Crystal Carry Catherine by Nowitzki41

Crystal Carry Catherine

By: Nowitzki41
Last Updated: Nov 16, 2016
6 Votes
Build 1 of 1


Build: Crystal

Ability Path

Captain of the Guard
Heroic Perk
Merciless Pursuit
Blast Tremor

Threat Meter

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Threat Hero Notes
Catherine I have never seen another carry Catherine, usually a support that doesn't deal damage
Lance Usually a support, make sure you don't get rooted
Phinn Usually a support, just dodge his Quibble. Most supports will use that ability at the start of fights. Just walk out of it.
Rona If you stun her, there is no threat
Alpha Her heroic perk does nothing because teamfights are over before she respawns.
Fortress Usually a support
Koshka After you stun her, she is nothing
  No Threat
Joule After her jump, no threat to your tankiness
Krul Very tanky, just stun him before he can use Spectral Smite
Skaarf You should be tanky enough to survive his Fireballs
Ardan Doesn't do much damage, just he is tanky.
Kestrel She can dissapear if nobody attacks her for 2-3 seconds. Stick to her
Adagio If he is a support, no damage, if he is a carry, watch out.
Glaive He usually won't knock back a Catherine
Ozo Not good 1 vs 1
Taka After his X-Retsu, if you can stun him, it is easy to take him out. Just watch the mini-map to see if he is ganking.
Celeste One of the squishiest heroes in the game
Reim Very tanky, watch for his ultimate
Ringo His basic attacks will hurt
Petal Her munions will hurt A LOT. She is very squishy though.
Lyra She can heal, move, and deal damage.
SAW Your bubble will do nothing to stop his basic attacks. If you can't stun him, you are dead.
Skye Insane mobility. make sure to stun her at the start of teamfights
Vox decent mobility, great AoE damage, great in teamfights

Intro Top

Hi guys, this is my first guide. As the title says, this is a guide to crystal Catherine. You may think that this won't work. However, at first, I didn't think it would either. I was playing support Catherine, and then the Taka I was playing with AFK'd. I switched to a carry, and my team won 2 vs 3.
This build focuses on her A, Merciless Pursuit and the tankiness/damage from her B, Stormguard. Also, a lot of items in this build buff her basic attacks because she'll be able to land a lot when the enemy is stunned. Before I actually start, please like this guide.

This was last updated November 16, 2016.

Abilities Top

This will be a short description of her abilities and perk. I also will explain how they are used.

Heroic Perk: Captain of the Guard This gives Catherine a permanent 1 bonus armor and shield whenever she stuns or silences an enemy. This doesn't apply to non-heroes. This becomes extremely useful in the late game because you are that much more tanky.

A: Merciless Pursuit This ability increases Catherine's move speed and her next attack deals more damage and stuns the enemy. This is her main ability. If you see an enemy hero in the early game, don't try to kill them because Catherine is very weak early game. Just stun them and run away. If you do this the whole game, trust me, you will have a lot of armor and shield.

B: Stormguard This ability forms a bubble around Catherine that deflects damage to the enemies around you for 6 seconds. This makes you a lot more tanky, plus it can be used as a kind of reflex block, just not as effective. For example, if Ringo uses his Hellfire Brew on you, activating Stormguard will block a lot of that damage. Also, most other enemies won't attack you when your bubble is active. Just remember, you still take damage while it is active, just a lot less.

Ultimate: Blast Tremor This ability damages and silences enemies in a cone in front of her. This can be used to start a teamfight, or to finish it, because it has a long range. If you silence an enemy, that will also count towards your heroic perk, Captain of the Guard. With a Shatterglass, this ability can really hurt.

Why To Upgrade The Abilities Top

I start with her A ability to get some damage when farming and also I can get free stuns in the early game. I rush her A, Merciless Pursuit to max the damage and stun time. I also overdrive her B, Stormguard because the damage is increased by 10% when overdriven. Her Ultimate is just for the silence.

Why to get Each Item Top

Ironguard Contract: so you don't die farming and so that the enemies can't kill you when you are shopping because you'll have more health.
Halcyon Potion: Self-Explanatory
Alternating Current: Allows you to deal damage in the early game. It will deal more after you finish your Shatterglass. Also synergizes very well with the Tension Bow
Tension Bow: Deals a good burst of damage after you stun them
Shatterglass: Makes your Merciless Pursuit, Stormguard, and Alternating Current a lot more powerful.
Halcyon Chargers: They are essentially a baby Clockwork and boots combined. Most Catherines use a Clockwork, but this takes its place.
Aegis: Makes you more tanky than a tank, also you can Reflex Block Adagio's, Kestrel's, and Celeste's Ultimates.
Aftershock: After your stun, your first and second hits will melt them. In those hits, there is the bonuses from Aftershock, Tension Bow and Alternating Current. However, this is the least important item out of the final build.
The Situational Items: Most are defense so you are more tanky, and the Clockwork and Shatterglass are for more damage.

0:00 to 5:00 Top

The early game is crucial to playing Crystal Catherine. She is incredibly weak, so just focus on farming and working toward the Alternating Current. Get stuns to build up your perk Captain of the Guard. Other than that, just make sure to get a Void Battery and avoid teamfights, because you'll deal almost no damage.

5:00-7:00 Top

This time period is important because this is when you'll start to deal some decent damage. At this point you should or almost have an Alternating Current. You should also have a Void Battery because her abilities use a lot of energy and some Sprint Boots to run away if you lose a fight. Only sell the Ironguard Contract when you need the space.
During this time, you should start some teamfights and see how your team does. If you are winning, keep starting fights and steal their camp near the shop. If you guys are losing, then just try not to have teamfights where you are being ambushed. If you do have one, make sure your team is initiating the fight.

7:00-10:00 Top

At this point, you should definitely have an Alternating Current and be done with you Tension Bow. Tension Bow is a relatively cheap item, but it provides a lot of extra damage because after your stun, your first attack deals the bonus 180 damage and either your first or second hit will have the Alternating Current proc. Now you should be pretty powerful. You should also have Halcyon Chargers because this it provides very useful bonuses.

10:00-15:00 Top

After your core build is done, just keep farming so that you can be more tanky for the late game teamfights. Help your laner and try to steal enemy camps. Watch out for ganks and ambushes.

15:00-17:00 Top

At this point, the game will either 1. be almost over or 2. be very close. If it is almost over, you are probably winning. If it is close, wait until you can kill 2 of their team members, then take Kraken. That will tilt the game in your favor. Make sure to be on a Crystal Infusion all the time. It will make you a little more powerful so that you have a little edge that may be the difference between winning and losing. Even though it is the late game, if you see an enemy solo, stun them and run away to build even more stacks of your perk.

17:00-The end Top

At this point, the game is almost over. However, with the long death timers, one ace can totally change the game. When you ambush the enemy, usually you deal your burst damage before they can. Try to ambush them as many times as possible to gain gold and momentum. If you kill 2 of their members and all three of your team is alive, take Kraken and push.

How to deal damage 1vs 1 Top

If you see an enemy solo in the jungle, don't fight them unless either you know you can beat him, or if it is the late game. If you fight the person, rush in with a stun. Basic attack them until the stun is over. At this point, either they'll run or fight. If they continue to fight, activate your Stormguard so that they take even more damage and they can't really damage you. When your stun is active again, use it. When they run away, then use your ultimate to finish them.

How to deal damage in a teamfight Top

When a teamfight breaks out, use your ultimate to silence as many heroes as possible. Even if it doesn't do much to a weapon carry, the support will be completely useless and the crystal carry won't be able to do much. Then stun the squishiest hero or the most dangerous one (the one that deals the most damage). This way, you can either lock them down, or let your teammates help take the person down. When you start taking damage, activate Stormguard. It will damage everyone, and you'll take less damage from all sources. Attack the person which you stunned and keep stunning them or the next most squishy or dangerous hero (if the first person died). Keep doing this until the fight is over, or you have to chase the remaining enemies, or you are being chased.

General Tips Top

1. At the start of the game, start farming the first camp, not the last one. If the enemy team steals the last camp, oh well, deal with it. You can't do anything about that
2. When running away, use your Merciless Pursuit to get the increased movement speed. If there is one enemy, stun him so that you have more time. If there are multiple heroes chasing you, just run away and don't stun them.
3. When shopping in the jungle, buy a flare FIRST and check the enemy's shop bush. I have died when shopping. Trust me, it sucks.
4. Put a scout trap behind the gold miner so that you can see if they are taking it or the Kraken.
5. Don't run by the gold mine or Kraken with your Stormguard active. You'll damage it and it'll start attacking you.
6. If you kill their jungler, go steal their last two camps, but don't go any further because he could respawn and kill you.
7. During a teamfight, do not target their support until the end. They usually don't do a lot of damage, so they aren't a major threat.
8.Please leave any comments if this worked or other items that worked well.
9. Please tell everyone you know to read this guide and like it. :-)

About Me Top

I am a pretty nooby player that likes Catherine. My IGN is Nowitzki41, feel free to friend me. To all the readers that read the whole thing, you are the real MVP!

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