Glaive support guide (2.4) by Tuanduy1102

Glaive support guide (2.4)

By: Tuanduy1102
Last Updated: May 27, 2017
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Build: Ultimate disruptor

Ability Path

Hunt the Weak
Heroic Perk
Twisted Stroke

Intro Top

Hi everyone! I'm just a player in SEA who mainly plays captain ranked or casual (thank you insta-lockers). Currently I'm rank 9 silver (SEA is surely hell with connectivity, rage-quitters and **** so it's a great effort not to decay). Should you have any questions, recommendations or see any typos feel free to comment. I copy most of the details from my other guides, so if your have read it, feel free to skip.

Before we begin you should consider checking out this link first if you don't really know much about Glaive.

My other guides:

Why roam?? Top

Glaive roam is not a new thing. This is just a variation from Cp path that focus on protective items and a different positioning. It's due to Glaive's high innate health pool and disruptive skills that allows extra durability and mobility as captain.

Ability and perk breakdown Top

Hunt the Weak

This perk doesn't contribute anything to your job as a supporter so I won't talk much 'bout it.


Ok, this is considered one of the deadliest skill in the game (not by me of course). What can it do? Screw people's position, run through every gap on the map, disrupt skills, gank, chase... A thing most people don't realize is the supportive potential of this skill. For example, enemy Krul has just charged Shadow empowers me and cling on to your teammates. What do you do? Afterburn to his *** and "punt" him away (i don't know **** about gender so just put "him").

Sometimes you can really screw your own team with ****ty uses:
- Push low-healths away from teammates when chasing or ganking (wow).
- Push enemies into your own low-health teammates hiding in bushes or something (game breaker).
- Jump straight into 3 full-health enemies without help around and get bursted down in like 4 second. (2v3)
Consider your position and enemy skills (Vox, Lance) before jumping in.

In the early to mid game, you can't spam this skill (half of your mana bar gone) so be careful till you get energy/void battery.

This skill can proc Aftershock easily so it's a good item.

I believe that if you don't use the skill immediately, it grants you a little speed boost? (Need more checking and experiment)

Twisted Stroke
This skill also doesn't do much when you go support. However, a lot of items benefit from this skill, like Aftershock, poisoned shiv, bonesaw, shiversteel. In early stages of the game use it to farm faster if you decide to stay with the jungler. Also, use it often if you have mana for Bloodsong stack.


A rather high Aoe damage skill (700 at full stack lv3). You can gain stack with basic attack and be attacked so as support, you will probably have 12-19 stack by the time the skill is off cooldown. Better attack speed really helps.

A tip: Dash in with Afterburn, activate Bloodsong BEFORE doing anything, and then push.

Core items Top

Fountain of Renewal

Heals you and teammates base on missing health. Rush immediately at 4min shop. Try to wait until your ally's health is at 1/3 or lower then activate.

War Treads

Activate to boost team-wide speed. Chase or retreat.

Atlas Pauldron

Use against Wp carries or basic attack reliance enemies (Vox, Adagio). The most used item to counter Wp heroes. Use Afterburn to get into position, or Boots in and activate.(activate a second before jumping in)

If you're new, you may ask:"Why don't get Metal jacket for double armor => Tanky?" As captain, it's likely that no one is gonna hit you on purpose with your squishy allies around. Also, by reducing attack speed, you passively protect your teammates. So Metal is a waste.


Trigger to reflex block allies. You know the drill.

Replacable items breakdown Top


The most OP item in recent updates. It's not as good as before, but still recommended for most games. I usually go farm with my jungler for faster cleartime or secretly steal enemy farm when they just died. With it, you can usually solo, gank squishy heroes and get kills. Cooldown reduction is second only to Clockwork, Contraption and still gives 200 health.

In recent times, however, I grab Contraption first for free mines. Stormcrown is usually last item.


Vision has always been important. Especially with unlimited Scout Trap, you can make some big plays, like nuking a low health enemy buying in jungle shop, dealing damage in teamfights, and even STEAL Kraken or Gold mine. Rush first if you have to fight invisible enemies (Taka, Kestrel,...)

Nullwave Gauntlet

If you see the enemy captain relies heavily on trigger items like Fountain of Renewal, Crucible,...,use it to negate anything they can do. Work best against captain that you think can't do much for teammates(Flicker, Lance, Ardan in my opinion)


Just for sheer late game damage (I replace Stormcrown at over 27 min). Work best against high armor/health target because of health based damage. Works well with Glaive (both A and B can proc it).


If you have a hard time chasing fleeing opponents, grab it. However, I think that Afterburn works good enough so i hardly buy it. Recommended against Vox, Skye,...

Poisoned Shiv

Remember, mortal wound doesn't affect heal alone, but also shield (like Vanguard) and fortified health ( Polite Company). If you go against typical healing potential heroes like Krul, Ozo and your teammates don't get Poisoned Shiv, take it from 15-20min.


If your allies go double Wp and are stupid enough to not get Bonesaw grab it. Also recommended if 2 out of 3 enemies buy metal jacket.

Early game tips and FAQ Top

*Why contracts?

SEMC doesn't add contracts for fun only. In my opinion, contracts give you massive advantages early on, especially Ironguard Contract. It gives you sustain until jungle shop spawn, aid your laner if they don't have Book of Eulogies, and you can clear jungle faster without waiting for your jungler to tank the minions. Protector Contract helps out a lot in teamfights, and even better if you have Alpha in your team. I never grab Dragonblood Contract because the extra damage won't do much and I never see others take it, so yeah, it sucks.

If you don't like contracts, take what other things you need. Just be sure to have light armor/shield as first item. Check if the enemy team relies on Wp (basic attack, Lance) or Cp (Petal, Skye).

*1min jungle stealing

Laners can use some opportunities to steal jungle if all 3 of your team are visible to captain/jungler and you're in a bad situation. My advice: stay in the tri-bush the first few seconds jungle minion just spawn if you don't see their laner show up. It is also possible that the enemy goes 3 person jungle to dominate early game if they have a powerful early composition. Flare the enemy bush up and be careful.

*Big Treant

Don't start agro if you can't tell if you can really secure it. Steal it at all cost. A 50:50 advantage or drawback is to great. The meta is to start the 2 smaller minions, check the big Treant, fight or take the smaller Treant and comeback later. Note: USE THE TREANT'S ROOT CIRCLE TO PREDICT WHERE THE ENEMY IS BY CHECKING THEIR JUNGLE.

*Early lane gank

Simple. Wait till enemy get close, dash out, stun, kill.

Or, go the long way around. Most people only pay attention to the enemy bush. But it's risky cuz the enemy can likely see you in their jungle or the captain usually sit in their bush to protect.

Mid and late game Top

Just protect your teammates, stun and push people, and run across the map. Secure vision with mines. Check if your teammates need help in lane or jungle and go help. Remember that the Crystal Sentry has only 3 lives but HEAVY damage. If you fall behind, fight around your own Miner and farm passively. Minion candy finally have good use.

Threats Top

You must be wondering why I don't include threats above.

MARK MY WORDS. You are never "safe" against any heroes, even the ones that you consider "easy" kill. In some cases, Blackfeather, who can easily escape your crowd control can still be killed without a sweat. It is the skill, not the strength of a hero that determines the outcome. That is always something to remember. In other words:"PUT EVERYONE AT THE HIGHEST THREAT BAR.

I haven't found any big threats to Glaive besides your own skill. The weakness of every weapon, however powerful, is always the user.

Well as you can guess, the highest threat belongs to skilled players who use Reflex block to block your stun (also heroes like Blackfeather, Gwen, Taka, Lance,...). This put you out of position and get killed.

If you see any bigger threats let me know and I'll consider putting it here.

How to note if someone is an experienced player (70% of the time) Top

Vainglory has 4 tier skins. Usually a really good player will have Legendary skin. Others have Special Edition skins, which should usually be bought with Ice. See if they have the Ice badge and determine if they acquired skins by Ice or through hard work.

However, some people still have good skills with only default skins. Don't be deceived. They might be a new account created by old players to steamroll through low ranks.

Screenshots (from VG miner cuz I'm forgetful and didn't take it in game) Top

Outtro Top

Thanks for reading my guide.

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