Balancing Your Team and Strategies Thereafter by Amphyria

Balancing Your Team and Strategies Thereafter

By: Amphyria
Last Updated: Feb 17, 2015
4 Votes
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Introduction Top

Ever wonder why playing your favorite Vainglory hero just isn't cutting it? It might not be you! Well, it could be you, LULZ, but only because you chose to pair your hero with an incompatible team.

Now, this isn't meant to bash players, or rant about "bad players on my team". This is the guide for people waiting in the selection menu JUST before your game starts, and you're wondering who to pick! Well, look no more, indecisive nail-biters! With player-contributed info, we'll try to help you learn a few of the basics and a few new tricks along the way.

I'll also be constantly editing this, so keep your eyes peeled!

The Most Basic of Basics for Vainglory Top


Probably not a revelation to most of you, but as many have mentioned and said, there is no sure-fire way to win a game. When playing against real live people, this is always the case.

The most important thing to do when playing Vainglory, or any MOBA, is to be flexible, but even more so for Vainglory. Why? Because you can't see what characters the other team will be picking, nor will you know what team you'll get due to the lack of communication between randoms. (If you get a group of friends together to play, you'll at least be able to chat with each other for a little beforehand.)


This brings me to my next point: Vainglory makes up for the lack of communication with the use of signals. The green "GO", red "AVOID, or the blue "ON THE WAY" symbols are key for communicating between teammates in-game.

Why is this important? Most matches are won through great teamwork! While small nuances like "buy a Scout mine, please" can't be communicated, giving your teammates indications of where you might be going or advice on where NOT to go are just as important. (Please see NJL's Guide to Signals for more clarification.)


Worried that your favorite Hero isn't right for the team? Don't worry!

Your teammates will always prefer someone who knows how to use their Hero as opposed to trying to pick a character that you've never used before - even if it seems better for the group collective. Just make sure to pay attention to enemy builds and have a game plan as the match unfolds.


An addendum to "Be Flexible", planning out what builds you have should fly out the window once you've started playing. If you notice that an enemy is already building a Metal Coat to your Weapon Build, switch it up to a Crystal Build and laugh as they wonder why you're dipping into their health so fast despite the expensive armor they've got on.

Additionally, if one of your enemies happens to be heavy in Team-based items (like the Warhorn or the Fountain of Renewal), try to take them out first. Supports can be dangerous in the long-run, as they can make a dangerous team just about invincible if you let them.


Remember: Vainglory is a team game. You don't have two other teammates for nothing - they're there to help you. And they depend on you to do the same.

Early game, everyone is about as slow as a turtle with a cold, so if your Jungle-driven teammates leave you in the lane by your lonesome self, stick close to the turrets. You never know if the other team decides to take an early-gank approach. On the other hand, if you're all alone by yourself in the Jungle, farm minions that are either close to the lane or in sprinting range of your lane-farming teammates.

Team ganking is perhaps one of the best ways of weakening a team - because a team is only as strong as its weakest link, so if you're opponent is going for that strategy, make sure to stick together. Support your weak link - and make them strong enough to pay back the humiliation earned early game.

Four Types of Teams Top

So, now you know the basics! Time to get started! With the three-man team set-up, you have four possible options to teams:

The All-Melee Team

Brutish brawlers, super-supports, or devastating death-dealers - this team is best served up close and personal. If you're confident with Catherine, Glaive, Ardan, Joule, Koshka, Krul, and/or Taka, this is where you need to be. This team can rule the jungle, but be warned: your lane will be undefended if everyone decides to camp out the jungle, so make sure you keep an eye on your map if someone's getting too much free reign in the lane.

There's also a certain weakness in that an All-Melee team needs to strike up close - Ranged Heroes can take advantage of this and make sure to keep their distance while you're running to or from them. If you're afraid of this, make sure to build up abilities that can close the gap quickly and surprise Ranged Heroes - such as Glaive's Afterburn or Taka's X-Retsu.

The All-Ranged Team

If you like sniping from a distance, or maybe like having a healing buffer, this team is for you. Mind you, there is less selection in this category, but none of the characters are slouches. Choose from Adagio, Petal, Ringo, Saw, and/or Skaarf to complete this team. Note: most of these characters are not well-suited for the jungle, so do your best to either keep together while strolling through the jungle, or dominate the lane.

Ranged Heroes, though great at distances, also have a distinct disadvantage when up close and personal. If you're prone to panicking, build up abilities that can either push back enemies, or stun them long enough for you and your pals to run. This includes the combination of Adagio's Gift of Fire with Verse of Judgement or Skaarf's Dragon Breath.

The Chariot Team

What is the "Chariot Team", you ask? I call any team this when it's a team that has two Melee Heroes and one Ranged Hero. Typical formations usually have the two Melee Heroes at the front, soaking up damage, while the Ranged Hero sits in the back protected - forming a triangle or "chariot" shape while attacking together. Superior jungle control with slightly weaker lane control. This is a pretty safe team for beginners and is recommended when first starting out.

The Arrow Team

An edgier, but potentially upsetting type, the Arrow Team consists of two Ranged Heroes, and one Melee Hero. Most formations will have the Melee Hero in front, while the two Ranged Heroes hang in the back and support (like an arrowhead). Less popular than the Chariot Team, but this team will have superior lane control. Note: this team is ripe for jungle ganking if not careful.

The All-Melee Team Top

Basic Strategy you like to power-house things, huh? Good for you!

The All-Melee Team is the master of the jungle - which means having full control of those delicious cash-heavy Jungle Creeps. However, having three hungry Melee Heroes in one Jungle means you'll be scrounging for food pretty quickly. If that's the case, either section off to hunt in the Lane or go pounce on the other side's Jungle.

If you choose the first option, and the other team has at least one Ranged Hero already farming in the lane, be careful - Turrets and long-distance Heroes will have the upper hand in the early game, and any deaths, no matter how early, always sets a Hero back. By the time you've recovered, walk into the Jungle or Lane, your enemy will have farmed at least one whole group of Lane Creeps - which can mean gaining a whole level and/or getting enough money for a low level item.

For those that choose the second option, make sure to have a buddy with you. If the other team has two Jungle-roaming Heroes, or even just Krul, you're going to be run out faster than you can say "I regret this so much". If you see a teammate heading off without you, you should let them know where you'll be (On the Way is great, or AVOID if you think they're in danger).

Scout Mines are also going to be your best friend. Mapping out the area with them will be costly, but they'll pay off if you can avoid ganking (or if you want to gank them instead - troll-lalalalala). That being said, be aware of your strengths and your enemy's. If you notice that the enemy Glaive hiding in the bushes already has a Sorrowblade and a Serpent Mask, but you don't have any defense items? Whoo....might be best to let Mr. Tiger be and focus on farming instead. After all, while he's trying to gank someone, he's wasting valuable time that could've been used to farm instead.

Now, let's get to the hard part - possible combinations.

The Kitty Brigade

Your Team: Glaive, Koshka, Taka

Suggested Builds:


Tank and Flank Strategy: Support Glaive - by ShinKaigan
    Glaive has a natural build towards being a tank - high health to soak up damage, and abilities aimed towards crowd control, but this means he's also great at being a shield. In the Kitty Brigade, this is especially helpful since Taka and Koshka are squishy. They'll need someone to support off of, and Glaive is the perfect distraction while they sneak in and attack from the sides. Using the Support Build will make Glaive more able to take a beating, while being able to support his more mobile teammates in the long run.

    However, remember that this is a SUPPORT Glaive. You need to stick to your teammates like glue on this one after the early game. Once the match presses into mid-game, the enemies are going to be much more powerful, and with Glaive having built up only support-items, you're pretty much just a large, furry punching bag with a rubber axe.


Tank and Flank Strategy: Crystal Ninja or Weapon Frenzy by wolf_hands
    Koshka is "squishy" - meaning it doesn't take much to take her down. She relies on her speed and pouncing abilities to get her ahead of the game, so she's better at sneaky take-downs and fast getaways. She could easily be the weakest link to the Kitty Brigade, but she's also the best in this team at scoring last hits during chases or stunning enemies in their place. She can also be used as a crowd control with Twirly Death, which means she has high flexibility in her role as a flanker.

    Crystal or Weapon Build can work here, as long as it's powerful - you need to make up for the lack of power that Glaive normally has with regular Weapon builds. These two builds are great because you can switch between them if you see the enemy building up defense for either one during the early or mid-game stretch.

    Reminder: seeing as how you're a flanker, don't forget to protect Glaive. Yes, it might seem like a lot of work, but a bait-and-pounce strategy is pretty fun once you've gotten used to it. Having Glaive lead the charge, bait enemies into attacking him, then leaping out and ramming into the first enemy with everything you have will be worth the wait. Once initial surprise is over and done with, you and Taka should have at least lowered one of your opponents to 25% health. Skilled players will have killed at least one, especially if Glaive turns around and joins in the hack-and-slash fun.


Tank and Flank Strategy: Burst Hit-and-Run by ace22
    Taka is also "squishy" - but less "squishy" than Koshka, since he has 30% life steal every time he has a critical strike. Your goal as the furry ninja assassin is to spread panic and surprise - you're the sneakiest of the trio, so your team expects you to be able to land some pretty choice hits before the fight's over. It's also appreciated if you scout the area using your Kaku ability - the Jungle can be a very scary place, and sometimes being able to see what's ahead in that patch of grass might save one of your teammate's lives.

    If things go wrong, you're also expected to be the last man standing - meaning if Koshka and Glaive die, you're the last hope this team has as a buffer between your enemy team and the Kraken. Assuming that the area hasn't been lined with Scout Mines, make sure to hang around the Kraken's summoning grounds (CAREFULLY) and if the enemy team decides to go for it, steal the Kraken's last kill. X-Retsu is an ability MADE for this, and before the other team can react, use your Kaku ability to dash away back home. If there's an enemy with low health, don't be afraid to take them out - assuming they aren't grouped too closely together. If your team is still recovering, have fun either farming or go steal the other team's Minion Mine. Do not accompany the Kraken if the entire enemy team is up and functional.

Suggestions Top

This guide will be assembled with the help of you, the players! That means comments, feedback, personal game experience - anything you guys are willing to contribute! Suggested builds are welcomed with open arms, and any tips or advice will be taken into account and credited!

So please, don't be shy, and let me know what you think below in the comments!

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