Threat |
Hero |
Notes |
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No Threat |
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Adagio |
EZ win. |
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Baron |
(CP) Gets absolutely rekt, but don't let him jump. |
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Celeste |
Celeste is squishy as all hell, DO NOT let her get a range advantage, she can counter and kite any melee hero, close the gap with your dash and Blood Rush. |
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Samuel |
He can't kite you very well, don't get sleeped though. |
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Koshka |
Just Get ahead of items and pray they suck! -___- |
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Krul |
He can't take too much burst, keep your items and gold ahead. Buy a Broken Myth(ALWAYS). |
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Ozo |
Ozo can kill Koshka very quickly, the only way to fully counter a good ozo player is to build defence and keep ahead on items. |
5 |
Skaarf |
This little ball of scales is deadly, but if you stay out of his goop, he is useless. Skaarf can't take burst at all. |
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This guy is a punching bag for the kitty. When fighting a SAW, build an Atlas. |
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Taka |
He's annoying but easy to kill if you lock him down and get ahead in items. (MORE GOLD WINS GAMES) |
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Ringo |
Close the gap, when you start a fight with this guy, finish it, he is also squishy. |
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Vox |
Don't let him kite. Squishy as hell, can't take burst. |
6 |
Gwen |
Can do A LOT of damage. Do not waste Frenzy on her if you know she has her B up. Also squishy as hell. |
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Baron |
(WP) Stay with the team and focus him down. DO NOT LET HIM GAIN A RANGE ADVANTAGE. |
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Glaive |
After burn is a threat. Defence is needed in a fight with glave, do not underestimate his power. |
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Petal |
The kitty can rek this little flower pretty well, if she kites, it's over. Try your best to focus her and never the minions. Most Likely they will die from your B ability. |
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Lance |
Very similar to Phinn and helps lock her down in team fights. |
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Reim |
Reim needs to be countered with a team, be sure to burst down the laner before focusing Reim or you will look the team fight, do not let him touch you. |
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Kestrel |
Kestrel is a sponge, when she builds crystal = useless. Weapon on the other hand does damage, hard and fast. If you let her cover the map in mist, its a bad thing and a good thing. Loss of energy but, yet again it's unsafe. Stun and burst to kill. |
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Phinn |
Phinn keeps koshka from moving with his stuns and pulls. While Koshka gets stunned or pulled, her passive runs out of charge. |
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Skye |
Both damage paths for skye are lethal to the kitty. She kites and it's so hard to close the gap. If you can get on her than she's toast. |
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No Threat |
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