Adagio Hybrid Spec ***BEGINNERS*** by Coodi

Adagio Hybrid Spec ***BEGINNERS***

By: Coodi
Last Updated: Dec 31, 2014
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Build: Adagio Hybrid Spec

Ability Path

Arcane Renewal
Heroic Perk
Gift of Fire
Agent of Wrath
Verse of Judgement

Threat Meter

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Threat Hero Notes
  No Threat
  No Threat
  No Threat
  No Threat
  No Threat
  No Threat
SAW Saw will be your worst nightmare in the lane if his spin is at 12. Keep your distance and just use your Arcane Fire to keep the Dots on him.
Krul Never try to 1v1 Krul. He will win 99% of the time due to his ability to self heal more efficiently than Adagio.
  No Threat
  No Threat

Intro Top

My take on Adagio is more of a support role (healer) but can put out a massive amount of damage depending on how aggressive you choose to play. Also, Adagio can be a bit tricky to play with as far as getting your timing right for his abilities but practice makes perfect! Remember, Adagio can be played in either the lane or the jungle but for this guide, I would recommend staying in the lane most of the match. Also, this guide is more for beginners attempting to use Adagio. There aren't very many items you have to purchase or upgrade, and you stay in the lane most of the game. I made this build so that you guys (and gals) can easily tweak it to your liking!

Explaining his abilities Top

Gift of Fire: Always start your attacks off with this ability to get the DOTS (damage over time) on the opposing enemy. To do so, select one of your ally minions closest to the mob of enemy minions/heroes and your Arcane Fire will spread to the enemy minions/heroes. This ability is also Adagio's healing ability, which can be used on himself or a nearby ally/hero. If your teammate is low on health don't be afraid to splash some Arcane Fire his way to give him/her some health back.

Agent of Wrath: This ability is the sole reasons why Adagio can put out such a massive amount of damage. When you cast this ability you can choose to cast it on an ally minion/hero or himself. This ability is your damage buff making your basic attacks hit harder for 6 seconds. This buff gives the selected ally minion/hero's basic attack a 50% damage boost on enemies burning from Arcane Fire. (an additional 20% if used on yourself) This is why it is so important to cast your Gift of Fire before you cast Agent of Wrath. (example: Cast GOF on a nearby ally burning a mob of enemy minions and/or enemy hero. Quickly cast AOW on yourself, and target the enemy minion/hero.) ***** Note: I strongly recommend saving this combo for opposing heroes only!

Verse of Judgment: This is your ultimate move or in other terms your supercharge. This ability is a massive AOE ( Area of Effect) move that damages nearby enemies in your vicinity. You channel energy for 2 seconds and a ring will appear around you and anything inside of the ring will be struck by a massive amount of damage. **** note: due to the 2 second delay it is strongly recommended to use Reflex block( explained further in the guide) in order to take as little damage as possibly. Essentially, you can Ace the opposing team if they are dumb enough to crowd around you trying to get the kill. ALWAYS TRY TO CAST GIFT OF FIRE AND AGENT OF WRATH BEFORE USING THIS ULTIMATE. The damage buff is too large not to take advantage of it. The following combo can be tricky but here is an example on how to cast Verse of Judgment.
Example: Cast GOF on your enemy, quickly cast AOW on yourself, tap Reflex Block, then tap Verse of Judgment. Make sure the enemy is close enough so that they can't escape the ring of destruction!

Explaining Items (early game) Top

Early game all you really need is the Hour Glass ability and 4 potions. You get a majority of your gold from burning the enemy minions with Arcane Fire and slowly picking them off. Make sure to keep poking the enemy minions and heroes and never get too greedy. Adagio is very squishy and does not hit very hard early game without his buffs so try to avoid chasing an enemy too far into their side so you don't get ganked or killed by another range enemy. ( Ringo, Skaarf, Petal and SAW ) make sure to max out your Hour Glass making your ability regin quicker. This will help you start to rack up enough gold to purchase what you need mid to late game. All you want to focus on early game is: 1. Staying alive (obvious to most but many people feel that the short wait time is not a big deal) you want to maintain the momentum! 2. Keep your DOTS on the enemy and keep poking enemy heroes that get too close or try to make a push.
3. Heal your fellow laner! (if one is present) Don't be afraid to use your GOF on your teammates even if they are not near the enemy. Sometimes your heals are enough to give your teammate time to escape the clutches of that pesky Ringo! Feel free to purchase any abilities that are going to increase your crystal, but only AFTER you have maxed out your Clock Work ability.

Mid-Late Game Top

After you have have accumulated enough gold to your liking, take a detour back to your item shop and purchase some more abilities. ( I can not emphasize this more.. STAY AWAY FROM THE ITEM STORE IN THE JUNGLE IF THERE IS A KRUL ON THE ENEMY TEAM! This time around, focus on increasing your crystal. (Alternating Current) Also, replace your potions with flare guns. Flare guns will be crucial in helping your team detect whether the enemy is attempting to release the Kraken! You also want to make sure you find out if there are any enemy heroes lurking in the bushes when YOUR team is attempting to unleash the Kraken! You can use your GOF to self heal if necessary, so potions will not really be needed. More key items to pick up mid to late game are your sprint, travel, and journey boots. Like I stated previously, Adagio can be quite squishy so these boots will be crucial in escaping a 1v1 with a Krul or any other sticky situation ( The enemy turrets will wreck you! So RUN FOREST RUN!) They are also helpful when you need to finish off an escaping enemy before they get too far onto their side. Lastly, make sure you purchase reflex block. Reflex block is used for when you cast Verse of Judgment. Since you will be vulnerable for 2 seconds during the casting animation, you want to make sure you have some sort of damage reduction so you don't get thrashed before being able to use it. When you can, upgrade to Crucible. In a nut shell, you want to control the lane with Adagio's AOE abilities and keep pushing your enemy back. Stay behind your minions. Your minions are going to be your means of spreading your Arcane Fire and controlling the lane by yourself while your teammates take the minion mines and the Kraken.

Closing thoughts Top

As you can see Adagio is a very diverse hero to use. Not only can he be built to control the battlefield, but he can also be built to cause total and utter destruction! If you're the type of player who is more concerned with getting the win than getting a ton of kills, then this is the build for you! I hope this guide helps!

Feel free to add me in game Username: Coodi

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