Threat |
Hero |
Notes |
1 |
No Threat |
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Adagio |
Anyway, Adagio shouldn't be too strong, stay away from minions and him. |
3 |
Krul |
Its good to stay away from brushes as that is not good for you. His Passive+Q will easily grant a gapcloser but your kiting is strong. Just dodge that ult |
3 |
Skaarf |
His harass is interesting. Best to stand behind minions as his harass in that senario has a longer Cooldown. Don't get close if your on fire since it does lots of percent damage |
4 |
No Threat |
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No Threat |
6 |
Ardan |
Havent versed an Ardan yet however I doub't his ganks are strong early on. Should have Aftershock byAnyway, Adagio shouldn't be too strong, stay away from minions and him. |
6 |
Celeste |
She is a bit of a lane bully, especially at 9. Good thing you should have your Aftershock by 6 |
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Catherine |
Catherine's stun is strong, stay away from brushes as she is very likely to set up kills. Use deeper Scout Traps to watch out as information too late can also lead to death. |
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Joule |
She is a strong ganker but also a hard ganker, watch out for that obvious jump and then dodge everything with Twirling silver, may be harder than you may think depending on the skill level of the player. |
7 |
Petal |
Her range is alot further than yours, when she is farming then poke, if you do poke then you should buy a quick Void battery as her regen is OP |
8 |
Glaive |
Ganks are lethal when you dont expect it. Important to be safe early on. Stay away from the jungle side if you don't want to buy Scout traps |
8 |
Koshka |
jeebus her ganks are strong early on. Get a quick Reflex block to not get ulted and stunned, early her damage is also good as she has good damage early on. Watch out for a snowballing koshka btw |
9 |
His DPS is insane, however your poke is stronger than his. Dodge his Suppressive fire and use your Q+Auto attack to harass him in bursts |
10 |
Ringo |
His DPS is insane and his damage peaks at the same time as yours, after first item. Good thing your spike is harder than his. However he has very consistent spikes, shut him down extremely early on |
10 |
Taka |
His ganks are terrifying as all his abilities are gap closers. Kite and run, however be careful of the CC the laner can provide |
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