Hero tips. by Prymal

Hero tips.

By: Prymal
Last Updated: Jan 9, 2016
1 Votes
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Intro. Top

Hi. My ign is Prymal. I've been playing since 2014 (not too long but I've got some experience) and am currently skill tier1 gold, before you judge me on that, I haven't gotten to Acc level 10 yet. Anyways, I'm much better than I seem. So I just wanna share some tips :D it'll be separated by heroes. For simplicity's sake I'm going to use general descriptions, like heal, or leap, etc.

Fun fact: I've been maining skaarf since the beginning, I'm pretty good with her ;D


Stay at the top of the lane and farm from there. You will see ganks coming because the enemies have to run all the way up to you. It's a super safe position.

Scout trap the bush on the enemy side, because most people are too lazy to gank from your side. So if you scout trap the enemy bush, you see all their ganks.

Only go for last hits. Unless you are saw. You give yourself more room to react to surprises because you are focused on last hitting. In between last hits, harass the enemy.

If you have a speed boost like Ringo, use it while running out of base. The regen buff stays on for a second after you leave, so the energy will be recharged and you reach lane really fast. It works for saw, joule, etc.

SAW NOTE: For saw, keep attacking the minions to get your stacks up. But, in between shots, move. You shoot so quick that you can continually stutter step. If you're winning in lane and starting to push their turret, move while killing their minions. If you stay in the same spot, you will lose your stacks before you reach the turret. But if you move, you will already be close so you can do max damage.

Skye Top

Skye is the master of chasing. Her passive and Suri Strike give her so much mobility but she's crazy squishy. A lot of people build her cp these days, which definitely works, but in my opinion weapon is the way to go. Her crits and mobility make it work out pretty well. She just has a lot of damage in general. I haven't played her enough to confidently give tips besides "move around a lot" but yeah.

Adagio Top

If you're gonna want to do damage, go weapon power. The ult is too easy to avoid and stop, even with reflex block. If you want the heals, go cp. You should head to lane for farm. Also, depending on who you may be laning with and your laning opponeng, get the heal or the damage buff. If going against an easy lane without too much pressure, get that damage. If pressured and harassed constantly, get heal. Also, always heal before you ult. If you manage to land it, that stun and damage can turn the teamfights around. Stay near your allies late game and don't go for kills, save it for your carry. Never forget to buff them, not yourself. Even if you're the carry. Your allies are more important, seeing as how you will usually have an attack carry and a crystal carry, something along the likes of that. Use scout traps and flares frequently. Simple support stuff. On adagio, counter building isn't too important. And definitely kite. All ranged should do that when running :/

Ardan Top

One of my favorites. As Ardan, your job will be to support/tank, although you can do some pretty insane damage. I usually rush warhorn and crucible then fountain before building any form of damage. Always counter build. Atlas Pauldron, bonesaw, broken myth. You get the point. Never use vanguard on yourself unless you have no one else to do it on. And don't be selfish. Blood for blood is a great way to deal quick damage, and with ardan the scout trap tactic works. If you're ever fighting someone melee to melee, place he scout trap under you and make sure they get hit. Some easy quick 300 damage in early game, can win kills easily. Also, build contraption. It's a pretty underrated item. You get health, scout traps, flares, and a splash damage attack to minions, kraken, etc. At the later stages of the game, if you have contraption and warhorn, you can solo kraken without much difficulty. Again, normal support stuff. Also, don't be afraid to use your ult to run away. It has a short 1 minute cooldown. Don't use it next to a wall though, you will fail the leap...I know from experience.

Pro ardan tip: if you memorize the diameter of your ult, you can jump exactly to stun an enemy and run to them. I haven't mastered it yet but it is really fun and awesome.

Catherine Top

More tanks .3.
That shield B ability is all I have to say. Abuse it. Ringo ults will barely do any damage, skaarf a will do nothing. You get the point. It is too powerful to be overlooked. In early game, you will want to jungle and take the shield. At level 2, farm up boots and get stun then run to lane, stun the enemy laner and run back. LANER. No minions. They don't get your passive up. You help out your laner and get your passive up. In between cooldowns, farm up. And if the enemy isn't there,must jungle and get $$$. I usually build aftershock cause it does a lot of damage and that lifesteal makes you tanker. Again, normal support stuff. Scout trap, flares, etc. Build 1 or 2 cp items so you can help your allies kill.

Celeste Top

Yay finally cp carries c:
Celeste can harass like no other. That's why I call her Moleste. Your ball (Heliogenesis) will keep them zoned away in lane. So good. I build her glass cannon because in my opinion it's the best way. The burst is so insane at late game, you don't even need defense. Just my opinion though. What to do for max damage is


That'll usually kill anyone except for joule and some of the other tanks.
Your ult can be used for so many snipes. That's really all there is to it. Oh and don't forget that core collapse has a delay!!! If you're chasing, place it ahead of the enemy so they walk into it. Vice versa, if you're being chased, place it behind you so they walk into it.

Fortress Top

The one I'm saving up for :D
His name is based around tank and his ult just reinforces that but, in my opinion, you shouldn't go support. You can do tank, but you should definitely get some damage. If you're going CP, spam dem abilities. If you're going WP, use your leap for utility purposes. A good trick I like to use is to place a scout trap under each and every camp in your jungle. Directly UNDER the monsters, towards the back of their dens. This lets you have vision on the monster as well as if the enemy is invading. When someone is chasing you, just leap to the jungle monster. Scout trap gives vision, and you successfully escaped from your chaser. Your B ability acts kind of like an auto attack reset, so if you time it right, you do some pretty awesome damage. And your ult makes you so tanky XD. Plus, it seeks out taka even inside his box. Use ult when capturing large objectives like turrets, kraken, or gold miner. It shows where your enemies are, so you can secure a safe miner, etc.

Glaive Top

Glaive has a lot of damage. He has 3 Passover once he reaches level 6, his base health at level 12 is really high, and his dps output is good. What you want to do when playing Glaive is to go behind your enemy through the jungle bushes, afterburn into lane, then knock them into your ally or turret. This will almost always guarantee a kill. Use your cleave as a autoattack reset and his afterburn to secure kills, escape, or to get taka out of his box. Also, use Bloodsong at 15 stacks or more. That's how you maximize damage output. Afterburn can go through walls btw :P

Joule Top

Wp and Cp are both viable. With weapon, overdrive thunder strike immediately and get tyrants monocle. If you get really fed and build pure weapon power you can crit for over 1000 O3O. For cp, max out leap and ult. So powerful. The soloaces are real. And don't forget, you can leap over any walls. Use this to escape or chase. Also remember that your leap has a delay. Time it ahead, like Celestes core collapse. Oh, and if any attacks are coming away and you're trying to run, turn around and let them hit you from the front. Your passive could save your life. It has to be a fluid, quick motion so the enemy doesn't catch up to you. If a turret is shooting you, just turn around. Pretty simple tactic but it's so powerful.

Koshka. Top

Sorry, but I don't like helping CANCER kill people.

Just look at all my tips for heroes with leaps. Scout trap monsters, etc. You get it. Also, get your support to pull the 2 camps closest to your base for you, at once. So you have 3 minions attacking them. Then use twirly death and stack it. And try getting alternating current along with that...why did I say that. And the most simple build (THAT STILL WORKS) is aftershock koshka tank. Build AS then tank items. Maybe an altercurrent if you want. Just please don't torture me if we ever get on opposite teams...

Krul Top

Hah. He isn't broken anymore. Grants to you SEMC. Jungle and overdrive spectral smite. And if you really wanna be mean, get an eve or two and attack speed. The spectral smite heals are insane. Their really isn't any strategy for krul besides farm and kill things. Abuse your passive, and DONT, I reapeat, DONT, use dead mans rush while initiating on solo enemies, save it for the kills. Your passive will give you the speed and a slow already, so save a ability for kills and barrier. Build some cp to get the barrier up. My build traditionally looks like

Eve of harvest
Eve of harvest
Tornado trigger
Journey boots

With clockwork, you can legit use your ult to farm minion waves. No kidding.

Petal Top

Petal is just really strong and underrated/underplayed. With cp, you have a high damage AoE ult and infinite minions that do a lot of damage, can tank turrets, can slow you down with frostburn, etc. Once you get 3 seeds just place a bunch in the enemy laners bush. The explosion will piss them off and do a bit of damage. Use your jump sparingly to chase or escape. But don't forget, it can't go over walls. I hate that :c

2sorrowblade, tornadotrigger, tyrants monocle, boots, frostburn.
Not in order of importance.

Ringo. Top

My favorite adc :D
Buy tension bow. It is really good on Ringo, plus it can crit. 300-400 damage in one attack 4 minutes or less into the game isn't something to joke about. Also, don't forget a and b reset your auto attacks.
Good combo. Don't waste your ult. And kite like a madman. An early eulogies will help sustain in lane. To keep your passive up, last hit a minion. Then wait till you can last hit another, and you will have a permanent passive. Try going for aftershock :P amazing burst

Rona Top

After the buffs you just have to go weapon power...that's really it :D

Not really. Don't forget that your leap has a slow too. Use that to save fleeing teammates by leaping behind them so enemies get slowed. Also, use it to block their escape routes. Your foe splitter should be used to reset your auto attacks and for that quick damage. Don't use it twice in a teamfight. Tap it once, then ult in. It does way more damage than foesplitter and it does it in aoe. As for cp rona, in teamfights, you should just foesplitter twice and not bother with ulti if your team is winning the fight. Ulti is only if you're losing as cp rona. It's damage just isn't good enough compared to the solo assassination with foesplitter. Plus, if you focus their aoe, then they will run away, allowing your teammates to focus the carries. Cp, max out a and b. Too much damage for assassination. For wp, dat ult man. It's too powerful. Also, build a clockwork. One, the energy is nice. And the energy regen helps you gain your fury or whatever it's called. And you have lower cd, who doesn't like that?

Saw Top

Look at my tip for laners on saw .-.
Just don't miss the suppressing fire and be careful. There aren't really any tips to saw besides don't miss. Or if you're getting chased in the jungle, run behind the monster and shank it so you get over the wall and far away from your pursuers.

Skaarf Top

Wheeeeeee my favorite hero c:
Skaarf has incredible damage, with great crystal ratios and a burn scaling off her cp and the enemies hp. She has a slow and a long range fireball that does upwards of 600 damage late game, on a 3-4 second cd. It's beautiful. You can poke from long range, burst people down, etc. make sure to memorize the speed of your fireball so you can do the snipes from long range if they're running. If you're ever gonna ult, make sure you are at the back lines of the fight. When the enemy is right in your face it's hard to hit them with the ult LOL. Her damage is made up for by her squishiness though. If you see someone coming after you, just run and kite with fireball. If they get low, you might be able to kill them. You'll usually wanna get an AC because it helps huff your passive by giving cp, attack speed to stack your passive, and more damage in general.

Phinn Top

The unstoppable tank. His passive is stupidly good, making you unstunable and giving you 15% extra armor and shield. My build on Phinn is all tank, but I don't get too many hp buffs. A late game phinn with 500 armor and shield is beautiful. You naturally get hp from the fact that you're innately a tank, and depending on what you build you get even more hp. Max quibble to get the stun, and max your ult if you're winning team fights but they're running away too often. Otherwise max your barrier. If someone is running after a low health ally, run behind your enemies then ult them in so they stay away from them. You might get a kill with the damage from quibble, or you might die. Either way, if you saved the carry then it's worth. I build Phinn like this

Metal jacket, aegis, fountain, crucible, atlas, frostburn. I get frostburn because if you ever use your ult or your b ability, it is so much easier to land quibble. Plus quibble does extra damage XP

Blackfeather Top

Blackfeather is an assassin with resets and a lot of true damage. I prefer to build him weapon power. Since your a ability counts as an auto attack, tension bow and crit are really good on him. And since his ult counts as 3 autos, it's beautiful to just run into the enemy team and ult them twice and get off 6 attacks that crit between 600-700 with my build. Also, get full heartbreak or whatever it is stacks before you use your a ability. It's an execute. That's why it does true damage at 5 stacks. Oh, and the "scout trap under jungle monsters and dash to them strategy" works pretty well. If you go Crystal, get an AC for the ult. Getting 2 of the passive off in a second is nice. And as I've said before, since his a ability counts as an auto, you're guaranteed to get alter current off. And an aftershock. His b ability does so much damage with a pretty nice range that makes trading with him hard because of his barrier. Your ult can pass walls as well.

Kestrel Top

Haven't played her enough, will update once I have.

Vox Top

Imo, build him weapon. You do continuous damage throughout the game, your dash counts as 2 autos, and it gives you 20% extra weapon damage for a bit. Also, your dash can pass through walls and is on a really short cooldown. His resonance can demolish teamfights. But if you do build him cp, get an alternating current. That way you're guaranteed to get the proc off, because of your dash shooting 2 bolts that count as autos. His ult is a short AoE silence applying resonance and doing decent damage on a short cooldown.

Final Top

Yeah. Kay. That took me a bit to write. I hope you enjoyed and maybe learned something! Like it if you like it, dislike if you didn't. And please put constructive criticism in the comments so I can make this guide better! Thanks for reading c:

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