Front line Saw by XxCoMbOxX

Front line Saw

By: XxCoMbOxX
Last Updated: Feb 20, 2017
2 Votes
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Build 1 of 1


Build: Soldier

Ability Path

Spin Up
Heroic Perk
Roadie Run
Suppressing Fire
Mad Cannon

Threat Meter

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Threat Hero Notes
Adagio Adagio is no problem early-mid to late game, so nothing really bad to worry about here
Alpha Alpha is another one who isnt a threat to you in this build, let her jump on you, Roadie Run out and turn the tide on her.
Ardan Ardan is another target who doesnt deal with being shot at. Most Ardans will run from you once they see your damage output.
Fortress Fortress is not problem at all, he cannot out damage you in this build nor out sustain you.
Gwen Gwen is like a weaker version of sky, she needs to kite to be fuctionable in a team fight so she wont be a tough target.
Koshka Koshka, yet again another champion who will run in terror of you when they jump on you.
Ozo Ozo is nothing but a monkey who needs to be shown what happens when you jump on a guy with a really big gun.
Petal Petal...just open up with Suppressing Fire and youll be good
Phinn Phinn is atank who can screw up his on team by pullng the wrong enemy at the wrong time.
Ringo Ringo cannot out damage you, just sit in his face and show him whos the boss.
Samuel Samuel will do absolutly nothing to you early-mid game, but at the start of the match, do not encounter him, just poke him down with Suppressive Fire
Taka Taka, just pokes in and out of the frey so, if he jumps on you just target him and stand still.
Vox Vox, another kite Carry, just ddo as i have listeed before and dodge him until youve gotten a few items under your belt.
  No Threat
Rona Rona, dare her to jump on you then open up with Roadie Run to get a jump back, open up Suppressive Fire to get your Spin Up started and shw her the mistake she has made.
Flicker Flicker isnt a hue deal, but do look out for an ambush from his team coming in on you without being in a good setup first.
Lyra Lyra can be an issue early game due to her AoE.
Idris Idris might be an issue early game, and with his ulti being able to jump on you in the blink of an eye.
Kestrel Kestral will kill you early game if you dont watch out for her. Slowly ease yourself in lane when facing this sniper.
Reim Reim, will hurt you early-mid game, so be on the lookout for him.
  No Threat
Blackfeather Blackfeather can be a slight issue if he gets his stacks off on you, then you need to get out.
Catherine Catherine, can silence you and your team, so do not taget her at all, instead ignore her.
Celeste Celeste, is going to be a huge issue early game because she can put you in your place if you try to bully her.
  No Threat
  No Threat
Krul Krul is able to shut you down in your tracks from his ulti, and his already built in super damage, so be very very wary of where this undead may be lurking. Using Roadie Run will help you get away from this threat, do not fight him until you have sustian.
Skaarf Skaarf can hit you while your unable to move so be wary of where his piles are at or youll find yourself cooked up for his next meal. Use your Roadie Run to get away from him and reposition to get the fight back.
Skye Skye is able to out kite every Carry in this game so be warying when encountering her in a 1v1. Use Roadie Run to get away from her until you have some form of control over her.
Glaive Glaive is able to knock you out of your team, so use Road Run when you see him dashing your way then follow up with Suppressing Fire to turn the tide.
Lance Lance...its lance i shouldnt have to tell you how this Leader can really make you run from him.
Baron Baron, this living artillery is able to gun down your day before you can ask him to stop, using suppressing fire could open him up for your team to come in and grant a tastey kill.
Joule Joule...this monster will shut down your fun with her ulti, make sure you force her to use her ulti, before you get your Spin up started

Welcome To Saw Top

Hi and welcome to a quick guide to a build i have made myself due to the knowledge i have gathered on Saw. If you are not new to this champion/hero, then please feel free to skip to chapter 2, if you are new to saw then please read along. Saw is generally played as a Carry someone whos role is to be played at the back of team fights trying to avoid taking as much damage as possible. Just to help you understand abit more on this hero/champion, ill decribe to you what he brings to the battlefield. Saw has the highest damage in the game with his Spin Up passsive, the more saw fires his gun, thee faster he will shoot. But be warned you will loose movement speed due to gaining attack speed, so balance out how much you fire in lane to keep from getting caught out in the frey. His First ability is Roadie Run, Saw will gain a short burst of movement speed and pull out his combat knife to hit the first target he comes in contact with. This damage is increased when the target is below half health. While is grants him movement speed, it also gets rid of the stacks on Saws passive, so use this to turn the tide in your teams favor, using it to either, change your position so you dont get caught in the fight or to catch up to one. His next ability is Suppressing Fire Saw fires a hurricane of bullets in a straight line dealing massive damage early game. Using this ability maxes out Saws passive, so use this when a fight breaks out prefferably in a narrow area to pull off the most of its usage as possible. Using this ability will also reset the cooldown of Roadie Run. Saws ultimate ability is Mad Cannon, Saw will load a number of Explosive shells in his gun and fire them dealing exreme amounts of damage. The more you upgrade this the more shells he will load in, targets with lower health will take more damage, but you will loose attack speed so use this when your passive is fully stacked so your enemies wont have time to react.

Learning Front Line Saw Top

To start this off, Saw already deals massive damage along with not being able to move made me think "i wonder what would happen if i turned Saw into a Leader/Carry. Welcome to Front Line Saw, in order for this build to work you must understand how saw works in order to get the full experience out of it. Saw has low movement speed so being squishy (meaning he can be killed really easily) can be a hassle. Sometimes Roadie Run wont get you out of the frey in time. This is where it gets intresting, put armor, some boots with team movement speed, and just a few damage items on him, snag up a little lifesteal, and you've got yourself one damgerous threat. Now when you first look at this you kind of question "why would someone do this, this is just trolling" you might think that considering its not somthing you'd see in everygame. Ill tell you this, dont knock it till youve tried this. We all love the feeling of going on a killing spree, imagine not being shut down while your in their face with a minigun. Yeaa there you go, smiling arn't you? I knew you would, Imagine being a Carry, and NOT needing a tank/leader to back you up, or not alwasy relying on bad teammates, we all have this feeling. By the way, a Leader is the teams frontline, someone whos job is to protect their team as much as they can, and provide openings as much as they can to help win the game. Imagine being this being you AND reciving the profit for it to. This is where my idea came from, i love playing Carries, but they are all to squisy for my liking, so i "amp" them up just a bit.

The threat is real. Top

Giving Saw this set of items i've managed to find myself winning games back to back. Giving saw the armor i have listed granted me the sustain i needed so i could survive in any 1v1 i engaged in. The lifesteal granted me the upper side so that i would be able to deal damage, take damage, and still be able to pull off the fight by gaining health in return. By adding Breaking Point to Saws inventory i am able to gain increasingly more damage the more i fire, since saw has a spin up in his kit that makes him fire faster the more he attacks i didnt see why i shouldnt have this item. In team fights this item can bring out saws true potential just by standing there. Now War Treads is in this build becuase if your going to lead your team in this fight, you are to also help them get out because you arnt moving "remember your the front line so activating this item gives your team the movement boost also, so that they can reposition." Also this item will help with your Spin Up passive being that you move so slow, DO NOT USE Roadie Run to early, DO NOT use this to "catch up" to a low health enemy, let them run, they will remember what you do in a team fight and realize they can't hurt you. Now the most of you are probably confused on why StormCrown is in this list, correct? Lets break this down, Saw cant get up and run when he wants, if your Roadie Run is on cooldown then your kind of in a pickle. This item grants true damage to structures, meaning once your Spin Up ia wound up then you can just go all out on that turret in fron of you, you are a walking siege machine with this item, not to mention it deals a small percentage to heros/chapmions so those pesty little tanks that think they can bully you around. You are not that little kid on the field that people pick on, you become the bulk of the fight, do not be afraid to get in the fight and show them whos the boss of that battlefield. I hope you all can find this build as effective as i have and i hope you all will enjoy this guide, See You in game.

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