+400 Max Health
+15% Cooldown Reduction
+1 Energy Recharge
Activate: Fires a blast at an enemy hero which explodes shortly after hitting its target, item silencing for 4s and dealing 50-100 + 15% max health in crystal damage (35s cooldown) (11 range).
Tip: Use this against opponents with many active items.
Chronograph +15% Cooldown Reduction
+0.75 Energy Recharge
Tip: Cooldown speed increases the speed at which your abilities come off the timer.
Hourglass +7.5% Cooldown Reduction
+0.25 Energy Recharge
Tip: Cooldown reduction the time it takes for your abilities to come off the cooldown timer.
Actually, this is a defensive item fist. Amazing for weapon carrye because Iit improves energy recovery and recharge time (while other weapon itens that do it may be not the point in your build). Yet, it works as a new ability: deals 100+15% of enemy's life as Cristal damage, it's very good specially if it have got big hp, and the enemy's not going to be able to real so you can finish him with your other abilitys. But you may choose between this item and other items that improves hp, this is one of the best if you want to kill fast with combo. Hope you understood: this is a defensive item choice.
Very useful against Taka, when he hides his not going to real as he is used to, and also improves you hp. Remember: ALL CARRY MUS IMPROVE HP,so chose the Hp item you prefer, this one is a very good option as it deals damage and helps to finish enemys faster.
I've been using this Null Gauntlet most of my matches and getting frustrated because my enemy can still use a skill. If it only silences the items for 4s, it should be explained in the description of the item. I might've never figure this out if I never visited this website and read the comments... -_-
Do you think that it would be too OP if Nullwave does a full silence? I don't see it being used much and a change like that could make it more popular.
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