CP Ringo OP by LordEveningshade

CP Ringo OP

By: LordEveningshade
Last Updated: Oct 15, 2018
1 Votes
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Build 1 of 1


Build: CP GUNBOI FOR 3v3

Ability Path

Double Down
Heroic Perk
Achilles Shot
Twirling Silver
Hellfire Brew

Basis and Tips Top

Insane burst by late game. Don't worry if you're having troubles in the beginning, just follow the guide and your team will be dominating by the end. Throughout the game, use your W and Boots to get yourself places FAST. Make sure to back enemy laner off with a shot or two and a Q thrown in there. If you get jumped from Enemy Jungler and Tank, use your Q to slow them then pop Boots and W to get to a safe distance. At that point, target the squishiest enemy targeting you. If your allies are decent, they should be there or close by this time. If you have a bit of farm in lane open, grab it. If you've got a teamfight in the Jungle, go and burst the hell out of the Jungler. If you've got an opening for a quick burst kill on a squishy, use the Q, W, and Shiversteel combo to keep them slowed and yourself by them. At Mid-Game, Your cooldown on Q should be equal to the time it takes to let the first Q shot fully impact them, then use the Shiversteel to slow them, so you can hit with the Q again after the Shiversteel wears off. This combo is DEADLY AF. If they're running from you, they're already dead. They just don't know it yet.

Beginning Game CP Ringo Lane (0-3 Min) Top

Start with a Energy Battery and Crystal Bit. This allows your Q (when you get it at lv 2) to have a bit of stopping power near the start and to have the energy to back it up. If you have enough money to buy anything on the next list, go and buy it. Make sure your Jungler and Tank know to keep an eye on lane. Make sure to last hit as much as possible; the more money you have, the quicker your snowball effect will be.

Early Game (3-6 min) Top

Don't be afraid to go in a little bit (not too far though). Most people underestimate a CP Ringo. Teach the enemy how big of a mistake this is.

Early Mid Game (6-10 min) Top

Now you've got something to make the enemy fear you: Shiversteel. Basically a free Q if you don't have it up as well as a large amount of extra health. Stagger it with your Q for fleeing enemies (and don't be afraid to lead with it; only a 15 sec cooldown) then use your Q again after the Shiversteel slow wears off. Make sure to target squishies with your W, but if you're getting targeted in a teamfight with the enemy, use your tank and/or turret as damage sponges in front of you.

Mid Game (10-14 min) Top

Really strong here. Make sure you're using the Shiversteel to your advantage. Use those boots to close gaps or reinforce Jungler and Tank fast. You've got an Aftershock, so your perk will do massive damage if you combo it with killing low-health farm.

Late Mid Game/Early Late Game (14-17) Top

You've got Vampirism with the Eve of Harvest, so don't be afraid to teamfight. Here is where the snowball should be really bad for the enemy. Your Shiversteel adds attack speed, and the Alternating Current adds attack speed AND extra crystal damage based on your attack speed, so you've got a strong basic attack here. Your speed from the Journey Boots make it so basically most any fleeing enemy is screwed with the Q/Shiversteel/Q combo. Here is where your team should be dominating.

Late Game (17 min-End) Top

You've got the Dragon's Eye, so be sure to stay healthy in the beginning of teamfights; if the enemy lets you attack them uncontested or only lightly contested for ~5 sec, the enemy is dead. Your burst with Q and W combo is insane. Just make sure not to get burst yourself. Use a Crystal Infusion if you're needing some pierce or a Weapon Infusion to add to your basic attack damage: either way, an Infusion here only helps you dominate faster. By this time, if you've got decent kills and farm (around 8 kills and 90 farm, nothing insane), you should be able to keep yourself Infused for the rest of the Late Game. This is where you should be destroying.

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