Goddess of Destruction by Despair Angel

Goddess of Destruction

By: Despair Angel
Last Updated: Feb 12, 2017
6 Votes
Build 1 of 1


Build: Laner

Ability Path

Principle Arcanum
Heroic Perk
Imperial Sigil
Bright Bulwark
Arcane Passage

Threat Meter

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Threat Hero Notes
  No Threat
  No Threat
Samuel When alone and he's not on his drifting dark he is easy to kill
Skaarf Once you get in closed range he yours to take
Celeste Her heliogenesis is quite annoying but if you can get close you should win
Skye If you ambush her she's a goner
Krul He quite easy to deal with when you keep your distances
Lyra Depends on What she build if she got less attack damage but more defence it will but a random outcome
Petal When her minions are out of range or dead shes an easy target
Ringo Late game never try to take him ,he's slow combo is quite dangrous
Fortress His jumping and wolfs ability is dangerous but standing on sigil should help a great deal but if possible don't engage
Idris His chakram and ult can be quite annoying but apart from that hes not so hard
  No Threat
Gwen Her slows are very dangerous and can get you killed when her teammates are near
Alpha She is quite dangers and you should never engage with her us less your with an allie
Glaive He easily over powers you in damage keep your distance
Joule Her beam is quite dangerous but when turns around you can turn the tides
Reim He is quite dangers so never and I mean never engage with out allies
Kestrel Her stealth can be extremely annoying try not to engage
Flicker In jungle he is one of the most dangerous enemies keep away from Bushes
Koshka Her ult will be the death of you once spotted use bright bulwark
Taka His easy ways of sneaking up on you are dangerous always fight him on a sigil

Lyra in genral Top

A mistake people make a lot is thinking because of her heroic perk her basic attacks are crystal(only Celeste is) well they are not they are still weapon but the some of the damage comes from crystal but its still better to build crystal as the perks doing so is so much better. also never head first into battle as, as soon as the enemy relies that your the one doing the heavy damage. They will come for you so try to keep behind your allies or they will take you out in two secs

More basic attack damage
Faster attack speed
More critical chance

More damage with her Sigil
More damage Bulwark
More damage as you attack more
More of a slow on second hit
More of her damage get through shield or armor

Imperial sigil: This move is great for the use of running away or chasing down don't forget detonating it will give you and you allies a speed boost if your on it.Use this more on you allies then your self as they will be fighting on front lines while you support from behind also when you throw a sigil try detonation once thrown on the enemy. also this move is extremely effective when you stand on it while fighting so always do so when possible.

Bright bulwark: There's not much to say about this move, but as soon as a character who can jump is in range use it, as once they start jumping there is like only 5% chance you will block it, this is not real percentage just from my experience also when entering battle with allies use this it does not seem to do much but it does more help then you believe ,furthermore Lyra is quite unpopular in ranked so most don't know what this moved even does.And finally when taking kraken try to use this when it's health is low it stops those annoying jumpers from stealing it.

Arcane Passage: Try not to use this move too much as it is best used for escape. Never use it to kill an enemy unless it will get you an ace also do not passage then you bulwark when running do it the other way it works much better and your likely have a higher chance of getting away also if you think your good , then try using her move to teleport just in front of the enemy to teleport them back to your allies to finish off.And finally when having a team fight use this to mix up and confuse to enemy is quite useful.

Reasons for Items Top

Broken myth Allows her to do maximum damage to her enemy's after a few of her basic attacks and also give her crystal power to improve damage per second on her Sigil and the detonation damage and increase a bit of her slow on the second hit also it allows her to still strike hard the people who build against her thinking that they can escape her rein of terror.

Alternating currentBuilding double current is one of her main damage dealers which allow her to use her arcane missiles to the fullest with the huge raise in attack speed and damage,also helps a lot with those fleeing enemy's and works well with broken myth and is very effective in taking karken from the enemy team or gold miner and when you get the double current a whole new amount of enemy you would now be able to take by your self,but once you built it you will be come a target so keep your distance.

Halcyon chargers Allows for her to easily chase down targets who are on low health or get to allies in need of her healing and helps with her escape they and help her healing capability and give her plenty of energy and helps recharge it, and works well with storm crown to get her moves back faster while allowing her more dodging chances

Metal jacket This is so that over powered weapon attackers such as taka and baron ,alpha, glaive, krul, rona have a hard time taking her out there's not much to say about this item as i'm sure all my readers know what its does,but if the enemy team is going all crystal power then don't build this but instead build slumbering husk so that you don't waste money and because not only does it help your healing but it also will save you from so many situation when a enemy release a powerful weapon based attack only 20% of your health will be taken due to the slumbering husk

Aegis Shield This will allow to block all those pesky crystal users such as ,kestrel samuel,vox, adagio,koshka and many others who build crystal this is also very helpful as when that annoying koshka uses her ult will now be easily blocker-able and the same for Ringo's ult this will also help you survive that little bit longer to avoid getting aced or to get under you tower so you don't die and like i said before if the enemy team is going all weapon power then don't build this but instead build slumbering husk so that you don't waste money and because not only does it help your healing but it also will save you from so many situation when a enemy release a powerful crytal based attack only 20% of your health is taken due to the slumbering husk

Countering Some Charaters Top

Firstly a way to counter the 3 stealth characters flicker ,Taka and kestrel ,this is not something many people know and its quite surprising .Cause i noticed it after my second week of starting the game. when you are in a bush you know that you hiding because you name tag fades a little bit ,but if a enemy flicker taka or kestrel is in the bush your name will light up as if you not in a bush, it such a simple trick and yet such a unnoticed one so once you have seen this. You use bright bulwark and throw a sigil don't on your self and you are likely to take out that annoying assassin unless there not alone,but if they aren't just passage your way out of there.

We all hate joule with his big red button and how tanky he is, but what if i told you there's a way to do easy damage , as to the reason why he's tanky it is because of his heroic perk. my advice to you is go to shop and read every hero heroic perk it will help a lot. The simple way to get some damage with a joule is to go be hide him and attack its that simple and with her arcane passage that is a breeze as joule perk gives him defense on the sides and front but not the back so the best time to get him is when he uses his big red button use your shield and just passage be hide him and he should be gone with the massive damage you will be doing. although early i said not to use passage for theses types of things,this is one exception to that rule,also try not doing that if he has allies be hide him .

Next up is petal, it quite shocking how many people when facing petal aim for her it's unbelievable the best this to do is simple take out her minions she nothing with out them. To take them out try detonating a sigil it should take them out or most of their health, then finish them off and go for petal though she might get away you have still won the battle.

P.S I will be adding to this when every i have the time so this is not all.

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