CP Jungle Reim by G2esports

CP Jungle Reim

By: G2esports
Last Updated: Aug 4, 2016
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Build: Skillshot Reim

Ability Path

Heroic Perk
Winter Spire
Chill Winds

Threat Meter

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Threat Hero Notes
  No Threat
  No Threat
Alpha Alpha as a melee hero is no threat if you are not too bad to hit the Winter Spires :D
Blackfeather Reim is considered as the best counterpick for Blackfeather, but in the late game Blackfeather is a machine so watch out!
Glaive Glaive is another melee hero and like all the others its hard to defeat a Reim.
Koshka Melee hero... Nothing more to say
Rona Melee blabla....
Joule Joule is a melee carry but combined with a small ranged strike. Dont get poked too much, else she cant do much to you.
SAW Saws immobility makes him a good target for Winter Spires but dont get too close or you melt fast!
Kestrel Kestrel is always strong in the right hands. She has the ability to burst you down in half a second. Build a lot of armor and get early upgraded boots too stay close to her!
Ringo Ringo as a ranged massive damage dealee can kite you very well but if you reach and slow him he has no chance to escape.
Taka Taka can kite you and you cant chase him. But you wont die fast as well. Keep youre team with u and get a lot of flares!
Celeste Celeste can stay at a very long range and poke you to death if you dont engage her correctly. If you reach her she dies quickly but dont get poked too low before you fight.
Krul Krul is the only melee hero who has no problem fighting a Reim because he also wants his targets to be meleee. When stacked up, he gets massive healing and reduces Reims damage and fortified health.
Vox Vox is too mobile to reach and also too mobile to hit with Winter Spires. Get him rooted and deleted him fast!
Adagio Adagio deals massive damage if he sees you before you can reach him, but if you are in melee range he has no escape moves. Charge him fast and get the fortified health before he bursted you down!
Petal Petals range makes her strong against Reim but if build cp, her minions are in melee range so just fokus them down quick and you will be fine.
Skye Skyes mobility makes it hard for reim to hit his Winter Spires. In addition she can jump away what makes it hard to get into auto-attack range.
Skaarf Skaarf is a pain for immobile melee heroes... In the late game you wont get to him and slowly burn to a crisp...
  No Threat

Table of contents Top

Introduction Top

Welcome to an updated Guide about Reim! A strong crystal power tank who deals massive damage and tanks in the frontline at the same time when played correctly. He is very strong against melee heroes which makes him a good counterpick in draft. As always - Let's start with his abilities first!

Abilities Top

Frostguard Top

Reims Heroic Perk Frostguard is a pain for every melee enemy. Every Basic attack does additional Crystal damage as an overtime damage effect for 2 seconds and also hits a "Chill" effect on enemies same as any ability of Reim. Whenever he now attacks an enemy it gets slowed for 60% over 0,6 sec (this doesnt seem much, but Building a Swift Shooter will create the perfect attack Speed to lock down Targets). In Addition his damage dealt will tranform into fortified health which makes him so tanky. With an Alternating Current enemies will never run away from you so i inlcuded it in the late game build!

Winter Spire Top

Winter Spire is the main damage source of Reim. Reim summons a spire of ice dealing crystal damage when it reaches the targeted position and explodes after a short duration for a massive splash damage. In addition, Reim receives 35% of the dealth damage as Fortified Health which makes him a very tanky Frontliner (if he hits his Winter Spires). I recommend overdriving this ability as fast as you can, because it maximes the damage and with that also the fortified health you get with each hit. There is also a small range buff if you overdrive this ability.

Chill Winds Top

Reim's next ability is Chill Winds. This ability deals small damage but roots all chilled enemies within a small area. Use this ability to make sure that your enemies stay in the Winter Spire when it explodes for a massive damage source.

Valkyrie Top

Reim's Ultimate Valkyrie is a big help for you and your team. In a big area it deals massive crystal damage and slows all enemies. The closer the enemies stand in the middle, the more damage they get and if you hit it perfectly, they also get stunned for a short duration. The slow or stun is perfect for your team to engage and for you to hit additional Winter Spires. Use it to hit all enemeys at once or to secure kills while enemies are running away, but keep in mind that it has a short casting duration, so try to predict enemy movements to hit them perfectly.

Gameplay & Strategy Top

Early game Top

Try fo play as aggressive as you can, because Reim's Winter Spires deal massive damage, especially when the enemies don't have shield yet. Reim could easily do a 1vs2 in the early game if he hits his Winter Spires and roots enemies at the right times. Also try to work with a lot of auto attacks between your Winter Spires because every first auto attack chills enemies down which does additional damage with your Winter Spires and every second auto attack slows enemies for a short duration, what helps you to hit your Winter Spires even more. Also don't forget to get a Energy Battery very early, because spamming Winter Spires waste a lot of energy and you don't want to run out of energy in the middle of a jungle fight. As a conclusion try to threathen the enemies jungle as much as you can (especially when the enemy junglers are all melee) and get a farm and level advantage to snowball a game into your direction.

Mid Game Top

Reim's only real weakness are ranged heroes. If you have problems reaching your enemies build Journey Boots very early to keep the small distance between you and your targets. You can also consider Building a Swift Shooter to stick Targets to you with your heroic Perk! For fighting Reim doesn't need many items. The core item should be Eve of Harvest. After you got that you are ready for every fight. After this item just build some defense or more offense depending on your needs.

When played in the jungle Reim should not always stick to his farming and invading because he is also extremely good for ganking lane with the root and at level 6 his ultimate stun. With well placed Winter Spires and a well timed rooting you can easily burst down the enemy laner before he even knows what happened.

Late game Top

Reim doesn't fall off in the late game but i personally find it harder to hit Winter Spires with no other slows or stuns in the team due to the fact that every enemy hero has at least Travel Boots to dodge them easier. In additon your enemies should be more tanky so you cant burst them down quickly. Thats why Broken Myth is a very important item in late game fights because they will most likely go longer and therefor Broken Myth stacks can be very usefull.

In teamfights try to protect your carry by casting your Valkyrie on him or spamming Winter Spires in his direction or try to take out the enemies carry fast with some well placed Winter Spires. Do not panic and just use your Winter Spires randomly! Try to keep calm and think of your oponents movements to place them in their way.

Your support could also consider buying a Shiversteel to help you hit the Winter Spire explosions for huge amounts of damage.

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