Presentation ! Top
REDemption, best fail EU ...
Achievements :
-Finished Second in the 1V1 VaingloryLeague #2 with REDemption.
In R3D team :
-Finished First in the 2V2 VaingloryLeague #2 with REDemption and Jetpacks.
In Nkn team :
-Finished First in the 3V3 ESL Vainglory Cup Series Europe #1 with mozazy, lloH4uK, REDemption, NknCream and NknMEDiC.
-Finished Third in the 3V3 ESL Vainglory Cup Series Europe #3 with mozazy, lloH4uK, REDemption, NknCream and NknMEDiC.
-Finished First in the 3V3 ESL Vainglory Cup Series Europe #7 with mozazy, REDemption, NknCream and NknMEDiC.
-Finished First in the 3V3 ESL Vainglory Cup Series Europe #9 with mozazy, REDemption, NknCream and NknMEDiC.
-Finished First in the 3V3 ESL Vainglory Cup Series Final Europe with mozazy, REDemption, NknCream & NknMEDiC.
-Lost in quarter finals of the Vainglory World Invitationals with REDemption, NknCream and NknMEDiC.
Thanks for the people who followed us and me, it's been a hard travel. I enjoyed every moments.
OP One Shot (Pen/Cp) Build ! Top
1st STEP !
As laner, buy a book to have some sustain, as jungler, prefer a swiftshooter or a cristal and take some potions.
Rush your cristal early build and rush the level 6 !
2nd STEP !
Camp the lane ! Ulti the ennemy's laner since he's the most weak hero in the game in the early ! Upgrade your cristal bit into a piercing shaard ! (Sell your book if you were laner/sell your swiftshooter if you were jungle and take a 4th piercingshaard !)
3th STEP !
Take the objectives ! Now you have some insane damages ! You can take down a carry really fast ! Assassinate someone solo or with one mate ! Take the goldmine because you are 3 versus 2 ennemies !
Pinnacle of Awesome/Vainglorious game

Burst Taka (TensionBow Aftershock) Build ! Top
1st STEP !
As laner, buy a book to have some sustain, as jungler, prefer a blade and take some potions.
Rush the tensionbow and your level 6 !
2nd STEP !
Use your ulti, proc (=apply) tensionbow passive and kaiten back is the combo !
Always target the most weak ennemy !
3th STEP !
Take all the objectives you can as team ! Fight together ! Assassinate someone, kaku, follow your target and dont reappear until tensionbow and aftershock CD's are back ! So in fact the build isnt the same as the OP ONESHOT build but the idea is the same ! Target one ennemy and turn it into a 3v2 fast and punish all your ennemies with strategics moves (goldmine/kraken/turrets)
Usefull tips ! Top
The kaiten dodge ennemies damages.
Use your kaku when you feel safe to keep your ki stack up to 5 (that help to keep your CD's really low !).
You should combo when your ki is at 5 ! So you can chase and down anycarrys !
The combo is really simple ! Ulti -> A -> Box -> go hide somewhere and wait your CD's -> 1 Kill
When you have snowballed enought you will not 2 shot but litterally 1 shot someone or at least 85-90% hp gone !
How to counter that kind of Taka ?
Group ASAP ! Buy flares and focus only him ! Take a lot of HP ! With his pierce buying shield is too late to counter him ! Go for flat HP !
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