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New Hero Idea that balances the whole meta if implemented!

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Quote | PM | +Rep by x0xXx0x » April 22, 2017 1:01am | Report
This hero comes as a response to balance the current meta. It will work wonderfully against ambushers of any kind! The hero will be a jungler but can be playd lane also with a bit of skill. The hero will not be an ambusher but an antiambusher! The hero will ride a mech and will be related to Joule and Sky! The hero will be skill focused requiring skill in order to play properly. Skill timing and patience! The hero abilities will be easy to dodge once the hero is on sight! The hero will do immense damage of ganked brutally or if someone steps on his/her territory...when i mean territory i mean melee range! Hero relies on burst! Example fortress jumps together with his team to snowball this hero or an ally of his/her, she/he has the ability to deter the whole formation and make them heavily bleed! Require poke tactic and coordinated movement in order to take this hero out! Works very well against Fortress, Adagio, Petal, Rona, Alpha.
Does not work well against Lance, Skaarf, Celeste etc. Bassicaly it balances the meta brings a bit of power back to stunners and edge fighters.

A ability name: up to SEMC or people vote

The mech spins in a circle that completes in 1 seconds doing heavy crystal damage. The ability has 0.4 casting time so players that are very fast on reflexes can dodge it using different spells example taka A or bounce to creeps or things like that example Koshka and Fortress!
The Overdrive of this ability appllies mortal wounds to all enemies catched by it! This ability will devastate any super confident player that enters bush without visibility...example if petal follows ally of this hero and this hero stays bush and activates A just when Petal steps in then Petal gets destroyed! During casting time of 0.4 seconds the mech is heavily slowed and regains his movement speed once the spin is completed!

B ability name: up to SEMC or people

The mech dashes forward for a small distance hitting all targets in the path with its 2x blades applying slow! This ability is skill focused and it can miss! After the dash the mech is heavily slowed for 0.4 seconds! This ability if timed up well sinergies with A doing great amount of damage! This ability is hard to land if the gank is wide spread but destroys formations! Example...enemies gather to gank an ally laner and Ardan vanguards the mech for a bit of tabkiness and boost and he uses B followed by A succesfully or A from bush and then B succesfully followed by basic attacks!
Overdrive of this ability strongly enhances the slow!

C ability name: up to SEMC or people

The mech enters berserks mode becoming enraged gaining +20,+25,+40 movement speed, +40,+60,+100 attacks speed and plus 300,400,650health! While enraged his fighting stances changes to a more aggresive one! Also he/she gains cleave attack in a small radius! Lasts a few seconds!

Heroic perk: When out of enraged mode the hero has more resistence...once ulti is active he loses -25 armor and -25 shield! Stats for him/her are 20-100 for both wp defense and cp defense! The hero has an immense shield on his armor in the front back and sides! When ulti is activated the hero takes 0.4 seconds casting time breaks his own shields of armor so he can become faster and more vicious!

Hard to initiate pursue and destroy....because the casting times and auto slow...but very nice on countering ultra aggresive pursuits! The heroes that stay on edge are safest example Celeste nd Skaarf they will scout bush with A periodically...and maintain distance!

This hero might feel like a melee saw having instead of a long sequence of auto slow short burst of sequences...the hero would be tons of funs getting sattisfaction by hitting the skill based abilities while also having the ability to brawl and stand and foght with the most brutal heroes out there and let them test your metal. Its unique and original idea and it would be above all...a balance change brought to the game! People are sick of mages and ***** like that since most of the heroes are unbalanced....i myself i dont believe the balance stands in balancing the spells and nerfing and stuff like that but in bringing heroes that balance the current meta out! I put this hero in here because...they tought if they nerf petal tottaly they balance the game...and they broke petal in the process...bassically petal now gets destroyed by lyra! You cant nerf bufff nerf buff and hope people will be sattisfied! Bring heroes that balance the current meta! This or others...this is the correct way to balance the game! Stop destroying heroes...petal is destroyed this patch because of this! Its not about what dmg a hero does its about mechanics! Implement heroes that balance the current meta instead of destroying existing heroes that some people got used to and some of them invested real money for skins and such!

Now ill post every single hero how it relates to this mech:

Adagio: Adagio is weak against this mech because in order for him to be succesful he needs to get close and once close to this mech it is danger! He could use creeps to his advantage heal and then buff plus auto attacks but this limited since this mech is going to be more present in jungle than on lane!

Ardan: Ardan is weak-neutral to this mech because his vangurad will help his allies deter part of the burst and allow them escape but his gauntlet wont do much since you dont want to be in a perimeter with this mech!

Alpha: Alpha is weak against this mech because it cannot foght with him because of the burst and tankiness! Also while he is in enraged mode he can bassicaly eat up alphas ulti and then still destroy her!

Baron: He is ok against this mech because of his range and his b...also his A will allow him to scout bushes and keep his lane safe!

Blackfeather: Blackfeather is ok vs this mech because he is very fast and dances around the fight slicing the mech while poking him from afar! His A will come in handy when mech tries to escape but not if he tries to initiate!

Celeste: Celeste is ok against this mech her range quarantee her safety she can scout the bush and in a gank if she uses his auto slow to stun him and then poke him/her the mech is done! The ulti can be used to destroy part of his hp and will be easier to land if timed when he/she is auto slowing itself!

Catherine: Catherine is ok vs this mech since it deflect part of the mech damage back and add a nice stun to his/her auto slows helping the team taking the mech down!

Flicker: This mech would change how flicker is playd forever...flicker could dive in and eat some shoots while slowing and holding the mech probably sacrificing himself to get the kill...a support for a jungler kill is a nice trade!

Fortress: This mech would push fortress players to be more cautious and picky with their A...Fortress could use his ulti and brawl a bit ulti the mech while his team deliver damage...fortress plus 2 ranged heroes would be ok since another melee or 2 other melee wil just guarantee the mech mortal wound all of them slow all of them and heavily dmg all of them while the mech team destroys whats left!

Glaive: Glaive would be neutral towards the mech since he can use his A to reposition the mech but also you need to be aware when you reposition him and how you attack since it can lead to your team being burst down!

Grumpjaw: Grumpjaw is an ok pick against the mech because grumpjaw can remove the mech from the fight and provide tabkiness for his team while they attack the mech!

Gwen: Gwen is ok pick against the mech because her low hp means if she gets in range she is done and her abilities and auto attacks do reduced dmg because of his tankiness...her ulti and b might come in handy and her a will scout the bush wich will be ok for her team against the mech!

Idris: Idris is neutral...cp idris will work a bit better because of the range...if idris sticks to close he will get burst down...his barrier will help him a bit but in a long fight he will get demolished if he decides to stick close the whole fight! Also in wp path his ulti will be hazardous for idris since his jump wont be too far! His B will be nice!

Joule: Mech vs Mech Melee Vs Melee but theres a catch...Joule strikes with A succesfully and then the mech uses A to spin...then joule starts auto attacking and b but mech enters berserk mode and destroys Joule! If not in berserker mode Joule stands a chance because of her stun! If Joule tries to flee mech uses his b to heavily slow her and she is done in no time! Joule should not initiate alone on this mech!

Kestrel: Kestrel is neutral towards this mech...and ill explain why...if theres range and nice gameplay of kestrel she burst down the mech but if the mech enters berserker mode and starts diving she cannot really escape because of her low hp...the mech b and a while being in berserker mode having increased movement speed attack speed and hp plus cleave will make kestrel easy kill if b and a are landed! Even if kestrel hits the mech with a and b in his berserker mode he will probably eat the shoots up and still kill her and if the mech is able to hit her and succesfuly cast B right after she uses invi!

Koshka: Koshka will need to rely on her pounce strike and run tactic in order to be succesfull against this mech...also invading his jungle and starving him early while being an anoyance to him will be succesfull! Koshka should not try to fight with the mech unless her allies are close and her ulti is up!

Krul: This would be an epic fight because krul has some barriers and lifesteal but the mech has immense dmg output and a ton of hp...this fight might go to a tie...! Depends who strike first. Once the fight started none can escape...if krul tries to escape the mech will use his amazing movement speed and b to slow and catch from behind and destroy krul...if mech tries to escape krul uses his ulti and starts surging again deleting damage from the mech! Cp mech could prove more succesfull against Krul because of imense burst! Depends who farms better wich one has better score and stuff! Krul needs to surge out of bush to be succesfull while the mech needs to camp a bit in bush waiting or have an ally boost lyra or ardan!

Lance: Lance is an ok pick against the mech because of his attack range his impale and his stun...also his ulti allow him to reposition faster! His high hp pool will allow his survive in case he eats the a and b of the mech! Also his b will be very usefull for him and his team against the mech while the mech is enraged....Lance would force the map to distance from the walls...and come out in the open where the mech is most vulnerable!

Lyra: Lyra is neutral towards the mech...her auto attacks range will come in handy and her A will be a nice anoyance to the mech but she cannot help her team when the mech is in berserker mode since her b does not block it and since lyra forces her allies to stick as a formation the mech cleave attack while in berserker mode will put lyra and her allies in a not nice situation!

Ozo: Ozo will be stomped against the mech because it denies part of Ozo perk...the mortal wound applied by the mech A will scratch ozo...alot! Also while the mech is in berserker mode Ozo cannot run if he made the mistake to jump on him! On the other side Ozo ulti will come in handy against the mech since it flips it for a nice distance while maintaning a bit of distance!

Petal: Petal munions are useless because of the mech A...Also in tight spaces Petal is destroyed by the mech for example mustache bush...the mech uses b destroys munions and heavily slow petal...then uses A if there are munions left are destroyed petal is denied part of healing and is bassicaly like 300-400 hp left if not less...then if she is not destroyed within a few attacks the mech enrages and destroys her!

Phinn: Phinn tankiness would prove usefull for his team...he could go in and tank for his team...slowing and stunning the mech...also he could drag the mech...the mech can also escape the stun of phinn using his B ability and apply mortal wound on phinn with his A. Phinn should not wander alone since he is very slow and mech once enraged he will destroy Phinn...

Reim: This tanky mage would prove usefull against the mech since it can use his ulti when the mech auto slows itself during casting time...stunning the mech and applying a few A plus a few B while being able to fight with the mech and tank for the team will greatly help his team! Reim will have advantage over the cp built mech but will lose in a confrontation to wp build mech if enraged!

Ringo: If Ringo is catched off guard he will be destroyed...if Mech is enraged Ringo is destroyed...If Ringo casts ulti from afar and starts attacking first the mech will have hp depleted!

Rona: Rona cannot gank on the mech without having a bit of problems...first of all her A is a semi slow dmg while the mech A will apply a mortal wound and heavily damage directly! Then if Rona uses her b and then starts spinning the mech uses his B goes trough Rona takes a bit of distance goes berserker mode and then the mech destroys her!

Samuel: Samuel is an ok pick against the mech because of his range and slow b...what wont help Samuel is his need to stay in his circle in a gank...that will allow the mech to catch Samuel with his A and. and then go berserker mode and start depeletong his hp!

Saw: Saw is an ok pick against the mech since Saw range his ulti and his A sinergy vs the mech...if mech comes enraged Saw uses A. if mech is in the bush Saw uses B....if mech uses A on Saw wich would be hard....then the mech would probably dive in enraged mode and kill Saw! The mech wont be a problem for Saw...a well supported Mech on the other side would prove a bit problematic for Saw!

Skaarf: Skaarf works very well against the mech because of the mech auto slows Skaarf will be able to place goop easy and burn him down...also Skaarf range will come in handy to scout bushes and his ulti will provide backline fire power!

Sky: Sky would be an easy kill for the mech because of his enhanced movement speed and his immense burst...Sky players would be forced to build more defensivily otherwise they wont have a chance against a welll playd the mech with tons of burst a bit of gap closing ability and the abilty to go in berserk mode and destroy squishies that come a bit close in a matter of seconds! On the other hand if playd really well Sky can dodge the mech...but she will stilll need help of her team if the mech goes in berserk mode! Either she goes cd focused so she can keep the mech at distance either she builds a bit of defense to quarantee her escape if the mech activates ulti!

Taka: Taka is neutral towards the mech...because taka can ambush but he needs to stay close and when close to the mech theres danger...Taka's A if timed welll will provide him a deflect of dmg while his ulti will destroy a chunck of hp out of the mech hp pool! His invi wont help him much because of mech ability to dash and heavily slow...depends who play who better!

Vox: Vox would be an anoyance to the mech because he can also dash...and Vox ulti puts silence on the mech...wich could prove very nasty to the mech...also Vox could make use of the mech auto slows to place auto attacks while dashing and damaging!

Also this hero would make ultis of other heroes more ulti of Ozo, ulti of Vox, ulti of Gwen...etc

You guys should sugggest name of the mech, name of the abilities of the mech and someone should try to draw the mech and post picture here. Bassicaly its a mech prototype one riden by a girl/boy or woman/man wielding 2x blades 1 in a hand 1 in the other hand! Looks a bit more tankier than joule when in not berserk mode...when in berserk mode the mech armor shatters! Also someone should try post Lore to it!
Favorite heroes: Fortress, Krul Support, Rona Support, Taka support

Favorite Skin: All Fortress Skins

Skill Tier: Vainglorious

Notable (3)
Posts: 69
Quote | PM | +Rep by TheCatfish » April 22, 2017 11:39am | Report
Hero concept, Erin a young, skilled inventor with a wild imagination and awesome dragon mech.
Ability A: Dragon Spin
Ability B: Dragon Rush
Ult: Dragon Rage
Just a suggestion:3
"Life without risk is as dull and mindless as lane minions." -TheCatfish :3

Notable (6)
Posts: 64
Quote | PM | +Rep by MagikarpUsedHyperBeam » April 22, 2017 11:49am | Report
or you know you could just nerf WP.

Notable (6)
Posts: 67
Quote | PM | +Rep by Faey » April 22, 2017 6:13pm | Report
Or you know, make this a skin for Joule.
Crazy d

Notable (18)
Posts: 238
Quote | PM | +Rep by TheCatfish » April 23, 2017 6:43am | Report
Yas! A dragon Joule skin would be coool!
"Life without risk is as dull and mindless as lane minions." -TheCatfish :3

Notable (6)
Posts: 64

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