Captain Lance with beautiful pants by Devork1

Captain Lance with beautiful pants

By: Devork1
Last Updated: May 13, 2017
1 Votes
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Build: Captain Lance.

Ability Path

Partisan's Technique
Heroic Perk
Gythian Wall
Combat Roll

Threat Meter

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Threat Hero Notes
Ozo Ozo's Acrobounce and bangarang are his only ways of getting to your carry, You can Gythian Wall him out of both even if you dont stun him. Ozo should find it next to impossible to get onto your carry with lance in the way, Enough monkey business Ozo.
  No Threat
Ardan Ardan doesn't pose to much threat to lance minus the movement speed from his shield, Lance can typically still deal good damage and root an enemy carry before the shield is used.
Catherine Catherine's moves are usually very obvious, she needs to basic attack to stun and lance can keep her away from his carries with good Glythian Wall placement.
Flicker Flicker unless played very well with his jungler and carry poses little risk to lance's team. Flicker needs to get on top of your carry to CC them, and lance can just smack him away. Get good vision and survive the early aggression and you'll have a much larger impact.
Adagio Adiago unlike Lyra's massive aoe heal, has a much smaller heal and offers more damage bonuses and a large aoe ultimate. This doesn't really bother lance because adiago has no way to keep Lance off him or his carries.
Baron Baron is a late game monster but if Lance is playing well Baron shouldn't have an easy time getting there with very limited fast mobility early on in the game.
Celeste Celeste has almost no mobility making her a prime target for an Impale, she can deal a lot of damage if she isnt bursted, but Lance can usually lock her down for her team to follow up
Joule Joule's Rocket leap can be stuffed out by Gythian Wall, and shes not very mobile outside of that, so as long as you dont let her thunder strike over and over, you should be ok to keep her off your carries.
Krul Krul is a lot like catherine in that he needs to run at your carries to get to them, a quick slap and he's back at the starting line, Be careful for From Hell's Heart, if he lands that on your carry and its not blocked, you wont be able prevent a few weakness stacks from getting onto your carry.
Ringo FEEHA! not many will understand that, but ringo doesn't pose much of a threat to your backline if you have an atlas (which you should) and you lock him down which he is a little quick but you should be able to combat roll and gythian wall him.
Rona Rona poses little threat to your backline as long as you save Gythian Wall for her red mist. You can keep her away from your carries pretty effectively.
Samuel Samuel isn't incredibly problematic, however after he gets Broken Myth can potentially stack up quite a bit on you because you're a large target who needs to reserve cooldowns for initiation
Baptiste Baptiste is very immobile so locking him down comes easily for lance, however Baptiste can counter a lot of lances advances by stunning him with Ordained.
Petal Petal is always scary to be against because of her insane damage output throughout a fight, however lance can prevent her ult from hitting anyone with a well timed Gythian wall, as well as his perk hitting all units in front of him with basic attacks, early on he can make quick work of the munions and shut her down.
SAW Saw is almost always in lane, so stunning him is usually very difficult, and he will dish out insane early game damage, with that said, you can usually save your carries from taking damage, but barring any super long range, most trades will just be you taking a lot of damage and saw taking very little as well as your carry. Just lock him down in coordination with your team and you should make quick work any time he goes to use Suppressing Fire.
Vox Vox is very light on his feet, so impaling him isn't the easiest thing in the world, however hes so squishy when you do land it he almost certainly going to be out of the fight or off the fold. Be careful he doesn't dodge around you and stack up, he will stack up a breaking point very quickly and start dealing enormous damage
Glaive Glaive can potentially slip through lance's fingers and get onto Lance's carries and displace them if reflex blocks aren't available
Fortress Fortress himself is not too dangerous towards lance's carries however, Fortresses movement speed bonus for his allies can turn a fight hectic and if you're not positioned well can decimate your back line before you can react.
Gwen Gwen using Skadaddle can scurry out of your CC, however your damage should be enough to force her on the defensive so your team can follow up.
Skaarf Skaarf is very immobile and easy to lock down, however if hes properly positioned, it will be incredibly difficult to get on top of him with your team being able to follow up, that being said, you can still catch him out and with combat roll Gythian wall him into a position closer to your team so they can follow up.
Koshka Koshka Poses a significant threat throughout almost the entire game to your carries Life bar, she's exceptionally mobile, and Yummy Cat nip frenzy can stop your carry long enough for the enemy team to collapse, You can keep koshka off your carry for the most part with good Gythian Walls and predictive Impales, but be careful, she'll dust you in a foot race, positioning is key
Reim Reim needs to get onto your carry in theory, however he will be perfectly ok spamming winter spire on you and get fortified health while chunking you and then journey boots onto your carry when you fall back, hes *Cool* with that, get it? yeah. But you can keep him away from your carry but be cautious of your health, he can push you back and heal with Eve of Harvest cause your a big guy.
Skye Skye is easy to lock down in certain corridors early on in the game, however later on Skye's Suri Strike will enable her to change position constantly making body blocking very difficult as well as dangerous as she almost always builds broken myth. be sure to fight in tight corridors and lock her down quick or she will melt you and your team.
Phinn Phinn due to his passive Won't be able to get locked down by Lance, as well as he can peel the Lance away from his carries.
Lyra Lyra can keep her carries healthy and thrives in a long fight, Lance typically wants to end the fight quickly and lyra with the right composition will make initiating very difficult. Also Arcane Passage can get onto your carry quickly without much you can do through Bright Bulwark
Grumpjaw Grumpjaw offers a lot of early game damage, however he should not be able to stick to your carry and use Stuffed to take them away with you near your carry. No kidnapping today Grumpy
Alpha Alpha can get onto your carries very quickly, so if youre not quick to intercept her or dive the enemy carry to take her away from yours, she will make quick work of your backline
Kestrel Kestrel is where she is in threat not because killing or locking her down is hard, its the damage she does to your carries before you can lock her down and your team follows up. Kestrel excels at poking for extremely potent damage, if you cant get on top of her before she gets off a few glimmer shots, you might just end up in a 2v3
Taka Taka can be a pain because of his mobility and ease of access onto Lance's back line. This can make lance look silly as he dances around slaughtering lance's team and slipping away.
Blackfeather Blackfeather is similar to taka in that he can slip through a lot of your CC and get onto your backline, very hard to lockdown or atlas
Idris Idris is a slippery fellow. He can either poke with his crystal build doing massive damage from a far, or dash quickly on to your carry dealing massive amounts of damage and Shimmer Striking making locking him down next to impossible
  No Threat

Basic ideas behind succeeding on the fold Top

[*] Crowd Control- This term is used for disabling abilities such as slows, stuns, roots, taunts and silences.
[*] Area of Effect(Aoe)- this term is for any ability or damage that hits in an area rather than a single target. Some examples would be Samuel's Oblivion, Adiago's Verse of Judgement and Lance's Impale. These abilities have the ability to hit multiple targets with a single use of the skill.

[*] Presence- Having a presence on the fold means that you are (in its most basic sense) doing something.
Presence means the enemy has to be on their toes, and respect your heroes abilities as well
as the ability for your team to converge and force a fight on your terms. Different roles
should be focusing on have slightly different goals when maintaining presence, these are a
few basic ideas to keep in mind when it comes to having a presence
*Carry- Presence means you are dealing damage while keeping yourself alive and away from danger.
*Jungle- depending on what hero you are, presence means you are doing damage or CC'ing (Crowd
Controlling) the enemy team, Sometimes both!. Of course not dying is quite important!
*Captain- Presence is staying in between the enemy team and your carry, forcing them to attack you as
well as CC'ing the enemy. Be certain if someone has to take damage from a tower or an
objective that it's you, as most captain builds will make them more durable than the other
roles. Some Captains can also buff their team members which i will get too
[*] Buffing- A buff is a bonus given to a hero from themselves or another hero for a short duration. A buff would be a movement speed bonus (such as fortress's True of the tooth), A damage bonus (such as Adiago's Agent of Wrath),and a shield (such as Ardan's Vanguard.)

[*] Map Control- With the use of scout traps and flares you can gain control of more of the map outside of your turret and Crystal Sentry. Having control denies areas of the map from the enemy due to them not having vision around the map. They can't risk traveling through area you have controlled if you are maintaining presence in the area. There are a few ways to open up the map to your team while making the map inaccessible to the enemy team. Scout Traps are vital in maintaining vision to open up your team to more effective rotations without physically being there or flaring which the enemy can see. Seeing your enemy without them knowing you can see them gives your team a large advantage because you can potentially catch them out by rotating with your team as they attempt to help their team.

Stick to the basics Top

Remember your job, Keep your team alive, especially your carry. Be certain that if someone is taking damage on your team that its you soaking up damage and Crowd Control so your team can dish it right back across the fold.

[*] Maintaining Presence on the fold- Having presence is something that Lance excels at in almost any team composition. Lance is incredibly durable and surprisingly mobile when it comes to keeping himself in between his carries and the enemy team. Keeping yourself in the fight for as long as possible is crucial when it comes to taking enemy fire away from your carries. Lance's C [Combat Roll] add's an extensive amount of mobility to Lance's kit, allowing him to roll a short distance empowering his next basic attack with Crystal Power. Lance can stay steadfast soaking up plenty of damage for his team while he delivers powerful early game damage and consistent crowd control across the enemy team.

[*] Delivering super hot fire crowd control- Crowd Control is Lance's middle name. Lance's A [Impale] is a relatively low cool down ability where lance lunges forward, rooting every enemy he hits for a short duration that scales with crystal power. Impale is an amazing ability with a massive reward of damage and crowd control when you strike an enemy. Impale sounds too good to be true however,it comes with a large cost if you miss, rendering Lance immobile for a brief delay leaving him vulnerable to anything the enemies choose to throw at him. Lance's B[Gythian Wall] is the ability you usually want to overdrive because of its passive granting you passive damage reduction making you a wildly large sponge. Gythian Wall's active Lance swings his shield knocking all enemies he strikes with it back, while leaving the shield out for a brief time he gains a large amount of damage reduction coming in whichever direction he chooses. Lance also will strafe around the last target he hit gaining damage reduction from the target direction by up to 50% (Yes his B gives him insane reduction!)

[*]Play to your strengths, you have quite a few of them- Lance can do well anywhere on the fold, however Lance can dictate an entire team fight in the jungle. Lance's impale is incredibly hard to dodge in tight corridors and opens lance up to do incredibly strong Crowd Control chains. Utilizing his Impale in combination with his Gythian Wall, Lance can group up and lock down the entire enemy team if they dare to fight him in his domain. Lance can do well in lane if you have a team composition that provides displacement outside of your Gythian Wall (Such as Glaive's Afterburn), otherwise you will usually not be able to chain your CC effectively enough to secure a kill.

Early Game Top

[*] Aggression- Lance is a very strong level one hero, both abilities being very potent at CC'ing multiple enemies at any point in the game. Whether you start A or B depends on if you plan on invading. Impale is much better when it comes to invading because of its damage and range level one, however Gythian wall will help your jungler or yourself take less damage from jungle camps by stunning them. I normally start Glythian Wall unless I have another hero that's incredibly strong level one and two, such as Koshka.

[*] passivity- Standing by and watching the game unfold is not something Lance should ever be doing, If you're watching your carry or jungler fight and take the brunt of the damage, you need to enter the fight swinging.However sometimes when you have a weak early game jungler such as Taka, you have to sacrifice some jungle camps because you can't risk a fight knowing you won't win.

[*] First 4 minutes- During this time you should be trying to pressure the enemy front camps, keep vision in their jungle entrances and be cautious of your carries position in the lane. It's important to deny the enemy jungler experience and keep them visible so you don't get surprised by their jungler, but keeping your carry alive and able to farm is far more important. You also don't want to miss out on too much ambient gold as that's almost the entirety of your income (Barring any camps you may steal away.) Lance excels in the jungle so invading with your jungler can usually relieve a lot of pressure off of your carry. Being aware is important, you don't want to get collapsed on by the entire enemy team as you're typically on their side of the jungle, so they rotate a lot faster than your carry can.

[*] Gold miner- If you're a Lance player, you absolutely love this objective. Gold miner is an objective that is worth the equivalent of a turret once fully charged. This objective is very good for Lance because it spawns in the jungle, forcing enemies to maintain vision control as well as stay ready to enter the jungle where Lance loves to fight. Once 4 minutes passes Lance becomes incredibly effective because the enemy has to respond to movement in the jungle or miss out on an immense amount of gold.

Mid-late Game Top

[*] Pre 15 minute mark- Lance's damage at anytime during this period is incredibly potent. Lance may be a captain but landing an impale onto the enemy carry with proper follow up from your team should result in a kill or force the enemy's fountain barring any interference by the enemy team. Depending on the composition Lance sometimes has to be very careful about using his impale at any stage of the game. If the enemy team has a lot of mobility or a lot of displacement, going for an impale my not be worth it as if you miss, your carries don't have a captain front-lining for a brief delay which can impact a fight quite a bit. If the enemy team has an immobile carry or jungler, you typically want to lock that player down in a fight and absorb damage while your team dishes out maximum damage to the enemies who can't retaliate.

[*] 15 minute mark on- It's the girl Kraks! She has the same principle as Gold Miner, Kraken's an objective the enemy team needs to contest regardless of their composition. It makes its so lance's skill shots are almost certain death or a won team fight at the least because of the small corridors making lance's abilities far more effective. Lance's team can take over the enemy jungle by placing vision, and constantly forcing fights in the jungle throughout the game. Once you win enough fights in the jungle you can just front line and force fights near walls or turrets to have sufficient Crowd Control on high priority targets.

Closing out a game Top

[*] This is something Lance can sometimes struggle with if the enemy team understands your strengths and avoids getting ace'd in the jungle. Lance can siege well if you land an Impale onto a high priority target and your team can follow up and execute them. Lance is exceptionally tanky and take quite a bit of poke and tower damage but if they have a lot of range or good disengage and sustain. Lance will find it very hard to close the game out if the enemy plays smart around your weaknesses and stacks up broken myths and breaking points on you while you're trying to engage. Needless to say, Kraken makes your life a lot better because it's almost always going to be a favorable fight for your team if you're on even footing.

Heroes that synergize well with Lance Top

There's no shortage of combinations with Lance that are effective at taking enemies off the fold. However some heroes help to ensure that the enemy Lance locks down has no chance of retaliation.

[*] Glaive- regardless of lane or jungle, whichever build path, Glaive's Afterburn provides an immense threat to any carry on the fold. Lance's Impale in combination with an afterburn can immediately displace an enemy carry and erase them from the fold. Lance also provide's immense AoE lockdown allowing Glaive's Twisted Stroke and Bloodsong to strike multiple enemies.

[*] Koshka- Koshka in the jungle is one of the strongest early game heroes due to her massive mobility and damage early. Lance's prowess in the jungle make them a dangerous duo in the jungle, both having high damage in the jungle. Koshka can usually chase kills on her own but Lance by her side makes fighting them in the jungle incredibly dangerous as Koshka can dish out massive damage while Lance locks enemies down. Lance's Glythian Wall or Impale can buy Koshka enough time to use Twirly Death to activate her passive Bloodrush giving her insane movement speed to chase down and proc her Twirly Death auto attacks dishes out insane damage. This duo will make you think twice about playing aggressive early on the game.

[*] Kestrel- Similar to Koshka in the sense of dishes out insane damage, Kestrel sacrifices the mobility Koshka's known for, for the ability of stealth and immense ranged power. Kestrel won't be playing too aggressive in the jungle as quickly as Koshka might, however Lance's impale can line up at least one enemy for Kestrel to land a few Glimmershots which can be devastating to the health bar of anyone locked down. Kestrel can sneak near Glimmershot distance and surprise enemies who thought only the Lance was near by to Land immense damage onto the enemy team. A chain of skills that's harder to pull off but is almost certain death for anyone unlucky enough to get hit by it is Lance's Impale>Combat Roll> Glythian Wall into a previously set up Active Camo mist from kestrel. Lance can provide very good peel for the kestrel if he plays defensively however, Kestrel needs to be very cautious as she is immensely squishy and can be flared out.

Either way, these are just a few of many heroes that work very well at dominating The Fold with Lance at the helm.

Heroes that synergize well with Lance Top

There's no shortage of combinations with Lance that are effective at taking enemies off the fold. However some heroes help to ensure that the enemy Lance locks down has no chance of retaliation.

[*] Glaive- regardless of lane or jungle, whichever build path, Glaive's Afterburn provides an immense threat to any carry on the fold. Lance's Impale in combination with an afterburn can immediately displace an enemy carry and erase them from the fold. Lance also provide's immense AoE lockdown allowing Glaive's Twisted Stroke and Bloodsong to strike multiple enemies.

[*] Koshka- Koshka in the jungle is one of the strongest early game heroes due to her massive mobility and damage early. Lance's prowess in the jungle make them a dangerous duo in the jungle, both having high damage in the jungle. Koshka can usually chase kills on her own but Lance by her side makes fighting them in the jungle incredibly dangerous as Koshka can dish out massive damage while Lance locks enemies down. Lance's Glythian Wall or Impale can buy Koshka enough time to use Twirly Death to activate her passive Bloodrush giving her insane movement speed to chase down and proc her Twirly Death auto attacks dishes out insane damage. This duo will make you think twice about playing aggressive early on the game.

[*] Kestrel- Similar to Koshka in the sense of dishes out insane damage, Kestrel sacrifices the mobility Koshka's known for, for the ability of stealth and immense ranged power. Kestrel won't be playing too aggressive in the jungle as quickly as Koshka might, however Lance's impale can line up at least one enemy for Kestrel to land a few Glimmershots which can be devastating to the health bar of anyone locked down. Kestrel can sneak near Glimmershot distance and surprise enemies who thought only the Lance was near by to Land immense damage onto the enemy team. A chain of skills that's harder to pull off but is almost certain death for anyone unlucky enough to get hit by it is Lance's Impale>Combat Roll> Glythian Wall into a previously set up Active Camo mist from kestrel. Lance can provide very good peel for the kestrel if he plays defensively however, Kestrel needs to be very cautious as she is immensely squishy and can be flared out.

Either way, these are just a few of many heroes that work very well at dominating The Fold with Lance at the helm.

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