farming.

She's also a bad choice to pick Koshka into, although not as bad as picking Koshka into Flicker. Lyra is more of an annoyance than an actual threat. With update 2.3 Lyra got nerfed. Her Bright Bulwark is what mainly counters Koshka, when Lyra throws up her Bright Bulwark just wait it out.

Ardan isn't to much of a problem when he is alone, but when he is with his teammates things can become problematic. Make sure you have something like Reflex Block just in case he decides to Gauntlet, otherwise it will be next to impossible to survive for the duration of it.

Blackfeather will mess you up. He can and will, if he has the opportunity to chase you. Once Blackfeather starts chasing there is very little that you can do against him. His On Point makes it hard to kill him because of the barrier it provides. It is also hard to run away because On Point applies a slow, Feint of Heart keeps him on top of you, and Rose Offensive can dodge your attacks.

Skaarf can't do much against Koshka. Skaarf has no escapes from her. The only possible thing that could happen is that Koshka gets stuck in Goop, but it's easy for her to escape from that. Another thing that could happen is that the Skaarf manages to poke down Koshka, which could happen (but he's not fast enough to do it usually).


Fortress is a good roam pick for Koshka. When you have Fortress on your team expect to be making some aggressive plays since that's more Fortresses' style. Fortress can be used as a counter pick to enemies that can turn invisible like Kestrel. Fortress is also a good choice against heroes that have a poor early game. A team consisting of Koshka and Fortress are looking to secure as many kills as possible early game, and hopefully make it so that the enemy team cannot catch up.

Gwen is a good choice with Koshka because of Gwen's ability to provide a stun, and the small amount of CC that Gwen has too. Her poke is useful from her passive Boomstick helps a lot early game, because of how much health it can take chunk down at once. Also Gwen's slow from her Buckshot Bonanza helps to secure kills.

Phinn is just too slow, and he can't keep up with Koshka this can make it hard for Phinn to save Koshka if she get's caught out. He can also get in the way of Koshka's jungle clearing speed.

when isn't Ardan a good choice. He has CC, life saving abilities, and he can deviate slightly from his standard support path without getting his team punished for it. His Gauntlet can trap enemy teams so that they can't escape from Koshka, and he can keep up with Koshka fairly easily.

Skins: Top

Updates Top

"While Koshka is meant to be an early game powerhouse, she was a bit too overwhelming after picking up a few items." -Zekent
Twirly Death
-Empowered attack crystal ratio down from 140% to 120%

This nerf was implemented because Koshka is meant to be an early game hero. In 2.3 she definitely wasn't falling off late game like she was supposed to. So in order to keep her in her place they lowered her CP ratio so that it made her slightly weaker late game. If you are good with her though it is still possible to snowball with her early game.

Change Log Top

- April 5 created guide.
- April 11 added table of contents.
- April 12 made the ToC better, made abilities better looking,and added new chapter on match ups and synergy.
- April 14 finished synergy
- April 24 added Koshka update notes for 2.4 Hyped for that new Blackfeather skin.
- May 2 changed the ToC back button

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