e36's Roam Catherine Guide by TeamPhoenixVG

e36's Roam Catherine Guide

By: TeamPhoenixVG
Last Updated: Aug 5, 2016
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Build: e36's Roam Catherine

Ability Path

Captain of the Guard
Heroic Perk
Merciless Pursuit
Blast Tremor

Threat Meter

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Threat Hero Notes
Ardan Stun his Gauntlet to make him virtually useless in teamfights. Hard to catch him out of position as he can Vanguard himself or to a temmate to get away from the stun.
Alpha Not much of a theat, cannot stun her out of ultimate but can prevent from getting near teammates.
Taka Catherine is probably Taka's biggest counter. With proper visison, Taka is useless against Taka. Build contraption and stay near your carries and stun him whenever he gets close. For extra peel, buy Shiversteel.
Celeste Catherine is a hard counter to Celeste. Max your Stormguard and stand on top of your teammates to make Celeste nearly useless. Aditionally, Silence and stuns are deadly against her.
Skaarf Same as Celeste, very easy to block incoming damage and can stun Skaarf out of ultimate easily.
Lance Can use his B ability to knock you away whene trying to engage/stun the enemy carry.
Kestrel Catherine counters Kestrel, but she does a lot of damage when Stormguard isn't available. Build lots of cooldown and max Stormguard to counter her.
Glaive Does a lot of damage once shield goes down. Only go close when Stormguard is up and you can atlas him. Try to stun him when he uses Afterburn.
SAW Very deadly if he can block your Atlas/Stun. Try to bait out his reflex before fully engaging onto him.
Lyra Bright Bulwark slows you down a lot when trying to engage on her. Wait until it goes down to focus her down.
Vox Vox can be very deadly, especially CP since he can deal devastating damage to your team without triggering stormguard. To counter, avoid overextending and stay away from your teammates. Focus him once he is silenced.
Skye Very deadly to Catherine. Skye's Forward Barrage goes through Stormguard without deflecting any damage. This makes it hard to tank incomign damage from Skye. Stun her after she Suri Strikes and begins using Forward Barrage then use Blast Tremor.


Hello, I'm Sam, or otherwise known as e36 and this is my roam Catherine guide for how I play her successfully in both ranked and competitive matches.

I am most well known for my Catherine play, and she is easily my favorite hero to play. The way she can drastically change team fights is extremely fun and very appealing to play. She's also very good to play in solo queue, as you can carry games easily by playing her effectively.

I hope you enjoy!
- Sam (e36)


Captain of the Guard

"Catherine gains 1 armor & shield every time she stuns or silences an enemy hero with her abilities."

Catherine's heroic perk gives her 1 shield and armor for each enemy she lands a stun or silence onto. While relatively weak in the early game, it scales very well into the late game, giving Catherine a lot of extra tankiness. To gain a lot of extra stacks, stay in lane to stun the enemy laner whenever possible without overextending. Be careful not to put yourself in a bad position or use stun at a time when it might better soon be used in a different scenario.

Merciless Pursuit

"Catherine gains a burst of move speed. Her next basic attack is replaced by a powerful stun attack. Resets basic attack cooldown on activation."

Easily one of the best abilities in the game, Catherine’s A ability Merciless Pursuit has immense utility and many situational uses. Once activated, it gives her a boost of movement speed, resets her basic attack cooldown and makes the next basic attack a stun with a duration that scales with the level of the ability. Similar to Glaive’s Afterburn, Catherine’s Merciless Pursuit is an amazing escape tool with the bonus move speed combined with a stun. If Catherine has a decent amount of energy, she is nearly impossible to catch when running away and is great at preventing uses. Merciless Pursuit has a 3 second window to use the stun once activated, so if the enemy uses Reflex Block, wait to stun them until the Reflex Block wears off.

The stun part of Merciless Pursuit has many situational uses. It is best used when close to an enemy hero since it makes it much harder to use Reflex Block, and is the best ability in the game for cancelling enemy abilities. For example, you can use Merciless Pursuit to cancel a Skaarf, Ringo, Ardan or Adagio ultimate and easily change the course of a fight. Be careful in doing this from a distance, however, as it might put you out of position or be easily reflexed blocked. Merciless Pursuit is also great for protecting your teammates that are getting dived on. Use the stun on melee heroes that diving on top of your carries, allowing them to stay alive and create distance to remain dealing damage. You can easily zone the enemy away from your team by properly using Merciless Pursuit.

You can also use Merciless Pursuit to hold enemies in place to combo with other abilities, or to silence them from using activatable items in key situations. Merciless Pursuit is great for setting up plays to combine with other crowd control (cc) abilities like Joule’s Rocket Leap or Celeste’s Core Collapse. Additionally, you can use Merciless Pursuit on a roam hero when their teammates are low health or when a major crowd control ability is about to hit the enemy like an Adagio ultimate to prevent them from using Crucible or Fountain of Renewal to save their teammates.

Situations to NOT use Merciless Pursuit:

  • Try not to engage from a distance with Merciless Pursuit unless you know for certain that the enemy cannot block it.
  • Don’t engage onto a team that is full health with Merciless Pursuit, as you will be overextended and with the recent changed to Stormguard, you will get deleted instantly. Instead, use it on someone who is out of position to secure a kill or peel for your teammates.


"Activates a pulsating bubble that burns nearby enemies and deflects damage above 77 (+7 per level) to nearby enemies. Each deflection reduces the shield duration by 0.5 second.
Overdrive: Damage reflected by this ability is increased by 25%."

Catherine’s Stormguard bubble is interesting in that each time she takes damage over 77 (+7 per level), she will reflect that damage onto the enemies. Each time she takes damage, the duration of the shield is reduced by .5 seconds, so be careful not to overextend and take too much damage so that the bubble expires quickly. Part of being an expert Catherine is knowing how much damage you can take before you should disengage and wait for the Stormguard to be off of CD. Through practice, try and know when the shield is going to drop so you can disengage and reengage when Stormguard is available again. If done correctly, you can remain at full health or close to it through most of the fight while still adequately protecting your teammates. Use Stormguard to bait the enemy into using high damaging abilities against you. Before the ability is about to land, activate Stormguard to deflect a lot of damage back at them. For example, in the laning phase and throughout the game you can often bait out Phinn’s Quibble by doing this. Against mage heroes, stand on top of your teammates to force the enemy to either not target your teammate or deal damage to themselves with the reflections.

Upgrade Priority:

Upgrading Stormguard gives it a slightly lower cooldown at each level, and when overdriven, the reflect damage is increased by 25%. Max Stormguard first when playing against mages like Celeste and Skaarf, and any hero that does a lot directional damage with skillshots like Kestrel or a CP Joule. Maxing Stormguard is also good against a Ringo since he can’t do any damage to you while Stormguard is up, allowing you to get close and use Atlas Cauldron and Merciless Pursuit. Otherwise, take the overdrive on Merciless Pursuit for the extra stun duration.

Blast Tremor

"Catherine slams the ground, damaging & silencing enemies in a large cone in front of her."

Easily one of the most disruptive abilities in the game, Catherine’s Blast Tremor provides devastating crowd control in the form of an AOE silence. The effectiveness of Blast Tremor is entirely dependent on how good you are at timing it, and how well you can conceal its usage from the enemy. Usually, not using silence at the beginning of a fight is the best option, as it is much harder for the enemy to block it if you wait until there is more action taking place. The area of Catherine’s silence is cone shaped, so in order to get all 3 enemies in the silence, take a step back before using it. To virtually guarantee a silence landing, use Blast Tremor from behind the Kraken or a place where you are hidden from vision like behind a wall or in a bush.

For maximum effect, try to time Blast Tremor with the activation of major abilities from your teammates to prevent your enemy from being able to react to them. For example, using Blast Tremor before an Adagio ultimate lands can be devastating for the enemy team. You can also combine Catherine’s Blast Tremor with Vox’s Wait for It to silence the enemy team for virtually the entire fight.

Situations to NOT use Blast Tremor:

  • Don’t engage with Blast Tremor unless you know you are going to land it, as it is easy to block or prepare for and the enemy can often just run away and wait for the silence to expire before reengaging.
  • Try not to use it when the enemies are all at a distance from your teammates, as it will be hard for them to properly take advantage of the silence.
  • Do NOT use Blast Tremor to finish off a kill, unless it is for an ACE or it is late game and you have some CD build and you know that it will be available for the next engagement.


Catherine pairs extremely well with other heroes that have major crowd control abilities to combo with Merciless Pursuit/ Blast Tremor and heroes that need help engaging.

Lane Heroes to Pair Catherine With:

  • Celeste— Taking Catherine with a Celeste takes away her main counter, and Celeste is extremely good to pair CC with. You can get a stun on the enemy laner, Celeste will be in range to do damage and chain stun the enemy, allowing for a lot of extra damage from her supernovas.
  • Vox- Vox is notorious for being a good pair with Catherine due to the double silence combination. If done right, you can silence the entire enemy team for the whole fight. It’s really hard to do, but extremely rewarding if pulled off.
  • SAW- Catherine can peel off hard engaging enemies, allowing SAW to melt the enemies that are now within range.
  • Ringo- Catherine pairs well with Ringo when playing against squishy enemy heroes, as it is easy to catch them out of position and burst them down.

Jungle Heroes to Pair Catherine With:

  • Alpha- Stun enemies to make it easier to land Prime Directive. Extremely good if enemies are far away or are very mobile. In 2v2s in jungle, you can stun the primary damage dealer on enemy team to secure a successful reboot.
  • Glaive- Glaive + Catherine have extremely good ganking potential. Try to time your stun with the ending of Glaive’s stun to lock the enemy in place and virtually guarantee a kill.
  • Kestrel- Similar to Celeste, you take away Kestrel’s primary counter by picking Catherine. The peel Catherine provides lets Kestrel kite more, which she excels at. Is also really good for ganking, as the stun allows Kestrel to get in position with Active Camo for a volley of arrows from Glimmershot.
  • Krul- Catherine’s stun allows Krul to close the gap on fleeing enemies to be able to continue sticking to them.
  • Taka- Catherine’s silence allows Taka to easily engage onto the enemy carry and do his damage combos and kill the enemy laner. Especially good against mages and good ringo players, a good silence + WarTreads combo is devastating.


Start the game with Ironguard Contract because Catherine is very squishy in the early game and is also very energy hungry. With recent changes to Ironguard Contract, it restores energy as well when big lane minions are killed, making it very effective for clearing jungle and going to lane to get some energy and health back. Depending on how comfortable I am with the jungle matchup, I’m not really scared to be aggressive in the early game with Catherine. If you time your ability correctly and have good positioning, Catherine can be very strong in the early game. After the initial aggression, it is usually best to camp out in the lane, and rotate if needed to jungle. Catherine is extremely mobile, and can get to the jungle to help teammates out very quickly. This allows you to be very active around the map, and an extreme annoyance to the enemy.
The mid game is all about putting pressure on the lane with the objective of putting the enemy laner behind. Call for ganks a lot to get a numbers advantage to be able to then put pressure on the enemy jungle. Having control of the lane allows you to then be able to easily rotate to the jungle to push objectives and contest enemy minion camps. Focus on getting your own laner fed, while at the same time making the enemy laner’s life really bad. Annoy him by stunning and using your Stormguard to attempt to put him on tilt and behind in farm. Catherine is one of the best heroes for being a general annoyance to the enemy team. In the mid-game, once she gets some cooldown, Catherine is almost unkillable allowing
Catherine comes into play most in the late game, as this is where most of the crucial fights will take place. Catherine is extremely good at engaging with a combination of Merciless Pursuit, War Treads, Blast Tremor, etc. She excels at team fights, so focus on preparing for team fights by placing a lot of vision and executing your skills in the fights.

In team fights, try and bait out major enemy abilities like Phinn’s Forced Accord. You can overextend a little bit to do this, but never get into a position where you will get deleted instantly. Depending on your comp and the enemies, you will either want to engage onto the enemy or stay back with your team. If the enemy has a dive composition, stay back and peel for your team. Similarly, if your team composition is one that needs to engage onto the enemy, you can easily do so in a number of different ways. Catherine is extremely good at kiting back, then hard engaging out of nowhere and completely turning fights around. By saving Blast Tremor for later in the engagements, you will increase the chances of landing the ability and usually increase the effect of it.


  • When playing against a Taka, if you're standing in a lane bush and you know your laner is overextending, watch to see if your name turns white instead of transparent. When it does, you'll know Taka is there. Activate Merciless Pursuit and begin moving towards your laner. This will either scare Taka off or allow you to peel for your laner instantly and allow him to escape.
  • Don't be afraid to try and bait out abilities with Stormguard. Save it for when a lot of damage is incoming. For example, you can walk into a Kestrel Active Camo with Stormguard up and take very little damage.
  • Lay down scout traps in places you know enemy might walk in, especially in the early game. You can time your stuns so that you can stun them with Merciless Pursuit on top of scout traps. Bait the enemy towards the scout, stun them and throw up your Stormguard. This is extremely good when battling carries 1v1.
  • Don't be scared to eat up damage for your team. Take damage for your carries. You can use the speed boost on Merciless Pursuit to get in front of abilities like Skye's Forward Barrage.
  • Against some mages like Skaarf and Celeste, put up your Stormguard and stand on top of the carries. This forces the enemies to hit the shield and reflect a lot of damage. This pretty much makes your carry nearly invincible while your sheild is up. You can easily carry fights by protecting carries with Stormguard and stunning/silencing them when they're over extended
  • Merciless Pursuit has a 3 second duration from the time of activation, meaning even after the dash expires, you can still stun people. Additionally, the stun has a surprisingly long range, so keep trying to stun someone even if they feel like they're slightly out of reach.


Thank you for reading! I hope you found it useful. Send any questions you may have to @tphx_e36 on Twitter or comment below.

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-Sam (e36)

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