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I Hate Ranked

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Quote | PM | +Rep by SPIN » December 19, 2015 5:01pm | Report
If you are T5 or even T6, dont solo ranked. I dont trust it, esp when some one on ur team insta locks a new hero.

Posts: 1
Quote | PM | +Rep by Xova091 » December 21, 2015 1:22am | Report
It's possible to solo que up to T5. However I recommend playing casual for a while and build up a friend's list of GOODplayers eventually you'll have people to part with regularly. Also it will give you a chance to polish your skills up and learn team comps.
IGN: Xova091
Region: North America

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Quote | PM | +Rep by sOmEbboDY » December 21, 2015 6:41am | Report
I'm in NA server add me ign:sOmEbboDY

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Quote | PM | +Rep by LogicLover » December 24, 2015 4:06pm | Report
Halcius wrote:

This is wrong. Back when I first hit PG bronze the system put my new smurf account at the cap of NB Silver with 16 or less casual games, 14 IIRC but definitely not more than 16. As soon as that smurf account hit account level 10 and was able to play ranked, it reached Decentish Silver in just 3 games.
It can take a large number of games for the ELO rating system to pinpoint your skill's tier level, but it can ballpark your skill in a very small amount of games.
Sure you may be up to a tier below your actual rank, playing more games should fix that. But if you're a Decentish Silver it is VERY unlikely you actually deserve to be in Hotness or Simply Amazing if not for "useless teammates". It's not them, it's you, polish up your game.

Sorry, it looks like you need to polish up on your deductive reasoning. Like I said earlier, too much of your rank is dependent on whether or not someone leaves the match. We all start at the lowest rank, and if you were LUCKY enough to go against a higher ranked team with a good team of your own who didn't abandon you, then fine. Your point that you can rank up in leaps and bounds stands. However, your last statement is wrong. The matchup comes down ENTIRELY to luck. I've gotten up to decent-ish, been paired up with people at the lowest rank, then had BOTH teammates abandoning me. I was UNLUCKY enough to be stuck in a 1v3 and dropped down two ranks. Not to mention that rank isn't a determining factor. For all you or any of us know, the person at the lowest rank was playing casual since the game came out because of the free characters and has a higher skill level than the hotness player's he's matched up with. So your relating my skill to deserving to be in rank is just as invalid as trying to pass the luck based system as anything but that by using your own luck-based progress as support. It's this very denial that allows the system to continue. If enough people said anything, the likelihood in which something would be done would increase. However, with people like you(keep in mind, this isn't spite, I'm just telling it how it is) whom don't see the already broken down problem in front of them and pin the blame on the player when it is the fault of the devs for doing the same thing in a different form: punishing the victim of a 1v3 when it would be INCREDIBLY easy to get rid of or, at the very least, LOWER the rank deduction in the event of a 1v3/ 2v3. Another mistake is that you judged my play level and told me to polish up when my entire complaint was that my performance suffers in the event of an afk players. And you say that because I'm stuck with players whom nobody can, lest they have precognitive abilities, could tell would go afk, that it must be my fault. The very same generalization I argued against and explained was exactly that, generalization.

But I digress.

I'm just gonna shorten this up so that all the above... Fluff- as others may call it... Doesn't get misunderstood by anyone else. Good players lose glory, rank, W/L, and K/D(it's not like the devs don't know. In one of the loading screens they say that abandoning the match ruins the game for other players. Yet, they decidedly, optionally, PUNISH those players whom they themselves have acknowledged have had THEIR games ruined by OTHER players) at the hands of discourteous, match-abandoning, disrespectful, uncaring, possibly immature and selfish(aka rage-quitting) scumbags. The devs acknowledge this, the players talk about this. EVERYONE knows it's a problem, yet they refuse to do so much as void those punishments. In the scoreboard at the end of said matches, those who are afk have their names crossed out and are sent messages with lowered karma. If they recognize these enough to go to this hunting-their-account-down-for-a-useless-30-second-ban process, how hard would it be to give those who have been unavoidably WRONGED some kind of compensation or the removal of a punishment? There is NO EXCUSE for this kind of bs, so stop fabricating excuses and ENABLING the devs.


I need a beer.

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Posts: 3
Quote | PM | +Rep by Halcius » December 24, 2015 8:31pm | Report
lol damn you're salty.
I've said it before on other threads where players with fat egos who think they're amazing are being held back by badluck/unskilled teammates. In the long run, we will all face a similar amount of douchebag rage pingers, quitters, and those who don't counterbuild.

even with badluck the system can ballpark your skill, i am not the only player who has realized and experienced their smurf account get close to their main accounts rank in just a couple dozen games. yes, that is with quitters and teammates who are generally never there to assist you in the fights either cause they have no map awareness or because they're always waiting to be revived. though i wouldn't really remember if they abandoned me as i didnt need them to participate in the fights to begin with.

and hey, ive been there, i've been knocked from pg bronze down to nb silver, but it's rare that someone's luck will be so bad that it will certainly hold them back for long. if you're one of those VERY UNLIKELY cases, then play more games, your odds will even out in the long run.

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Posts: 139
Quote | PM | +Rep by LogicLover » December 28, 2015 12:25pm | Report
Halcius wrote:

lol damn you're salty.
I've said it before on other threads where players with fat egos who think they're amazing are being held back by badluck/unskilled teammates. In the long run, we will all face a similar amount of douchebag rage pingers, quitters, and those who don't counterbuild.

even with badluck the system can ballpark your skill, i am not the only player who has realized and experienced their smurf account get close to their main accounts rank in just a couple dozen games. yes, that is with quitters and teammates who are generally never there to assist you in the fights either cause they have no map awareness or because they're always waiting to be revived. though i wouldn't really remember if they abandoned me as i didnt need them to participate in the fights to begin with.

and hey, ive been there, i've been knocked from pg bronze down to nb silver, but it's rare that someone's luck will be so bad that it will certainly hold them back for long. if you're one of those VERY UNLIKELY cases, then play more games, your odds will even out in the long run.

Ok, wrong on one thing. You've got the odds evening out thing wrong. What happens to the majority of players in actuality is their ranks wind up getting further and further down. Remember, your teammates are usually of similar ranks. All it takes is one bad game and your rank lowers. As your rank lowers, you wind up getting placed with players who have low ranks BECAUSE of the frequency of their leaving the matches. So what happens to most players who don't have the luck to start off with 3-4 consecutive matches with decent teammates is the chances in which they are paired up with constantly afk players AND generally bad players climbs while their chances of getting non-leaving teammates diminishes. So those who wind up climbing are in the minority. To those who say getting teammates solves everything, that is not the case, as I have been stuck in 1v3s during guild matches and parties with my friends. Another thing, those who don't know how to build are much much more common than you let on. For example, all Phinns that I've come across(EVERY. SINGLE. ONE) build zero weapon or crystal power. 0. As someone who prefers Celeste and Blackfeather, I attack from a distance in the lane. However, because my Phinn has no attack power whatsoever, I wind up having all three of the enemy team quite literally run past the Phinn wreck me even in between two turrets. The jungler who has a powerful build may wind up killing one of them but not nearly as fast as the three kill me. The most recent match I've been in had me going 26/9/6 with the closest in kills being the enemy landing ringo with 12. Now imagine my frustration when we lose because I'm literally having to carry teammates who don't know how to build. As this was with every Phinn I've been stuck with and Phinn is more played because he's free, I went down three ranks in a matter of a couple days and have found it impossible to get higher than getting there bronze before sharply falling again. No matter how good you are, all it takes is one teammate to screw it up. How often do you see people getting over 20-30 kills? Despite that kind of performance, I'm stuck continuously with people who make those efforts useless. It's not ego, and it doesn't get better. It's not so much to 'show everyone how good I am' as to get properly represented for my skill level good or bad, something that the way the ranking system works both inevitably fails at AND puts weight on.

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Posts: 3
Quote | PM | +Rep by uncrudable » December 28, 2015 1:33pm | Report
Well getting team mates does solve everything, no one said get **** team mates or play ranked with them straight away you've got to trust them first, if you get into 1 v 3s in a guild match you shouldn't be playing ranked with them, or you should seriously get a different guild if the people in it are that ****. If your friends are that bad, don't play ranked with them, find people you can actually trust and are about as you. 3 man queues will solve your ranked problems if you have the right synergy. you'll go fine with actually good people.

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Posts: 539
Quote | PM | +Rep by ALBallao » December 28, 2015 11:44pm | Report
This is why I focus only Casual matches until my friends call or message me that they'll be playing Vain Glory. However, I still get frustrated in Casuals because one time, I was using Ringo and was very good in the beginning. My teammate, who is a stranger, was using Krul. However, his Krul build was so fricking bad that the other enemy's Krul can demolish all of us one by one.

So, I kept using the pings to stay together, yet my Krul teammate just kept on going to the lane, falling into ganks!!! It made me ask the question, "Why would you buy a Krul hero if you don't know how to properly use it?!"

Anyway, I decided to just avoid soloing ranked matches unless my friends are online.

Posts: 17
Quote | PM | +Rep by uncrudable » December 29, 2015 1:34am | Report
And finally some one who plays it safe like me :). I haven't experienced a rank drop since I started doing this. As for the solo queue casual matches, expect it. Casual matches in solo queue are a place for many to learn so it's quite often you'll get paired up with someone with minor knowledge of the game, just make sure not to ping with question marks it creates a better atmosphere.

Remarkable (25)
Posts: 539
Quote | PM | +Rep by EXXCLUSIVE » December 29, 2015 4:34am | Report
Well said Halcius. We have to consider adapting and when faced with challenges we focus on the bigger picture. Too many usless comments as it pertains to others when we don't blame ourselves. Remember your not the only one facing difficult decisions but you control the outcome. Grow and challenge yourself, analyze the situation and eliminate key targets in order from easiest to most difficult as it relates and translates to current circumstances. Vainglory is more mental than you think and you will be well rewarded with the knowledge and experiences to help others in the future such as yourself. Below - Tier 4 - Beginner Level , Tier 5 - 6 - Basic understanding of VG (Still Learning game mechanics), Tier 7 - 8 - Intermediate Level ( Learning and applying the concept of Teams synchronized in tandem to compliment each skills as it relates and translates to a favorable outcome) ( People utilize their senses (common) more and makes less mistakes), Tier 9 - 10 - (Advanced level of gameplay where the development of potential is at its peak. Outcome is determined by perseverance and forethought.) This is from personal perspective based on experience and data collected.


RANK - Doesn't matter when it is Skill that counts

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