the very abnormal high rank Taka guide by Takuisgud

the very abnormal high rank Taka guide

By: Takuisgud
Last Updated: Dec 14, 2017
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Mickey106113 | December 20, 2017 5:47am
considering taka applies mortal wounds through his ult, posion shiv is a no no, and a waste of a slot
Takuisgud (16) | December 20, 2017 12:10pm
Mortal strike reduce healing by 40%. if you manage to apply the ult and the auto attack at the same time will reduce healing by 80%. Also it’s a better option then serpent mask since you gain attackspeed and lifesteal. It’s just an alternative item if you don’t like breaking point. Poison shiv also does insanely good aginsted tanks with fountain of renewal since you can mortal wound two enemy’s at the same time
Lusunu (1) | December 21, 2017 8:54am
The mortal strikes themselves don't stack... but otherwise yeah the extra attack speed and weapon power make Poisoned Shiv a fairly powerful item for Taka midgame
Lusunu (1) | December 19, 2017 9:13am
Interesting guide for an in-meta hero. Taka is a powerful crystal hero, but weapon builds seem to be going meta rn. A couple recommendations. First, can you please fix your grammar on here? It's difficult to read when there are a bunch of spelling mistakes and weird capitalizations everywhere. Also, where are you playing where Skye counters Taka? If you run in a different direction than Skye expects you to, you can eat her alive, because your move speed allow you to outrun her by a ton (2.3 more move speed after a Mortal Strike) Also, you can use your ult to get behind her right after she starts using her A. Taka works extremely well into Skye.
Takuisgud (16) | December 20, 2017 12:04pm
Sorry about the grammer. Also I fight aginsted weapon power skye able to kite weapon power Taka.Even if you manage to some how get behind her she will just reposition herself with a low cool down dash and you are basically in the same position. crystal power skye is even worst since she will punish you for being behind her. Remember this is not a crystal power Taka. I have perfected this Weapon power Taka build since I have won 370+ games with it and learn what to do
Lusunu (1) | December 21, 2017 8:49am
Regardless of whether it's a crystal power Taka or not, you still get CD from your Ki stacks. Also, you still have your Kaiten to get behind her. I'll have to play this in a 1v1 against some of my friends to see
CrazyAsianNinja (3) | December 20, 2017 5:43am
A good Skye player knows this... and will probably not engage you without teammates... like a roamer. Once she has teammates that can stun, all it takes is one wrong move and ur dead. Otherwise... a 1v1 with a Skye is pretty one-sided in Taka's favor.
CrazyAsianNinja (3) | December 5, 2017 4:39am
I used to play WP Taka a few updates ago... Haven't really bothered playing it up until now. After all the changes, is Tension Bow still a good WP Taka Item?
Takuisgud (16) | December 5, 2017 9:59am
The Mad Man!

anyways tention bow taka is only good when a squishy person on there team buys a metal jacket to counter you. tention bow does a huge burst damage every 6 seconds, however if ur like me and want to kill after kill bonesaw and breaking point is much better. with bonesaw and breaking point every 5 auto attacks on a unqiue target will make every auto attack u do a extra tention bow. so basicily if you auto attack an enemy with full build for 5 auto attacks the rest of your auto attacks on the same enemy will make all your auto attacks on that target a bonus damage buff or a hidden tention bow. would you rather have a tention bow that makes your auto attack do more damage every 6 seconds, or would you rather have 2 items that make it so that after 5 auto attacks on the same enemy your auto attacks on the same target will get more damage boost then tention bow?
CrazyAsianNinja (3) | December 8, 2017 6:35am
Rather have the burst, Matches my ambushy playstyle better, plus I'm not too HR yet, so people still have no concept of counterbuilding.
My build consists of a (rushed) Tension Bow, Spellsword, Tornado Trigger, Tyrant's Monacle, Aegis and Journey Boots... It seems to be doing Okay... but it feels rather different now.
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DomintorVain (1) | November 26, 2017 9:25am
Great Guide!
Btw I made a CP Taka Guide as well and I would be very glad if you would just check it out. Thanks!
Takuisgud (16) | November 28, 2017 2:42pm
Thanks but idk if you read the intro since it was unessacary(sorry can’t spell) but I despise crystal power Taka.
DomintorVain (1) | December 4, 2017 9:00am
Yeah, I get it, I hated CP Taka, too. I always played only WP. But then I saw its fullest potential and realized, that it's even better than WP! The ability to come out of nowhere quickly kill the enemy and then return to the shadows, while the enemies are raging from being killed again and not knowing what it was is amazing and if your roamer focuses on a lot of vision, you won't be having any problems.
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Takuisgud (16) | October 9, 2017 2:59pm
Hey guys Taku here :D I just finish my section on who Taka counters

I'll be working on who counters Taka as well as the abilitys on Taka
If you have a build that you want me to put on here that is underated(I do not promote common builds COUGH COUGH CRYSTAL COUGH POWER ASSASSIN COUGH COUGH SCRUB) then please send a comment on the build tell me what to buy how to use it and I will see if I can add it to the list :)
Takuisgud (16) | November 1, 2017 2:53pm
Hey guys Taku here I just added another build, annoying follow up Tanky Taka build which excels on the Early game and late game, in terms in defense stats.
I also added the builds description in the bottom showing you what the build is good at and when you should use it. :) See you on the fold
Crazedjellyfish (7) | October 9, 2017 1:07pm
This is great. Your build is played just like a burst assassin should be. You engage with X-Retsu, start hitting them for high damage, then disappear with Kaku. This build does very well early game, but I found that you need competent teammates in order for it to excel late game.
Takuisgud (16) | October 9, 2017 2:44pm
Yea you need your team to help you in late game, since you have stacking damage and stacking reduce armor reduction onto the enemy.

I'm creating some more builds for different purposes but I chose this one to be my first build since I enjoy it much more then the other ones

Some builds ima add are
Wtf this guy has crowd control and
Hybrid Taka (involves:Raw Hybrid,Team fight hybrid,assassin hybrid)
Blissey123 (17) | September 28, 2017 10:17pm
The guide is good except can you pls change the red font to a different colour? It hurts people's eyes.
Takuisgud (16) | September 29, 2017 9:17am
I can't remove it since it represents me talking in a normal tone but I can certainly reduce the amount of red I use it
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