VG Item: Frostburn


Frostburn | Category: Ability | Tier: 3 | Cost: 2700

+90 Crystal Power

Passive: Crystal damage abilities slow enemy heroes by 25% for 1.5 seconds.

Tip: The slow becomes more powerful as you build more crystal power.

Heavy Prism
+45 Crystal Power

Tip: Crystal power increases the strength of abilities.
Crystal Bit
+15 Crystal Power

Tip: Crystal power increases the strength of abilities.
Eclipse Prism
+30 Crystal Power

Tip: Crystal power increases the strength of abilities.
Crystal Bit
+15 Crystal Power

Tip: Crystal power increases the strength of abilities.

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FarceDawn | March 24, 2017 9:48pm
If i mouse over the item when building a guide it give me the info for Shatterglass not Frostburn
ShoPau | March 13, 2015 5:37pm
Why does the in game description say "Max 0 slow?"
It also says +85 Crystal Power.
And does the Frostburn's Crystal Power add to its slow %?
So it would be be 23.5% slow?

Because of the new update. This page is old.
antjame5 (1) | March 2, 2015 12:02am
Why does the in game description say "Max 0 slow?"
It also says +85 Crystal Power.
And does the Frostburn's Crystal Power add to its slow %?
So it would be be 23.5% slow?
antjame5 (1) | February 3, 2015 10:59pm
Frostburn's slow was shifted from 35%, to 15% with an additional 1% for every 10 Crystal Power.
AntArmy (1) | January 4, 2015 12:11pm
This item is not built into for its Crystal Power. Its the Tier 3 build of the Battery lines with a slow effect. The Crystal Power is just a perk for being Tier 3 IMO.
InfuriatedBrute (16) | January 1, 2015 2:03am
-The Energy and regen are worth about 700g (void battery is intentionally less efficient than energy battery, so there's really no proper way to calculate how much it "should" be worth)
-The crystal power is worth about 900g (again, difficult to calculate)

So, overall you're paying 400 gold for this passive. I don't use this item very often, so I shouldn't comment on whether that's worth it or not.

EDIT: Wait what? It gives LESS crystal power than heavy prism, even though heavy prism builds into it. That's weird.
Sixx (11) | December 17, 2014 7:43am
Rozza10987 wrote:

Can someone clarify if this slows their movement or movement and attack speed?

Movement only.
Rozza10987 | December 17, 2014 7:26am
Can someone clarify if this slows their movement or movement and attack speed?
Qwertex1 | February 20, 2016 12:55am
It slows movement
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