vox is kinda of like koshka a hit and run hero. vox is fast and he is ranged so against melle hero he is a beast. actvating his B ability is the most inportant thing, beacause when you try to rum while using your A he will do damage. vox's A can dodge many abilities you just have to be aware of who your enimes are and what are they going to try to do. vox's ult might appear to be useless but if used correctly it can be the most effective ability he's got. the best way to use the ult is if you can euther get the most amout of enemies you can or in extreme cases to when going 1on1 to silence you enemi than use you A than refresh the sound waves with your B, fo that while charging into your enemy and you should win. when going against sneak heroes such as taka or flicker or glaive it is best for you to allways to left and wenever you can use your B to check on jungle to see if any enemys are there waiting to kill ya!. once you have finished your build, but the you still arent doing enough damage to win even though the enemy dosent have any defence just take out you second defence and so a bonesaw it will give you more speed and damage, but you will be a bit weaker so you will need to be a bit more carefull on what you do
early game Top
vox is better at late game so early game can be pretty difficult. the best thing is to play it safe and stay by your turrent in the top at all times. speed is everything for vox but too much speed and no damage its useles so buying both speed and damage at the start is better. vox uses his abilities a lot ao potions are also angood thing to have. dont worry about getting battery at the beginning it is more of a late game item. speed is also good for vox so he can chase down enimeis you should buy boots after getting at least a tornado trigger.
late game Top
late game is when vox truly the best. if you do the build correctly you will be a really usefull hero for you team while also bean strong by yourself. when you finished build should have at least 3 weapon items one for attack speed, one for demage and one for critical chance such as monacle. if you see that you arent doing anough damage and the enemy team has armor breaking point should be just fine. husk is always good to have for vox cause he is very weak on health so jusk will help you put a lot specially if they get the jump on ya with a strog hero. halchyon charger are the boots you want to get, they will do the job of two items in one its just great. if you see that enemies with CP or WP are giving you a lot of trouble buy a defencs for the one that is the stronguest
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