1.12 Hybrid Ringo: Ambush,Hit and Run,Kite,Solo! (Not Completed) by veryanhai

1.12 Hybrid Ringo: Ambush,Hit and Run,Kite,Solo! (Not Completed)

By: veryanhai
Last Updated: Dec 30, 2015
11 Votes
Build 1 of 1


Build: 6 seconds Required

Ability Path

Double Down
Heroic Perk
Achilles Shot
Twirling Silver
Hellfire Brew

Threat Meter

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Threat Hero Notes
  No Threat
  No Threat
Celeste Celeste is the worst hero to noobs.Know when to get out of her range and you can make it.
  No Threat
Ringo I would call it a skill fight.
SAW The reason why you cannot farm.When there is a SAW on the lane,get the Afcom move on him and run into the jungle.
Skye In 1.11,Skye is getting ridiculous-Her ultimate will recharge in 18 secs and Forward Barrage has a 10 meter range!
Ardan A big problem.If he's chasing,be careful if he buff on himself.Good news that you can use Aegis or Crucible to get out of his Gauntlet.
  No Threat
Krul Be careful.You cannot kill him if he is close-you're healing him!
Koshka Without teammates,you are in big trouble.
Taka The worst one...Run!!!

Ringo:Some info Top

As you know,Ringo is a WP-Based hero,which makes most people think CP is not effective.
So,today I am proving CP is good with Ringo!


Now,let's go to the main problem.
Ringo is an easy target at early game,so I really advise you guys not to push the lane.Stay in the middle and farm,if necessary just go to the jungle.
Ringo is one of the worst hero in health,so stay far from team fights,keep Halcyon Potion in your inventory until level 8,and get Health Items before you get to level 12.

Achilles Shot

115% CP Ratio.
50% Slow.
380 Damage.
Seriously,how are you guys thinking CP Ringo suck?
Well,high crystal ratio means more money in crystal items.
All the things up there are made to provide this.You can read about how they affect the skill in the next chapter.

Twirling Silver

100% ATK Speed?Really?
This is the main reason why I don't buy Journey Boots or Tornado Trigger.
Please DON'T say that Tornado Trigger is a waste of money.It's REALLY works,and will give "Apple" (The skin says,Ringo is a Japanese and in Japanese,Ringo means "apple") a chance to 1v1 turrets without minions.
Base "Apple" ATK Speed on Lv12 is 136,3% so yeah, Alternating Current for high damage when combined with Frostburn and Shatterglass, Twirling Silver to A-C-E them all!

Hellfire Brew

Wanna go home right now? Not so fast! Toasty!
That's how Hellfire Brew works.
It has a terrible damage but with burn effect,it has a quite OK damage after all.
To attack a fast but fleeing enemy ( Fortress and Koshka,though Ringo won't stay long against Koshka in early game)
In team fights,an enemy has high health but no energy?
First,kite a lot.
They have no mana? Get Mr.Apple's Ult!
It would be a while until they get home :D

Why CP? Top

In fact,I don't think this is a hybrid build.It's CP based and the only WP item is Tension Bow
So,I really think that with 110% C-Ratio, Achilles Shot can mess up with even tankers.The combo A-B-"Thousands times of Basic Attacks" will be so effective with Aftershock!

Why...Items? Top

Yup, Ringo is one of the most money-based hero.
He really need items (every heroes need items) to show his true power.

Book Of Eulogies

Book of Eulogies has an amazing effect which allow Ringo to heal himself while farming,allowing him to kite melee enemies by keep distance,farming,then attack.
However,as it gets to the mid-game or late game, Book of Eulogies doesn't heal much so maybe keep it until 8-12 mins then sell it.

Tension Bow

Tension Bow is used to ambush or deal high damage to pierce armor on tanks like Glaive or Phinn.
So the build name,"6 seconds Required"
This Ringo is not very aggressive after all.But this guy's power is Ambush.
Ambush in the Jungle,Hit and Run frequently,Kite when possible,then Solo!
I Love Tension Bow :D

Why do I want to build like this? Top

I bought Alternating Current.Using this,no need to buy weapon but it is still strong and so are the abilities.Your first Achilles Shot should activate Aftershock,and with Tension Bow you have the strongest Ringo.

Aegis or Crucible? Top

If they are building CP ( Celeste) buy Aegis and it will reduce the Heliogenesis damage a lot.
If they are building WP or Hybrid,buy Crucible.
Both items will help you to survive through Joule's Big Red Button and Ardan's Gauntlet (Yay!)
This will also help you with Taka's Kaiten or X-Retsu. (Yay!)

Aftershock Combo (Afcom) Top

With Tension Bow and Aftershock,I have this combo:
1.Activate Twirling Silver at base.(Activate Aftershock)
2.Don`t farm-wait for enemy heroes.(Activate Tension Bow)
3.Basic Attack! (apply Aftershock and Tension Bow)
4.Use Achilles Shot (Activate Aftershock)
5.Basic! (apply Aftershock)
6.Activate Twirling Silver (Activate Aftershock)
7.Basic! (apply Aftershock)
8.KIte time:Enemy should be running and you have Tension Bow activated.
9.The higher the enemy health,the longer you lives.

Buy first,buy second Top

The first must be Tension Bow.With this,now you are the enemy team`s problem.Then buy Frostburn.Think about using Achilles Shot on SAW! He will be slower than SNAIL.Next,buy Aftershock. Shatterglass and Alternating Current is not a must,but get the Alternating Current before the Shatterglass.It is the item that connect crystal and weapon.And choose wisely between boots and Shatterglass.I recommend Shatterglass,but boots is fine.(I usually run away with Twirling Silver).Get a Crucible or Aegis after Aftershock.Both usually come in handy,though.

Instructions Top

Read the Aftershock Guide Chapter then read this.
Now,how to play:
First,Ringo is one of the heroes with weakest health.In late game,he is the worst hero if you consider about health.So,these items will keep you alive,if you follow these instructions:
-If the enemy is busy and also alone,use the Aftershock Combo(call it Afcom)
-If you are being chased:Scout traps would be an unpleasant surprise for the enemy,especially in early game.
-You must get the Core(look at build) before everyone get to level 12.So,farm a lot.
-Just in case you can't farm because there are 2-3 laners on the lane,get Aftershock and Tension Bow.
-Call your friend in early-game-Ringo is quite weak until he gets 2-3 tier 3 items.

The -ka Nightmare Top

So,the two -ka nightmares: Koshka and Taka.
-During chases:
Koshka's Pouncy Fun will kill you in no time and so is Taka's Kaiten.
Even when Taka is weakened in 1.10, Takaplayers are still the nightmares that will kill you most.
To stay alive:
-Scout traps will give you a chance to escape.
-Count the time.If they have chased you for about 10 secs,get ready to be respawned.
-Avoid 1v1 combats with them.
-LATE GAME! Ringo is AWESOME in late game! Koshka is the early game terminator,but YOU-CAN-KILL-HER!

Pros and Cons Top

-You can focus on basic attacks because it is very painful => No more relying on Ringo`s tiny stupid energy.
-Ability is strong,weapon is strong.What do you want?

-No Shield or Armor if you pick Crucible:Weak self-defence,need Ardan around to survive.
-Uses a lot of money.
-If you pick Aegis:Low health
-Low crit chance
-Low energy

To sum up Top

This is the best build to me for Ringo.
I can have both weapon and crystal without using too much money and space.


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