Is cp vox viable in 1.20?(discussion and possibly a better build guide) by iScruB

Is cp vox viable in 1.20?(discussion and possibly a better build guide)

By: iScruB
Last Updated: Sep 3, 2016
1 Votes
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Julia's Song
Heroic Perk
Sonic Zoom
Wait for It

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Cp vox brief introduction(1.20)(note:not really) Top

*Disclaimer*This is not a very attractive looking guide,more if an imformation packed one.
*Note*Im SA and main vox.
Cp vox-the WEIRDEST mage in the game-ever.
Reasons for being weird compared to other mages-
1.little damage to 1st target
2.Crystal items affect basic attack and not abilities.
3.High mobility

Hi,im iScruB,meet vox,the weirdest mage in vainglory-ever(tho he is kinda a sniper).Cp vox does very little damage to a single target,meaning he will get out 1v1'ed against any carry unless you outplay him/her.This means he is VERY BAD in 1v1.But in a 3v3 situation,when used correctly,he is VERY STRONG, so strong that vox can be the only carry and the other 2 being just tanks(2 supports/roam).This is because vox's heroic perk julia's song(basic attack on resonanced target bounces bolts that does 20+90%crystal power to 2 nearby enemies(proritzing heroes) lets him nuke the entire team better than adagio.This combines with 2 supports with high cc(eg.lance and phinn) will allow vox to be well protected against threats).This strategy can be countered tho,with a clever enemy team that will dive onto you or assasins like taka or blackfeather.Krul can also reduce damage from you and thus decreasing your damage.Thus this composition is more geared for party members or high elo where players know to play around vox(just like saw,skaarf and celeste).

This makes CP VOX technically the HARDEST character to play in game,with little damage to a single target and the need to kite with high speeds.<If u dont believe me,compare cp vox to skye,which is harder?>
Tho,this come with a high reward,as the heroic perk allows you to have the ability to technically basic attack 3 enemies at once and deal massive damage.Hence,low elo playera should not try to use cp vox ,use celeste or skaarf when needing aoe damage would be much more useful.

Then again,how does cp vox compare to both of them?Is he even viable to be a mage with skaarf,celeste,adagio and lyra around (exclude reim as he is much more of a warrior)
All the other mages mentioned(adagio is kind of a mage if you analize his kit and play him cp)can have potentially higher damage to an enitre team and obviously single target.Reason for that is the crystal scaling with other mages are much higher compared to vox's(eg.celeste heliogenesis having a 1st hit ratio of above 100% and 2nd hit of 200%),making their overall damage to a single target and an entire team much higher compared to vox's.Add on to the fact that with the current meta right now(heroes like phinn and lance being ideal supports) these mages can land abilities much more easily and having more benefit.(eg A phinn's ult into celeste's heliogenesis,stun,heliogenesis and ult does much more damage than into a vox's resonance basic attack +sonic zoom +basic attack and ult).This concludes 1 thing,cp vox is not as good in a team fight compared to other mages.Sure,you can argue vox has more mobility,but other mages can stay far away from the fight and deal damage whereas vox have to get up close and personal to deal damage,making the mobility rather worthless.

Cp vox also does not have much utility.Other mages are able to slow enemies with a significant rate or stun while vox can only slow and silence for 0.7 seconds which in my opinion is not that game changing,paired up with he fact that his ultimate is used more for damage than silence AND it is a double skill shot(having to aim to hit enemies twice),vox seems too underpowered compared to other mage.

This makes having something like a celeste with 2 supports better than having a cp vox and 2 supports.

So hence cp vox should not be used like a mage(in my opinion anyway)and use it like a sniper with aoe damage.Yes, i know you are thinking that that is what he IS,but this patch encouragea cp vox to be a mage and not a sniper-mage hybrid,but incrwasing the crystal ratio much more can make cp vox in games around credible threat feel imbalanced.Hence I feel SEMC messed up on balancing vox in 1.18.The only reason why cp vox was not used much back than in matches(high elo)is because there are much better heroes like blackfeather(back than anyway)and vox takes too long to scale(needing both levels and items)(note:same this update BUT the current meta shifts towards heores late game except saw push comp)

And that is sort of the reason behind this build of ac,as and bm as offensive item 2 defence and boots.

Vox sniper-mage hybrid build Top

Vox sniper-mage hybrid highlights the importance of basic attack crystal items.Start off with either swift shooter(reccomeded)to allow easier and more effective farming.Buy a crystal bit if you want to bully the enemy laner out of lane (eg bf lane and saw lane)If u are able to use swift shooter effectively to bully the enemy out of lane that items is still a better stating item.(Note:IMMEDIATELY resonance when getting to lane at the start so enemies like saw can not stand on the minions to bully you out of lane instead)
The reason for getting sonic zoom over pulse at level 4 is for more effective escaping(it is not required for a pulse upgrade at lv4 as you would likely have shopped and the items you have as cp vox likely would deal enough damage that the pulse's extra damage is negligible.Focus on escape cooldowns like sonic zoom to dodge abilitites.
Note:Use sonic zoom more for a escape/dodge mechanism rather than damage for early game(can be used late game but i would recommed using it for damage after getting aftershock)
Rotating(simply going to jungle/go to your teamate) is also very important, make sure your jungle stays alive or else your jungle and support would not get cs and cannot protect you late game.

Mid game:assuming you have perfect cs,ac and bm would have been finished.You can opt for travel boots over completed bm if you need to rotate a lot.If you have good map sense or your jungler is able to stay alive for longer periods of time,dont get travel boots and get bm instead.This allows more damage abd you would be able to rotate on time to fight as tier 2 boots does not provide any additional mid combat move speed.Getting reflex block can also be another option over bm(particularly against ardan and cp ringo).
This also increase your damage as a mage significantly.
Late game(important):Aim for aftershock ASAP(after getting tier 2 defence if getting bulled/snowballed).This will greatly increase single target damage and aoe damage(with cooldowns on sonic zoom).In counjunction,get tier 2 boots.This greatly increases your mobility in and out of combat and this is when rotatinf is much much more important.Single target damage might not be as important on cp vox,but with the reasons im the introduction aftershock is very important in this build.Paired up with the fact you are likely aiming the hero leading the charge(likely the tankiest character)the lifesteal on aftershock would also give a lot of healing.Sure eve does give more healing,but having the burst potential on a single target and healing for almost the same amount on eve makes aftershock more viable to me.Paired up with the fact bm scales with aftershock(not really sure but from experience it does)!and having sheild pierce on bm,thr damage and lifesteal is more potent and might outscale eve of harvest when aiming supports.Aftershock can also scare off the support and make him fall back.This might seem like a downside but from experience the lane ansd jungle would also retreat when out hped and likely they would also be low on hp due to resonance bounces.(btw you do enough damage in teamfights so additional crystal items is not required).(note:this vox build MUST have 2 defence or else it would be worthless as this build is more about consistant damage.This CAN be a burst/glasscannon build when replacing a defence item with a shatterglass but it would not be as effective as opponents WILL try to focus you down[mainly assasins] and you will not do as much damage as compared to double defence vox).Also,Survival is more key so double defence is the preferred build.Get an atlas if the enemy has a double melee carry and they like to aim you all the time.
This cp vox is good when paired up with an wp assasin,particularly wp blackfeather.Vox would be damaging the entire team and the assasin would be at the front killing the carries while to support will be stuck inbetween,and if the support chooses to get closer to his/her team,it will create a perfect opportunity to use the ult.
(Side note:save wait for it(vox ult)for maximum effect in damage and dont just waste it,even if your team is on the losing end of the fight.Resposition for the best ult possible[in choke points or clumped up areas].This unpredicted and sudden wait for it can have a major impact and table turn a fight more effectively compared to a clumsy panic ult.<by experience it will also give your team a burst in courage[Cp Burst vox :P jkjk]>)

When full built(around 20+min mark)the aftershock will scale incredibly on vox.Although aftershock is seen more as an early game item,on vox it is much much better late game.Reason being when the opponent charging or moviing into or iut of a brush,the roam is always the first.Having full build(assume the regular builds on opponents support[fountain of renewal ,crucible,atlas,warthreads,shiversteel/ contraption and stormcrown]the damage of aftershock would be around 300(reduced with shields)the lifesteal per aftershock active is around 100-150(on carries 50-100).This is basically a single foutain tick(heal a second).This allows decent overall aoe damage,single target damage and healing.If you are using the old broken myth alternating current and eve of harvest build,try this build instead.You WILL see the difference.

Of note:This build requires your roam to be very good and efficient.And trust me,you WILL feel like a nuke using this build correctly.Stay decently out of range,ult correctly,sonic zoom efficiently,reflex block consistently,dont get caught out,and this vox build can be very potent
Have fun!
Peace out,iScruB


Edit:Additional information as of 11 august

Introduction of cp mage Samuel.
The abilities of Samuel was released today.And it seems he is like a better CP vox.
The 1st ability(as of the date)states that there is NO decrease in damage for the ability(which is attacking an enemy hero while being able to strafe freely.Does that sound like vox 1st ability?with no reduced damage?Although the cooldown is much longer,standing in his 2nd ability reduces the cooldown and increases damage.Sounds better than vox's 1st ability

The 2nd ability is a gigantic cloud of dark matter that is almost unavoidable that moves in the direction samuel moves.It has aoe damage and heals samuel if he is in it.This ability can force an enitre team out of an area and foce a retreat too.Seems likr vox's b?But better?Maybe.You can argue it does way lesser damage overtime with vox using resonance to do more damage.But teams nowadays know how to play against cp vox and can spread out to fight him.Whereas this ability is unavoidable.Splitting would result in having a hero aimed down and killed while not being able to avoid the ability.Syanding together would result in a possible quick team wipe which what vox should be doing,but this heals Samuel passively and increases his damage.

The ultimate.Aoe effect like vox.Samuels ult puts the enemy to sleep while vox's ulitmate silences the enemy for only 0.7 seconds.

This just makes vox more underpowered as a cp vox laner.Dont you guys agree?


Another set of information to consider:
Cp vox is supposed to be the hyper carry of the game(a hero that when fed<a lot of items>is basically unstoppable and can 1v3 with little problems).Look at vox's kit(as of 1.17 and before).High mobility,insane damage(when fed),high lifesteal(with eve of harvest),tanky(with 1 defence item and lifesteal paired together)and lastly AOE damage of a mage.A true sniper-mage hybrid.These paired together make him the STRONGEST late game character in the game(yes stronger than krul,skye,skaarf,celeste,etc).Now try him in the current meta.Is he even the hyper carry we used to love/hate late game?(depending on if you are on the vox's team or the receiving end of his nuclear AOE damage),Can you force an entire team out of an objective effectively?Does he scale incredibly well into late game?NO!It might seem like vox scales very well into late game,but by personal experiece and seeing many competitive play he just isnt strong late game(in the current meta).He lacks damage and the ability to force an enitre team out of a fight late game.Previously CP vox has to consider his engagements well,and the opposing team having to think about their positioning,heatlth,vox's damage,effective damage on vox,etc.Whereas now the only thing that needs to be considered is positioning.Seperating and dueling vox 1 by 1 would gurantee vox's downfall,whereas pre 1.18 the damage is just so powerful late game when fed having a capable cp vox on the other team will feel like having 3 lane carries on the othee team.Now,it feels like he is just a feather on the battlefield,just annoyimg and have no potential to suceed well in teamfight,and the only thimg needed to counter him is 1 hero that deals sufficient damage.Whereas other cp laners like celeste would actually make sense for the entire team to dive onto her.Previously there is only one counter to vox and thats early game.Now,there are at least 10x more counters for him(im not exaggerating).Having no hyper carry potential makes vox's kit and his damage feel out of place.

But why isnt CP vox used much at all from 1.13 to 1.17?The reason is having better heroes that scales much faster and have almost the same potential as vox(lower but because the scale cap is reached faster it would allow th team a stronger jump in advantage much faster)Blackfeather,skye,kestrel,skaarf,adagio and even ringo is better than vox with only one reason and that is they are not bullied early game unlike vox.All of them have weaker late game than vox,but having a CP vox on the team is also a risk as there might not evem BE a late game as he can be so easily bullied out of lane.However,these heroes were nerfed to the point that if vox had his previous pick,would also be a high risk high reward but without that super high amount of risk he once had.Futhermorw,some of these heroes mentioned also scale better into late game now,making vox's previous kit being able to fit in almost perfectly into the mix and still having that hyper carry potential.

This is why CP vox just feels like it is in a weird position now.Having so many counters and not scaling well into the late game like it did last time AND having a not so strong early game makes other laners superior to him.Even a SAW can bully him out of lane now.You might be thinking tjat SHOULD be the case,but in fact vox is the one that should bully saw out.Cp vox is a mage,like celeste.If the saw tries to farm the mage cam just force saw out with heliogenesis or spitfire.Not vox.His range is just too low for him to be considered a well rounded mage.This also leads into another problem and that is objective taking.CP vox just does not do enough damage to a turret,gold mine,kraken or minion mine to be able to take it quick and effectively.This makes him very weak in team play."WHAT????????WEAK IN A TEAM PLAY?ISNT THAT WHAT VOX SHOULD BE GOOD AT?" says a random reader.YUP!Vox is weak at objective taking.Even though he is technically strong in team fights,thats all he is strong at.After to team fight,if the team with vox is victorious,the objective taking is so trash he is better off farming jungle camps than actually taking kraken.

Hence,vox is a mediocere damage output mage(although he is supposed to be a hyper carry),with little utility,low survivalbility,low range,and no devasting effect if not aimed down by the entire opposing team and not being able to take objectives well.I told you he was the weirdest laner ever!(as of 1.20)


There you go.My reasoning of vox being a poorly balanced hero.On paper it seems like it should excel,but put into practice the effectiveness drops drastically.The previous kit for vox was just fine,why change it?


Na summer championship:Well,cp vox is out pf the meta,even said by the casters themselves,although the last match had a great performance with vox.Adagio,lyra and samuel just outclasses vox.He just does not so enough damage,especially in the early game,and has little sustain compared to meta lane mages.On a side note,even RINGO wp is rarely used now,rather cp is used more often.Why?Caught out of position or getting focused,ringo and vox are dead meat.Saw can also be put into this category too.If u took notice of the championships,it is easy to tell sustain is clearly important as a laner,especially healing.Cp voz fell out because he just cant sustain.Almost any lane carry outclasses vox(and ringo)

Listing of traditional lane carries:

Adagio:High sustain,immense damage output,high range,great ultimate.Little mobility(like most other mage).Great for AOE damage with arcane fire and ultimate.

Lyra:Extremely high sustain,great damage,high range,high mobility(ult,snare and sigil are all mobility altering abilities),great for focusing targets and zone control.

Kestrel(wp):low sustain(but can active camo if in danger or caught out of position),immense damage,extremely high range,decently high mobility(activr camo),hard to focus down.Great as an assasin style laner.

Skye:Kite like no tommorow.Mobility is insane,immense damage,decent sustain(good sustain if its a good skye player),high range(forward barage),great zone control(ultimate),high aoe damage(suri strike).

Celeste:immense damage and range,decently high sustain with eve of harvest.(Rarely in danger with a good team),great zoning abilities,able to stun when in danger,and having a high cp raio for basic attacks.

Skaarf(outclaased by celeste);high damage output(when comboing abilities well),high range,immense aoe and single target damage,rather higher mobility(3.3 ms like vox),great utility(goop),decent basic attack damage.

Saw(somewhat meta):Extremey high damage output,high range,decent utility and high fear factor.High sustain(depending on build).Great zone control.Low mobility(able to escape but dractically reduces damage<shank>).Bad against CC comps(like krul).

Blackfeather:HIGH aoe damage(onpoint and ultimaye)and immense single target damage,high sustain(late game),great mobility and CC counter),overpowered late game.Lower sustain early game.Your so called late game hyper carry in some terms.

Now put vox(focus),ringo and joule into this.

Joule;high sustain(herpic perk),decent mobility,high zone control(ultimate).Decent CC,great brawler(wp) and high burst damage.Low lane sustain.Not suitable for lane in my opinion.

Ringo:no escape when caught ou of position(ESPECIALLY because of needing to go foward as damage of ringo relies heavily and basic atttack unlike mages),decently high damage output,no good zone control abilities,decent cc(slow),high scare factor( having a ringo focus you is very scary).Overall below average lane hero in wp but as a cp great burst damage and aoe damage if ult lands correctly(but gets blocked too often).Low sustain at lane

Now vox
Cp:High risk short range mage(able to get focused down easily),little damage to single target(unless competely outplaying the enemy or having an aftershock),generally above average monility.Decent CC,low objectivd taking ability(more for kraken and gold mine),great fear factor late game,lowest sustain lane carry early game(little below ringo).Has to actually frontline and not fear death(when put into practice),lower aoe damage or single target damage and sustain than any other mages.Overall weaker,UNLESS used by a extremely mechanically slilled player.

Wp(dont even think about it):its useless tbh.
Outdamaged by any other wp carry(even if there is better basic stats),too low of a range,very little burst(sonic zoom no longer gives damage boost and no longer resets basic attack).Very little escape when focused.Simply put just outclassed.

Compare cp vox to other mages and wp vox to other laners,vox does not seem to fit in well into any good category.Arguably a completely different kind of hero as a cp,but in fact this category feels out of placed and underpowered.As mentioned before,otherages outclass him.Think about it,its true.Why use cp vox when adagio is clearly a better masic attack mage?Why use him when he has little sustain?why use him when he has such a short range and will get focues if he gets too close?why use him when other mages has way better utility?.
Answer:if u are a really good cp vox player.Put into account that you do not trust your team and need THE hyper carry and be able to go in and outplay the enemy and WIN a 1v3.Vox is your PERFECT choice ,especially with this build.But thats it.What elss?Nothing!Vox brings little in team fight,apart from fear factor like saw,which is why these heroes are outclassed.The commentator in the na championship said vox(he said samuel but clearly referring to vox<he said resonance lol samuel has resonance YEAH RIGHT>)was like a saw,which in fact he IS.WhAT?a random jimmu asks.Saw seems to be on the complete end of the spectrum compared to cp vox!High single target damage while vox is high aoe damage!Well,yes, and no.Remember i sais wp vox had low burst?throw that COMEPLETELY out of the window,as CP VOX has HIGH BURST(to an entire team that is.In fact,sonic zoom's basic attack does NOT reduce damage dealt with resonance bounces.Yes that is the truth,hand tested by myself too.Dont believe?Load up solo practice and try it o a turret.Back to him not bring anything to the teamfight table.Just THINK about it.He does so little in teamfights yet he is supposwd to be GREAT in teamfights?ermmm ok?Yes he does quite considerable aoe damage but still gets outlassed by skaarf and celeste but able to escape better BUT has to play more forwardly.Consider a fair trade off.Now think about objective tanking.No fair trade.Think about viability with a good team.NOPE.Think about early game.Nope!Think aboit late game.Hry celeste scale incredibily well too,same with any other mages.So WHY use cp vox.No use of him.Simply outclassed.

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