Threat |
Hero |
Notes |
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Ardan |
Normally a very good captain, bad luck against you. His ult is useless as it just makes his Team go aggresive and you take out their carry (P.S Ult on carry when he runs back = no stun by ult) (~90 Winrate) |
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Baptiste |
Be careful of stun -> other then that wreck him (~95% Winrate) |
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Baron |
Squishy, Squishy ... don't get nuked and you are fine (~90% Winrate) |
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Celeste |
Squishy, Squishy ... don't get nuked and you are fine (~90% Winrate) |
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Flicker |
Make Team overextend frequently, make sure enough wards are around and win the game (~90% Winrate) |
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Glaive |
Make sure not to get bursted by the crit version. If he jums you just jump his carry at the same time kill the carry before Glaive reaches you (~90% Winrate) |
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Grace |
Grace is one of the easiest opponent captains. Your mobility makes her stun pretty useless against you.
Only be careful for her heal, while killing the carry/jungler(~85% Winrate) |
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Idris |
Show him who is boss (100% Winrate) |
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Koshka |
Kill her before she kills you. (~85% Winrate) |
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Reim |
Jump in and kill him -> Jump out of ult with Q or your ult. (~95% Winrate) |
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Reza |
Squishy, Squishy (~95% Winrate) |
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Skye |
You have to much mobility -> Easy game after the nerf, just burst her down (~90% Winrate) |
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Catherine |
Catherine is an easy opponent captain, she only has 1 stun (which can be dodged easily), and no good Team Utility (Heal, Shield).
Just kill the carry fast, then the jungler, then her. (~80% Winrate) |
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Ringo |
Squishy carry, jump him in Teamfights and kill him fast. (~90% Winrate) |
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Just take care not to stay in his Q if he is AP or relax in attack range if WP.
Solution always is kill him fast -> your burst will make him run (~80% Winrate) |
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Vox |
Early game is key - his is better then yours, try to farm safe and don't die due to over-extension. In lategame just jumo him and kill him before he even realizes. (~80% Winrate) |
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Grumpjaw |
Dont get eaten or bursted. (~75% Winrate) |
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Gwen |
Squishy, but high burst.
Make sure not to get stunned and kill her fast.
(~70% Winrate) |
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Kestrel |
Enough wards -> Easy game, you will burst her in seconds.
Not enough wards -> Tougher game, make sure not to get bursted by her first, if she starts directly engage and kill her fast.
(~75% Winrate) |
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Krul |
Don't 1 v 1 him !!!
Otherwise you are good, kill his team, avoid his ult, win the game.
(~75% Winrate) |
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Skaarf |
Skaarf can be really annoying too. Make sure to kill him before he ults, if he does it early stay out of the fight and then engage as it is over.
Burst him fast and you should be good.
(~70% Winrate) |
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Taka |
Taka is yet again a low HP hero. Make sure to burst him down fast. Dont let him reengage you multiple times until he can deal the killing blow.
(~70% Winrate) |
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No Threat |
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Alpha |
Evade her initiation spells!!!, then engage either her with spells on cooldown or kill her carry.
(55% Winrate) |
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Fortress |
Fortress can be one of the most annoying captains to face. His wolfes make it harder to engage (their damage kills your shield), in addition he deals a good amount of damage, in combo with his team this can kill you fast.
Try to to engage after the wolfes are dead, then try to kill whoever is close.
(~50% Winrate) |
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Joule |
Joule can be a pain in the ass, both AP and AD. Her AP Ult can be targeted right after you jump, be carefull and don't waste your mobility before the ult kicks in. Ad/Tanky she can burst you pretty quickly as well.
(~50% Winrate) |
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Petal |
Petal jungle can be very strong against you.
Try to knock him down fast or after he used his ult. Atacking him while he has ult on is far from fun.
(~50% Winrate) |
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Phinn |
Phinn can be really strong because of his high crowd cintrols capabilities and high HP.
If he pulls you, get the hell out of there fast, you want to decide when to step in not him. (~45% Winrate) |
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Samuel |
Samuel is one of the most scary AP laners or junglers to face, his early burst is enough to scare you and his late sustain + burst can be frustrating.
Make sure to kill him fast or in multiple engages.
(~50% Winrate) |
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No Threat |
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Rona |
She is basically your worst nightmare. She jumps you, and immediatly deals damage.
Dont try to fight her as first target, try to leave her aside and attack the ranged hero.
Buy armor early and good luck!
(~35% Winrate) |
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