Extreme Weapon Power Taka by wyldwulf1211

Extreme Weapon Power Taka

By: wyldwulf1211
Last Updated: Mar 21, 2015
1 Votes
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Build 1 of 1

Early Game Top

Get Kaiten and then put scout traps on the edge of the bushes near the shop to see the monsters at the bottom. Kill those first then go back up killing each of the monsters as you go. Don't get the minion mine until around 9 minutes in, just keep killing monsters. Don't engage in fights with any other hero unless they are weak against you. You can engage in fights once you become stronger in the later game.

Later Game Top

Make sure you have Serpent Mask before you engage in any fights, but wander over into the enemy jungle to steal their minion mine and gold if you do not see them. Use Flare Guns to make sure you can figure out where the enemies are. Do X-Retsu before you do Kaiten to deal massive damage, but if you take too much health be sure to get away. After a little while roam into the lane to help your teammates push. Be sure to recall to home if you get too low because you can't take too much damage once you get to low health.

Final Build Top

You can stay at tier 2 boots if you want, because you don't have to get Journey Boots. You can switch out Tyrant's Monocle for something like Bonesaw if the enemy team is building armor, or Breaking Point if you're having trouble dealing enough damage later in fights. You can also, if needed, build a defensive item instead of a last WP item. For defense, I recommend Crucible, because Taka does not have a lot of health and it also includes Reflex Block. This build fills up all 6 slots of item space, so if you need to get any consumables, you should sell Travel Boots/Journey Boots, get the consumable, use it, and then get Travel Boots/Journey Boots back. If you need to escape and don't have any boots at the time because of consumables, use Kaku(ability B)to get away. I'm no expert, but hopefully this build helped you!

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