Hellfire CP Skye - The HP melter (1.8) by JustEliminate

Hellfire CP Skye - The HP melter (1.8)

By: JustEliminate
Last Updated: Sep 8, 2015
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Build: CP Skye

Ability Path

Target Lock
Heroic Perk
Forward Barrage
Suri Strike
Death From Above

Threat Meter

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Threat Hero Notes
  No Threat
  No Threat
Skye Skye vs Skye is all about skill placement and strategy. For example if she uses suri strike on you, you counter with suri strike, effectively dodging hers and making yours hit. Skye does not have a readily available method of escape so if she is low, go in and forward barrage her to death.
Celeste Celeste can poke you alot with her A so get CP defense and try to juke her abilities. She is squishy so if you are confident you can kill her, go in and burst her with suri strike then forward barrage.
SAW Your range is short so do not get into the range of a spun up saw. Try to gank him with your teammates.
  No Threat
  No Threat
  No Threat
Taka When taka gets fed, you must work towards Metal Jacket. If he jumps on you, immediately lock on him and try to run. Use forward barrage while strafing away so he takes damage while chasing you. Once his health drops low enough, suri strike to close the gap (dont overcommit) and finish him off (use ult if need be.
  No Threat

Introduction Top

Skye is a high skill high reward hero. As such, you may suck with her the first few times. After some practice, you will realize just how powerful this girl can be at making game changing plays with her ult or chasing down an enemy that is as far as 1/4 of the map away from you with Suri Strike. Once she starts chasing a locked target, no one will ever be able to get away from her.

WP or CP Skye Top

The hero spotlight shows WP recommended items. This does not mean WP is the better option. In my opinion, CP Skye is better than WP and unleashes her full potential of being a huge threat in teamfights and chasing enemies down.

WP pros:
-Easier laning/farming by last hitting
-More flexible as it is not so skill reliant
-Sustained damage for long fights

-Lower burst damage than CP
-Needs to be in close combat (5 units range) to land basic attacks
-Ult damage and A ability damage is significantly decreased.
-Lacks burst from Suri Strike and slow from frostburn (unless you get shiversteel for WP build)

CP pros:
-Huge burst damage
-Huge sustained damage with Forward Barrage for potentially 4 seconds as you watch your enemy's health bar melt.
-Can stay at the edge of fights while dealing massive damage with Forward Barrage on a single locked target or massive AOE damage with Suri Strike and Ult
-Able to chase and finish off enemies at ranges that are impossible for WP. (I've once locked an enemy running away in between two turrets. Used suri strike to go in and then forward barrage to finish him off without taking too much damage from turrets)
-Higher survivability due to longer range with forward barrage

-More difficult to master
-Enemies can dodge your skills and you may not deal sufficient damage.
-Timing on all skills are extremely important.
-Must know how to angle forward barrage properly to get kills without putting yourself in a bad position after.
-Less sustained damage after using skills so you may find yourself sitting duck if you do not kill your enemy with your skills (Can be countered by getting Alternatinf Current or Clockwork. Doesnt happen often for me as fights would have ended and resulting in chases)

The Basics Top

Skye is gold hungry and I would recommend her as a laner. She can also Jungle well if needed. She is like any other lane hero, squishy. So play safe and do not overcommit or overextend. Strategy is very important and positioning is key to master Skye. Her mobility is what enables her to dodge damage and reposition herself quickly to aid her team.

Itemization Top

Frostburn is a core item as it helps her land her abilities better. Tier 2 boots by mid game is almost mandatory due to her slow move speed and almost zero means of escape. Defense items early mid game is a good investment to cover up for a squishiness and low basic attack range of 5 units (susceptible to poke). You can choose to build two defense items if the enemy carries gets fed.

Note: Metal Jacket in above item build is just representativr of a tier 3 defense item. Choose Metal Jacket if a WP carry is fed and Aegis if a CP carry is fed. You can build both defense items if need be.

Laning Top

Last hitting as CP Skye is a little harder due to her low attack speed and basic attack damage. Do not be too over aggressive when laning. You can lock onto a minion, attack it again for the speed boost, and quickly reposition yourself to dodge skillshots from the enemy laner or harass them with forward barrage. Once you get Suri Strike, you can really punish any laner that overextends and deal massive damage to them just with those two skills. However, I wouldnt recommend being too aggressive as she shines mid to late game and has a somewhat weak early game. If your support does not place a trap near your lane brush, buy one for yourself. Vision is extremely important as Skye is very vulnerable to ganks.

Duelling Top

When duelling 1v1, ALWAYS lock your target first before unleashing your skills. A common combo against a melee hero would be to lock the enemy, forward barrage backwards and watch him/her melt away. If the enemy gets too close, simply use suri strike to the other side and continue attacking. If her ult is available, you can choose to lock the enemy hero, place a well positioned Ult and then use forward barrage.

Team Fights Top

This is where Skye truly shines. Knowing when and where to place her ult is crucial to securing aces or preventing your teammates from dying. Like in the hero spotlight, you can zone off enemies with your ult or bombard them with it if they are in a cluster (high chance of winning if the enemy team is caught in it). Use her Suri Strike wisely and make sure you are on the edge of fights and not smack in the middle of it. Always think and angle her forward bareage properly such that you damage your enemy while not strafing to a bad spot. If you fail to hit your enemy with forward barrage, cancelling it would be a good idea So you can basic attack your target to keep the lock.

Securing objectives Top

Gold mine/Kraken
When your team decides to take these, you can use your ult as a wall to prevent enemies from stealing the objective (like how Ardan uses his ult)

Enemy turrets
Lock it, forward barrage, suri strike. If an enemy tries to escape by running back to their turret, do not be afriad to use suri stike followed by forward barrage to secure the kill even under the turret (provided you have the health). Her damage is usually enough to kill a non tank at 50% hp.

Mastering Skye Top

Skye is once again a tough hero and I am also still learning to master her. With practice and observing how other Skyes play (especailly the Koreans), you will eventually master her. I'm no pro but I have about a 75% win rate with her in solo queue (PG gold). KDs like 15/1, 19/2, 25/5 are common for Skye, with most deaths due to carelessness. Once that is out of the way, KDs like 15/0 can be achieved provided your team knows what they are doing. Don't give up on her and keep practicing! :)

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