Vox Madness! by CX11

Vox Madness!

By: CX11
Last Updated: Jun 17, 2016
4 Votes
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Build 1 of 1


Build: Weapon Power

Ability Path

Julia's Song
Heroic Perk
Sonic Zoom
Wait for It

Threat Meter

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Threat Hero Notes
  No Threat
Reim He can't catch you, just dodge his a and ultimate with sonic zoom, you'll be fine.
Krul Easy to kite, be careful of his ultimate tho, if you didn't manage to kite him well, you're a dead meat!
  No Threat
Skye Try to reduce his damage output by dodging his abilities, sonic zoom is the way!
SAW The ultimate lane pusher, pushes you back early game, if you're alone, he might be able to destroy your turret, ask your jungler for help! He lacks mobility tho, if he uses his supressing fire, dodge it and grab your free kill!
Celeste Heliogenesis is her main skill to do damage. Just move and move while hitting her, you're good to go :)
Adagio Pushes you back early game with his range, his heal is annoying, you should by reflex block against this guy to block his ultimate
Ringo He can harass you early game, achilles shot and the critical auto attack poke, hurts quite a lot. You don't want to mess with this son of gun early.
Fortress Chases you with his abilities, he have a lot of gap closers!
Catherine She stuns you, her allies kills you. Natural tank, team silence!
Blackfeather Super sticky, mobile, auto attack hurts, you can beat him at lane since he is melee, but he is a jungler..... ask your jungler XD
Glaive Can easily get close to you, try to outwit his afterburn with your sonic zoom!
Koshka The girl version of taka, buy reflex block to block his ultimate!
Taka Kills you and disappear! Flares are the ultimate counter :)

Introduction Top

Hi, Im CX11, here i'll be putting in my guide on Vox, sorry if this guide is full of flaws, since its my first guide! Please upvote if you think that this guide is helpful :)

Vox is a mobile sniper, who is able to dash around the fold with his Sonic Zoom . He can deal a lot of damage to both single target and multiple target depending on his build. Here i'll be discussing about his ability to devastate single target, by building weapon power.

Game Walkthrough (Early - End Game) Top


As weapon power Vox, surely you must play as the laner of your team. You should start with swift shooter, as it helps you to farm creeps early game. Early game farming is an important phase to Vox, you need to farm a lot to went berserk mid-late game. Vox is WEAK early game, like really weak and you don't want to pick a fight with the enemy laner except is the enemy is really bloodthirsty, perhaps you can get some hit. Picking a fight with enemy laner early game means killing urself, waste your time farming creeps, and also give the enemy free gold. Try to not miss a last hit, and try to not going to the base in the first 5 minutes except you really need it (Low health, energy; no potions). Use pulse to get some poke damage to the enemy laner, and it also makes you farm faster (bounce damage).


Mid game is the time where you start to group with your allies for teamfights. You get your big powerspike in midgame, it's time for you to fight. In a team fight, let your roamer initiate first, NEVER DO DIRECT BUSHCHECK FIRST. Try to hit your opponent as much as possible, but try to receive least damage possible, by stutter stepping (will be explained below). When using Wait for It try to get as many enemy heroes as possible hit. The silence gives you an awesome chance to devastate your opponents, especially an ability reliant hero, like Celeste, Skaarf, Koshka, and the others. Always target enemy carries in teamfights, but you WILL be targeted by enemy team, so watch out for enemy meeles with gap closers, try to kite as much as possible.


Your are less powerful compared to mid game, but still you're not bad late game, the mechanics are almost the same as mid game.

Items Explanation Top

Boots is always crucial on any carry, as your live is really important. Tier 1 boots should be build right away, upgrade it to Tier 2 boots midgame, tier 3 boots can wait!

Sorrowblade is a great item to amplify your auto attacks's damage as 150 weapon power is quite a lot. It also synergize well with your a ability Sonic Zoom.

Tornado Trigger adds up attacks speed which is crucial in any hero who rely on auto attacks, and one of them is Vox. The attack speed is really handy and makes you be able to do the stutter step. More speed mean more attacks, more attacks mean more damage!

Tyrant monocle is an amazing item to put on Vox, synergize well with sorrowblade and tornado trigger. After he got a lot of weapon power, his crit hurts, a lot.

Subtitude tornado trigger for this, if your enemy built atleast 2 metal jackets, or if it looks like your enemy is building into it.

Your can build up lots of weapon power with sonic zoom, if are able to endure a long fight, you should try this item! You can subtitute tornado trigger, or the last tyrant monocle, its an optional item.

Defense is crucial in every game! Both of these are selfish defense item, if weapon power enemies are bursting you down fast, you should build metal jacket, if your enemy took you down with crystal items, build aegis! Always remember the reflex block from aegis :)

Good team heal, can be a live saver in the middle of battle. Lacks some shield of aegis but have more team utility, the passive Lifespring is also quite useful :)

Gives a lot of health to you, and it has a nice team reflex block! Don't be selfish, help your team with this reflex block!

Not usually build on a ranged carry, but still usefull against bruisers who rely on attacks speed and can get close to you like Krul

Ability Explanation and Uses Top

Julia's Song
Slot: Heroic Perk

Vox's basic attacks also deal 34-68 (level 1-12) +35% of crystal power as bonus damage. When attacking enemies with Resonance, this damage will bounce to two nearby enemies and refresh Resonance on that target.

Not really used much on weapon power vox, as he doesn't have any crystal damage, but the bounce damage can still be used to farm faster and get a good poke early game

Sonic Zoom
Slot: A

Vox dashes in the targeted direction, throwing two attacks to the nearest enemy marked by Resonance (prioritizing heroes).

Overdrive: Vox's basic attacks gain an additional 20% weapon ratio for 2 seconds after this ability is activated.

An amazing ability, can be used to kite, run away, chase, and also able to pass some walls. This ability also does a considerable damage, overdrive give you 20% weapon ratio after use, gives you a valuable burst, overdrive is really handy on weapon vox.

Slot: B

Vox emits a sonic pulse that echoes off nearby enemies and applies Resonance. The pulse applies a slow that is significantly stronger near its center. Each upgrade to Pulse increases the damage of Vox's bouncing attacks to enemy heroes.

Another great ability, slows your enemy, and put resonance on your enemy so you can put auto attacks on sonic zoom. Also have a great application to locate enemies like flare, enemies who is hit by pulse have an echoing animation so you can basicaly locate them!

Wait for It
Slot: C

Vox fires an ultrasonic wave that applies Resonance to enemies in its path and refreshes all Resonance. Shortly after, a wide shockwave explodes along the same path, dealing crystal damage and silencing enemies. Striking enemy heroes with the shockwave will also cause Resonance to bounce.

Your ultimate! Give you a valuable silence time, put resonance on the enemy, tho the silence is moved to the second wave on 1.17, but the silence is still not easy to block. The damage is also quite good, putting three points on it give it a nice 30 second CD :)

Tips and Tricks Top

1. Vox is not an easy hero to master, so be patient, practice makes perfect! Your hardwork will be paid, i too, comes from countless lose and infinite ? ping that becomes a beer gesture and amazing wins!

3. This applies to all heroes, all games and all players, but i'll still include it. Don't get mad at noobie allies, since everyone have experienced the same thing! ? Pings only make your team's morale down and destroys the game's mood! Remember, this is just a game!

Stutter Step Top

Stutter step is and advanced trick that lets you put attacks while moving. Doing a perfect stutters step can increase your attack speed. Its used mostly on ranged heroes, and since this is a vox guide, i guess i should put a tutorial on how to do this. Here's a video by shinkaigan on how to do it, hope it helps :)


Thanks Top

Thanks a lot for reading! I hope you learn lots from my guide, and if you needs anything, you can always add me in game!


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