TeamKiller Catherine: The Deciding Factor by ScoTheHunter

TeamKiller Catherine: The Deciding Factor

By: ScoTheHunter
Last Updated: Jan 6, 2015
77 Votes
Build 1 of 1


Build: TeamKiller

Ability Path

Captain of the Guard
Heroic Perk
Merciless Pursuit
Blast Tremor

Threat Meter

Show all
Threat Hero Notes
  No Threat
  No Threat
Joule See below.
Koshka See below.
Krul See below.
SAW See below.
Skaarf See below.
Taka See below.
  No Threat
  No Threat
Adagio See below.
Glaive See below.
Ringo See below.
  No Threat
Catherine See below.
Petal See below.
  No Threat
  No Threat

Introduction to Catherine the TeamKiller Top


Thank you for featuring this guide on the game and site(I just saw that!)

-{Disclaimer}(sort of)
If you're completely new to Catherine I suggest first checking out the Unbreakable Catherine guide before reading this. It is much more in depth and explains this wonderful hero much better. I only have my iPhone unfortunately and simply cannot match such a well laid out guide. After becoming more familiar with the Hero come back here and give this a read. Why would I link to another guide in mine? These guides are here to help everyone become a better Catherine. If I or anyone else didn't do everything we could do to help why even bother in the first place?

This guide is made on my iPhone (it took and continues to take forever so please don't forget to vote or comment!)
I decided to make this guide because Catherine is on FTP rotation and people keep locking her in before I even load but obviously need some help or direction. Unfortunately I cannot help them in game so this is the best option. I originally started playing Catherine using the Unbreakable Catherine build which I loved but I ended up developing this build after dozens of games and it has unspeakably helped not only myself but many of my teammates. I hope everyone decides to give it a try! Please don't forget to vote on this guide if you like it or give it a try first then vote and feel absolutely free to comment, I check it frequently! Thank you again and I hope this guide helps.

Catherine is a TeamPlayer and can destroy an entire team's chances of winning with proper or poor use of her devastating skills. Ergo; TeamKiller: The Deciding Factor. Always pay close attention to your allies and foes as positioning will be the single greatest determining factor in your success or failure. I can't upload any videos because I don't have a computer right now but I know this Guide works beautifully and hope you all give it a try. The first thing that is going to stand out if you look at a lot of other guides is that this guide does not focus on obtaining a Clockwork asap...or ever. The next thing you might notice is that we start with Merciless Pursuit instead of Stormguard. This is because we'll be starting in the Lane instead of the Jungle and it is wonderful for harassing and building early stacks of our Heroic Perk which increases our armor.

General Play and Starting Guide Top

There actually isn't much to say in this section. Catherine is a support class aimed at disrupting enemies and giving allies numerous chances to capitalize on weakened foes. Knowing this the general play is relatively straightforward; Be where the fights are and make sure you're the center of attention. As such you'll want to constantly check both team's items and make sure you're building to the occasion properly. Remember, you don't have to follow your team around but make sure you're always keeping an eye on them (and the enemies(or lack thereof)). Positioning will be your greatest ally and there just isn't a guide for that so get out there and learn! (After reading this guide).

----1 Laner/1 Jungler Team Start----
To start the game get the items from the "Start" item section and head into the lane with the other Laner. Hide in the bush and pot shot the enemy with Merciless Pursuit while also stealing final hits, both are effective methods for obtaining gold and harassing the enemy laners. Be sure not to overextend though or you'll risk being ganked. Feel free to take some damage though as the 3 Halcyon Potions will keep you alive until you reach the 900g needed for your Stormguard Banner (and it's HP regen). Also note where and what your Jungler is doing as it's your job to back them up as well! Many teams will often push into your jungle right off the bat so you'll need to help keep your teritory. (Feel free to splurge on some Scout Traps if they're really persistent with the invasions) After that just farm for gold while watching both team's locations. Continue the rest of the game farming gold and making sure you're constantly aware of where the fight is.

----2 Laner Team Start----
Start with Stormguard and 1-2 Halcyon Potion and head to the furthest creep camp you can make it to before the 0:45s mark. (When creeps spawn) Continue to slowly farm your jungle until you can afford a Stormguard Banner. If you're not getting harassed by the enemy and don't see any good opportunities for ganking the lane (or don't feel like it) go ahead and put your second point into Stormguard as well for faster initial farming then continue with ranking up Merciless Pursuit as normal. Always watch for opportunities for lane ganks but keep in mind there isn't many ways to capitalize on killing a single foe or maybe two so early on. That being said, at 4:00 when mining starts make sure you can grab the minion miner asap. It's very important to watch the Gold Miner as well even if you need to grab a Scout Trap and place it behind him for the vision. You'll probably need help to capture it initially which is where the lane ganking come in handy as it gives a golden opportunity for your whole team to quickly grab the loot from the miner. Please for the love of all things VainGlory (including your sanity) do not capture the Gold Miner as soon as it spawns or while the whole enemy team is still alive.

PS. During the early game be very mindful of how much energy you have while ganking or engaging foes!! Few things make you feel as stupid as rushing in then not having the energy for your Stormgaurd. Trust me.

Skill Guide Top

This section will not tell you when to use your skill but instead give a brief rundown of each skill. It's goal is to let you gain your own experience but still provide some tips you'd otherwise learn the hard way.

Merciless Pursuit
This is your main damage and disable. Use this skill to Snare, Interupt, Escape, Initiate(against single foes), and move faster. This skill also provides stacks of your Heroic Perk so feel free to take safe pot shots at enemies to build stacks. When using this skill to gank the lane come from behind the foe and auto attack until they run then stun.

The recent update actually made this skill better (in some cases). Since this skill now loses duration proper skill timing is more important than ever because every .5s you don't block something is a .5s wasted.. Make sure you're not wasting skill duration by not using this skill until necessary (I.e. When you start getting hit!) One very important thing to keep in mind is that this skill does NOT make you invincible! Sounds silly but it's easy to forget. Especially in the early game.

Blast Tremor
Use to initiate fights against 2 or more foes (take note of the cast time and enemy movement). This works through walls but also note that you're required to stand still while casting so make sure you have the proper positioning before using. (Also can be used to kill foes hiding behind turrets or walls)

Core Item Guide. Top

-Starting off always, always pick up an Ironguard Contract and 3 Halcyon Potions. This allows you to Lane or Roam right off the bat and makes sure you'll have the HP needed.

-Once you hit 900g(or slightly before) head down to the Shop and grab your initial game changer; Stormguard Banner. This gives you huge early game HP regen and drastically increases your ability to farm for gold.

-Save all gold for a Warhorn. (Don't forget you can buy the other components of it if you're near the store or Scout Traps if needed)
{The Warhorn is what really sets this build apart and gives it such a huge advantage. The Warhorn does every single thing you could dream of as a Catherine; Increases damage vs non-Heros (I cannot stress how huge a bonus this is), Decreases cooldowns, Provides great energy and health regen, and has an extremely powerful active. What's not to love?!}

-Focus on getting a Lifespring& Travel Boots(Optional but recommended) next, in that order. If you feel a Kinetic Shield would be more help purchase it instead of Lifespring. (I.e; Constant fights against crystal heavy teams....looking at you Koshka)
{ Lifespring's HP regen combined with the Warhorn's so early in the game gives you outstanding endurance making sure that once you get the Travel Boots you'll not only be able to in the right place at the right time but also be ready to get your shield dirty. Meanwhile Kinetic Shield significantly reduces the damage you'll receive against specific foes which has more of an immediate use during fights. Keep in mind you'll want to keep a supply of Halcyon Potion around if so.}

-Upgrade to the Fountain of Renewal next. This allows you to not only increase your team's speed but also their survivability which often proves to be a winning combination in the mid game. (Skip Travel Boots upgarde if this item is needed more immediately then upgrade after.)

-Grab a Chronograph(For the energy and recharge effects) and begin saving for an Aftershock now.
{The Aftershock gives you the damage you need to finish and initiate a fight properly. This single item will take you from being a distracting breeze to the deadly storm you're meant to be.}

-(Optional) Upgrade to Journey Boots for the added defense, mobility, and HP regen.

-Begin crafting your desired "Situational Items" after your Aftershock.

Understanding Situation Items Top

These items are meant to counter specific situations or help fill gaps in team composition. Do NOT waste money on these items if you don't need one until specified in the Core Item Guide.

- Crucible: Purchase this item anytime you need a reliable debuff(Stun and Knockback included) block. Playing against Catherine and Adagio this item is a must(Purchase after Travel Boots) as it will save your whole team from their powerful stuns and silences.

- Shiversteel: Purchase this item if the enemy team is highly mobile and your's is not(Looking at you SAW >.>) Attempt to hit as many foes as possible with melee attacks. (Note that your Merciless Pursuit counts as a basic attack)

- Atlas Pauldron: Use this item to keep yourself alive against poweful weapon damage teams using its active when your shield wears off. This item's CD is actually very short so it can be used almost every time you'd want. Purchase this item before Aftershock if facing a speed stacking team or foes that rely on attack speed such as (but not limited to) Krul, SAW, WP Taka, and to an extent Koshka.

- Tension Bow & Breaking Point & Bonesaw are used to increase potential DPS of yourself or allies. Bringing these to a fight will take you from a deadly storm to a Unstopable Superstorm. (Use Bonesaw to increase the damage of weapon users on your team as well as yourself)

- Fountain of Renewal has been added as well. Who's going to complain about doubling up on a powerful party heal, Hp regen, and more shield?
(Credit to wolf_hands for reminding me of my first game and how fun having two of these was.)

- Eve of Harvest Although I'm not a huge fan of this item on Catherine during a normal game it can still help a lot by keeping your HP up while that shield is on. (Deflected damage counts as crystal) More sustain is more sustain! Personally I'd rather grab a second Fountain of Renewal for the party heal but this gives a bit more crystal damage and a lot of energy regeneration if you're really hurting for it.

- Flare Gun & Scout Trap can prove to be just as important as the above items, especially when your team just isn't that great at sticking together, continually getting ganked, or Taka is annoying and nobody wants to use these themselves.

PS: If you got the coin don't forget a handy Weapon Infusion if you decide to add a Breaking Point or Bonesaw to your arsenal.

Extreme Late Game Build Variants for Specific Instances Top

Each game that makes it to this point is special for one reason or another and as Catherine it's your job to make sure you build exactly as needed which may not be exactly as I show here. With that in mind these are some builds that I've used with great success in such instances.

----Late Game TeamKiller Final Form----
Core Items:
- Fountain of Renewal
- Eve of Harvest
- Aftershock
- Breaking Point
Situational Items:
- Shiversteel
- Tension Bow
- Serpent Mask
- Atlas Pauldron or Fountain of Renewal
- Weapon Infusion+ Flare Gun

In instances that a game is dragging on due to either a lack of damage or poorly placed damage this build excels at destroying entire teams that ignore it for too long in a fight by focusing on teammates or simply being tanky foes. This build sacrifices support for phenomenal damage output and moderate sustainability while still having a situational slot to make sure you have all the right tools for the job.

Core Item Breakdown:
Warhorn: Always useful for the active and wide array of stats and passive effects. Can secure an escape or victory.
Eve of Harvest& Fountain of Renewal: These two items give you great sustain in the late game which is necessary to get those powerful breaking point stacks.
Aftershock: Extremely powerful item that provides great damage, adds to sustain, and quickens cooldowns.
Breaking Point: Nuff said.

Situational Item Breakdown:
- Shiversteel: Use to keep slippery foes near you when they begin to flee from you or allies. Also adds a decent amount of HP to your bar allowing you to stay in the fight longer. Both of these effects greatly compliment your core items.
- Tension Bow: Use to add more front loaded damage. This makes the largest difference against fast squishy foes such as Taka or Enemies that need to be dropped asap in team fights. Combined with a well timed Stormguard you can drop these foes before they even know what hit them.
- Serpent Mask: This item shines when those stacks of Breaking Point begin adding up as well as giving noticeably higher initial DPS. This means if you're fighting a similar built foe you'll have the sustain needed until your Stormguard recharges which will make you Unstoppable.
- Atlas Pauldron or Fountain of Renewal: These add a secondary layer of sustain to make sure you get full use of your Breaking Point.
- Weapon Infusion+ Flare Gun: Greatly increases DPS, minor increases to armor, and huge boost to awareness for the whole team which can be the difference between victory and defeat. Plus it really annoys Taka which is always a bonus.


----Indestructible Late Game Support Tank----

Core Items:
- Atlas Pauldron
- Crucible or Shiversteel
- Fountain of Renewal
- Fountain of Renewal
- Eve of Harvest

Description coming soon...

Teammates and How They'll Influence Your Playstyle Top

This section is going to provide useful tips about how each Hero may affect how you choose to play or build throughout the game as well as some tips that are often overlooked but can make a huge difference.

Threats (Expanded) Top

One huge problem about trying to make a Threats section for Catherine is that She is usually incredibly dependent on teammates or enemies to provide her with proper DPS. This means that just because a particular Hero played by player X was no problem at all doesn't mean that the same hero played by player Y will end the same way even if they were using relatively the same build. Please keep that in mind while reading through this section. I will be rating Heros on a color threat meter that is as follows:

Green: Not generally a threat solo or in team fights. Can be easily countered.
Yellow: These Heros should be taken seriously unless proven to be pushovers.
Red: Do not waste time fighting. Even played bad these heros require special care to counter or kill.

Threat Level: Yellow
This hero can be a complete pushover or a nightmare depending on who is playing him or how he's built. CP focused ones are really not that large of a threat so long as you can keep their ultimate down. WP ones focused on carrying are a different story due to their slow and consistantly high damage output. Tanky ones however can either pose the largest or least threat depending entirely on your teammate's awareness. Always build a Crucible just incase interrupting them doesn't go smoothly. Overall this Hero has earned his way into a Yellow rating simply because of his versatility.

Threat Level: Red
Catherine can be the hardest enemy to face on the opposing team. Although she has low damage she can single handedly change the outcome of a fight just as you can. She can do this because her Blast Tremor can be very hard to see coming in the middle of a fight or as a surprise making even a Crucible hard to use effectively. In addition to the above she has a stun and a shield that deflects damage. This is a massive problem when facing Her with a team that continually targets Her. Even played poorly she is a large threat to any team. Despite all of this however she is still not the one you should focus on locking down or disrupting which gives her almost free reign to unleash havoc on your team. She has easily earned a red level threat because of this.

Threat level: Yellow
Possibly the single most threatening hero to your team. If built and played smart this hero will not only attack you but also your team at the same time. In addition to this his lifesteal adds up tremendously when he's in the fray attacking the whole team. If he's targeting you move so he's not facing your team. Finally this guy can fly through you and knock an ally into or out of the fray. Make sure you do your best to lock him down if he's proven himself to be a capable threat. Although not immediately threatening to you he can bypass you and Attack teammates directly or indirectly while having a substantially large health pool and sustain which earns him a Yellow threat level.

Threat level: Green
Although Joule has some great tools at her disposal this hero can and often is a team's worst nightmare when facing a Catherine. A smart player will wait until your shield is down to use Big Red Button but it can still be stunned or avoided thanks to your Warhorn. She can be very reliant on skills making her extremely susceptible to your Blast Tremor. On top of this a Crucible will completely negate her extremely obvious stun. Definitely a force to be reckoned with against other heros, just not you. Given the above She has been awarded a green threat level.

Threat Level: Green/Yellow
Despite being one of my two favorite heros at this point She really does not pose too much of a threat to you or your team alone. Koshka suffers from a sub-par ultimate and requires a decent amount of time to really add up her Twirly Death damage. Although great at assassinations and capable of locking down allies for seconds at a time she leaves herself extremely vulnerable to do so making her an easy target in team fights even with the added defense her heroic perk gives. Despite this she can still be a huge threat if built semi-tanky because of her Twirly Death and Aftershock everyone carries which still give her good damage. Overall she earns a Green rating but should not be underestimated or you will regret it.

Threat level: Green
God I hate this hero. Everyone always picks him and then dies a dozen times because they can't figure out how to copy those cool videos Krul is always in. Krul is a weak hero dependent completely on early-mid game ganks and skirmishes. Although he can be effective throughout the whole game by a skilled player he simply doesn't bring anything to the table in late game fights that poses a huge threat. Dependent entirely upon Attack speed and range for both damage and sustain this hero becomes easier to counter as the game progresses. Although many heros should fear this undead king of the jungle you are not one of them which is why he has a green threat rating.

Threat level: Red
This hero is a nightmare when well played and built. CP will have minions that trigger Stormguard. This is a huge problem because the damage deflected is minimal and it drains the shield very fast. In addition to this her ultimate is capable dropping an entire team. On the other hand a WP built will have minions that hit through your shield meaning she's still capable of quickly dropping your health and her ultimate can still cause harm to squishy members of your team. Often equipped with a Shiversteel or Frostburn she is capable of nailing down a teammate until her minions or allies are able to finish the job. Commonly overlooked because of the lack of direct large damage this hero is usually ignored in team fights in favor of more immediate threats. Although squishy this hero is more then capable of holding her own against the toughest of foes and easily earns her red threat rating.

Threat level: Green/Yellow
This hero is capable of some very large bursts and spikes of damage. On top of that he's able to snare and increase both his move and attack speeds. He tops all that off with an AoE fireball that ignores armor, has a huge range, and can't be avoided. Despite all that he can be very squishy and easily dispatched in teamfights. This is one carry that should be shut down best as possible if he proves to be a significant threat to your allies. Ultimately this hero earns a Green threat rating but can easily elevate themselves to a Yellow if played and built smart.

Threat level: Green
This hero is very popular because of his insane damage potential. He sacrifices his mobility significantly for it however and although experienced players can overcome the hindrance this still makes him a prime target for both you and your team. If possible attempt to save your shield for when he uses Mad Cannon to deal heafry damage back to him and remove his stacks of Spin Up with your stun. Alternatively use Atlas Pauldron to destroy his attack speed and thus DPS. Beware his Close Combat skill as it can deal a truly surprising amount of damage if not used to run away. Against Catherine this hero becomes his own worst enemy and thus earns a green rating on the threat meter.

Threat level: Green
Although extremely powerful in the early and mid game due to his Fan the Flames this loses some effectiveness in the late game. He makes makes up for it by have an extremely, extremely powerful ultimate that deals many smaller packets of damage which makes it ill advised to Stormguard so instead make sure you interupt him asap and only use your shield as a last resort. Fountain of Renewal is a great item to counter this hero and if you can pick up two do so. Usually very squishy and generally without any escape mechanics he is a prime target in fights. Unless you can dish out damage quickly do not attempt to solo as his Fan the Flames will wear you down quickly. Overall Skarff earns a Green rating because of his susceptibility to your skills and squishy-ness.

Threat level: Green/Yellow
This hero is both the most annoying and most satisfying to fight. Capable of constant harassment and quick ganks this hero is a force to be reckoned with...unless you have flares. Although not a huge threat to a team that sticks together this hero can wreak havoc on uncoordinated or overconfident allies. WP builds take time to deal their damage while CP builds deal impressive spike damage. The latter is much more deadly against you unless you can time Stormgaurd well. Always carry flares when facing this hero. Overall this hero is a green level threat but can very easily elevate themselves to yellow if played well.

Things to come: Top

    Hero counter guide
    Ally hero tips
    More general play depth
    Skill tips

Have suggestions? Found a mistake? Anything? Let me know in comments or messages. I want to make this a great guide and I need lots of help from the community to do so!

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