Fox In A Box by ARK142

Fox In A Box

By: ARK142
Last Updated: Apr 8, 2016
1 Votes
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Build 1 of 1


Build: Build #1

Ability Path

House Kamuha
Heroic Perk

Threat Meter

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Threat Hero Notes
Skye Skye mainly depends on abilities like her Forward Barrage an Suri Stike. Kaiten and the speed boost from perk will help you avoid most damage from these with easy
Celeste Mages in general are low threat to taka. Their high reliance on skill shots and Taka's slipperiness make them low threat
Skaarf Mages in general are low threat to taka. Their high reliance on skill shots and Taka's slipperiness make them low threat
  No Threat
  No Threat
  No Threat
Koshka Though Koshka can be frightening opponent in the early game, you should know that once she uses her abilities, there is a window of time during which she is powerless. Kaiten if times right can help dodge her ult as well.
Ringo Using X-retsu can help you get right up in ringo's face and Atlas him basically nullifying his damage. Be sure not to let him kite you out though.
  No Threat
  No Threat
Reim Reim depends on being able to get fortified health off of you. if you play it right, you should be able to avoid winter spires and be a pest. However a Reim with good prediction skills could pose a real threat
  No Threat
Petal Taka relies on chasing his opponents. Petal's seeds make that near impossible for taka. Be sure to get an aegis against a petal (or just avoid her in draft)
Glaive Glaive's afterburn and Bloodsong cancel Taka's kaku. Plus, Glaive's tankiness and burst potential make him a high threat for taka
Krul Krul's slow from Shadows Empower Me and shiversteel (which almost all krul players build) greatly reduce Taka's agility which is his main asset. This makes Krul very viable against WP Taka who doesn't have that great burst potential

Introducing Halcyon’s underdog Top

I think we can all agree that most people we meet in game think that Taka, especially WP Taka, is a pretty weak hero to play. On the contrary, after unlocking him since I started playing Vainglory, I discovered that he
is still quite viable. He isn't the broken hero that everyone jokes about, he's more of an underdog. People like me root for him yet sadly he is rarely picked. He is an insanely good counter to Skye and mages
overall. The speed boost from his perk is uniquely suited to dodge skill-shots from heroes like Skye, Celeste, Skaarf, Joule etc. That said you need to learn how to manoeuvre around itemization and also perfect your play style before you're seen more than just an “ability spammer”.

Using “House Kamuha” like a pro. Top

Taka unquestionably has one of the best Heroic Perks in the game. House Kamuha has so many components that it adds an indispensable part to his kit. It grants a move speed boost and extra Weapon power on basic attacks and also grants 25% cool down acceleration with each stack (5 stacks maximum). When you have 5 stacks, these buffs are granted on each basic attack. Seeing that, it is quite clear why it is a good idea to try and keep your stacks at the maximum for as much part of the game as possible. To do so, there are quite a few things you can do. To prevent losing stacks, you can basic attack minion mines, gold mines, Kraken, minions and enemy heroes when moving long distances. Another way is to use kaku to refresh the stacks. However you can't constantly kaku so you must keep basic attacking as well. You can use the speed boost to dodge skill shots while taking down an opponent and can also use the boost to chase fleeing enemies to guarantee the ace.
Basic attacking minions and objectives along the way will greatly improve your ability to chase.

Kaiten: Kaiten gives Taka an insane amount of utility. Not only can it avoid all damage, stuns, slows, etc, but it also provides a basic attack reset. Meaning that immediately after you kaiten, Taka will basic attack
the opponent. This can help chunk down enemies quickly especially in the early game. You must however practice dodging stuns using kaiten. You can also dodge debuffs like Shiversteel’s and Atlas Pauldron’s active. Including its low cooldown and zero energy cost after overdrive, you want to make the most use of this ability.

Kaku: I see a lot when people play using Kaku simply for repositioning, engaging and for the heal when low on health. What most people don't see Kaku for, is how good it is at forcing sticky carries from disengaging
you and re-engaging on the support or a healthier carry. Keeping this in mind, you may want to Kaku even when you are half health and quickly reengage the opponent when he starts attacking someone else to surprise him.

X-Retsu: This gives Taka the ability at initiating, chasing and repositioning. Just don't engage the opponent too soon. Always wait for your support. You don't want to end up alone surrounded by enemies or trapped inside a gauntlet. Also keep in mind that when overwhelmed,
you can always X-Retsu a minion to disengage.

Aperitifs aka The Early Game Top

The Early Game stage is crucial in giving Taka an advantage in map control and getting gold to finish up the core damage items as soon as possible. The extra damage from your perk and the double hit combo from kaiten should make you an unstoppable force. If however you find the enemy too strong, you could use kaku to force him to attack your support. If you win the early jungle fight, you can move on to starve the enemy jungle by just farming his jungle. Just make sure that you don't ignore your own jungle completely to make sure the enemy laner isn't farming your backs. If you lose the early game fight, just passively farm your own jungle and focus on ganking the enemy laner to gain some extra gold and to deny him some farm. Start off with a Weapon Blade
and farm as quick as possible using kaiten. If you can't stutterstep too well, you may start with a Swift Shooter as well. Depending in which you buy first, buy a Swift Shooter or a Weapon Blade at the jungle shop. Then you can buy a pair of Sprint Boots and a second Weapon Blade on the next rotation.

Main course aka mid game Top

After getting the first few items, you want to finish off your Sorrowblade as quickly as possible. If you were able to starve the enemy you should be able to finish it off at around 6 minutes. Otherwise 7 to 8 minutes is a decent time. With the extra damage from Sorrowblade, apply a lot of pressure on the lane and jungle. After finishing Sorrowblade, start building towards a Breaking Point and a Reflex Block. Once done with those get a T2 counter to the enemy jungle. Try to ensure you have as much vision around the map (if you are in a party where you can tell your friend what to do) as possible to gain an advantage on objective taking. In this stage try getting as many kills as possible. Don't be afraid to turret dive to get a kill. Just don't dive too deep! As long as only one turret is targeting on you, you can use kaiten to avoid the turret shots. And make sure you don't get stunned or slowed when diving. If you want a real edge over the enemy, pick up a weapon infusion. After 10 minutes they become super useful.

Who doesn’t love dessert? Top

In the late game, you should have your defense and 2 damage items along with a reflex block and travel boots already completed. Now you want to start really infusing. Try getting an infusion for every team fight
especially before taking kraken. From the gold mine gold and turret gold you should start building some crit-related items. If you don't have much gold, a Lucky Strike should be enough but if you took advantage of Taka’s early game well, you can build a Tyrant's Monocle.

Team Fights: As Taka, you need to be especially careful not to take too much damage early on. Try to be as stealthy as possible before engaging. Try to take down the enemy laner as quickly as possible and avoid stuns to your greatest ability. If things don't seem to be going your way, immediately kaku out and use boots to get out of the range of flares. When the enemies target your allies, Xretsu back in and take out the carry with lowest health. If your ally dies first and the enemies are at relatively high health, don't stick around for a 2v3. If they are below half health, you can try to split them up and take one out and depending on the situation after this you can choose whether to recall, push Lane or get the ace.

Pushing with Kraken: When pushing with Kraken, don't engage the enemy before the Kraken reaches the turret. When the enemies are attacking Kraken, ping the enemy to let your support know you want to engage so you receive the necessary support and aim to X-Retsu the main damage dealer. Make sure you don't get caught out. When the Kraken is low in health, don't stay near the enemy base. Go farm jungle or just recall.

If enemy unleashes Kraken, try to get an ace before attacking Kraken especially since Taka is relatively slow at damaging Kraken. That ace can be the difference between an epic comeback and a loss.Thank you all for reading my guide. I hope it was of some help to you.

Some bits in here regarding the play-style are non-specific to Taka and can be applied with any hero for that matter.

This guide is meant to cater to as large an audience as possible, even those who just picked up Vainglory. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed it writing it. Hope to see you in the Fold!

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