By: moonking
Last Updated: Feb 14, 2017
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Ability Path

Double Down
Heroic Perk
Achilles Shot
Twirling Silver
Hellfire Brew

Threat Meter

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Threat Hero Notes
Ringo Easiest because it is a skill match-up. The first one to ult is the one who almost always wins.
Celeste This should be an easy lane. Your poke is a lot quicker than her. Without her team helping her in lane, you will always make her back.
Kestrel Easy lane. Poke with A and basic attack then B or else you could absorb all 4 arrows from her A. Stay behind minions.
Samuel Like Celeste, with better mobility.
Skaarf Very easy lane. He's just like a minion throwing skillshots.
Baron WP Baron will decide to jump right in front of you and all-in, where he will usually win especially in the lane. Always poke, never go in for an all-in trade unless you feel confident. CP Baron is easy. Don't just poke. Harass and kite him because CP Baron is especially immobile compared to WP Baron.
SAW You need to know that he will always win the pushing game. Poke him in lane and burst him down with a full combo when you get your ult. CP Saw is a bit harder as one B can take away a quarter to a half of your HP.
Skye Fairly easy. Always hide behind your minions. You can almost always dodge her B because of your B.
Vox He has a shorter range compared to you. Position where you will not get resonance and freely poke him. If you get resonance, he will get minion aggro so don't be so afraid.
Blackfeather Most of the time it will be a WP Blackfeather. His being melee will make him especially prone to poking and kiting. He won't block your A with his B out of reaction time. Always stay in-range to activate your A so he won't predict it and block with his B.
Idris His B could get annoying, nevertheless he's a free bag for poking. His ult can cancel your ult though.
Lyra Like a mirror match. Go for an all-in if she throws her A at you and you manage to escape it quickly. Poke her a lot. She may have a sustain skill, but she needs a lot of mana as even her perk requires some.
Joule A bully in the lane. Don't just take her Bs, poke back! Try slipping your A whenever she decides to face behind (no other meanings intended).
Lance You don't really know if he's a melee or not. He can hit you even with your distance and his A will delete half of your HP. Manage to dodge it with the movement speed from your B and buy early armor.
Koshka Lane Koshka can hurt with a quick A, B, basic attack. However, after that she needs to rest in peace until her skills come back up. Punish her whenever she tries to do so.
  No Threat
Gwen Every time you poke her, she will just poke back with her A and basic attack. She will also shrug off your ult's burn with her Skedaddle. Just be a boring cs laner.
Adagio He will utilise alternating Current and Broken Myth most of the time. He will almost always win between trades with minions because he will heal one of his and burn you. His sustain is also a pain in the aaa. Poke him quick then back off. He will most likely activate B then A before he starts basic attacking you.
  No Threat
  No Threat



Ringo is often played as the primary damage dealer for his team. He can shoot at blinding speeds and finish off fleeing enemies with an epic fireball that follows foes across the battlefield. Retrieved from http://www.vainglorygame.com/heroes/ringo/

He is perhaps the easiest hero to control in the Halcyon Fold. All of his skills require target. For beginners, a target attack is one which requires a target before you can activate it---such as a simple basic attack, or Ringo's Achilles Shot. Directional attacks---or skillshots--- can be activated with or without a target, and will specifically affect the area/direction activated upon. It can be dodged by shutterstepping. Shutterstepping (or kiting) refers to the alternating basic attacking and moving. It is essential to mages and snipers as they need to keep the distance during fights.

This makes Ringo's skills only dodgeable with certain items like Reflex Block or Taka's Kaiten, which will require proper mechanics from your enemy's side.

In this guide, we will tackle about two crystal power item pathing: one which lets you recall as you wait for the announcement of the kill, and one which lets you feel the high mechanical play of a sniper. Let's get down to it.

+ranged, able to stay at the edge of fights
+able to kite with his Achilles Shot and Twirling Silver
+annoying poker in the lane
+easy to cs, especially with his heroic perk Double Down
+able to help fights in the jungle from afar, with his Hellfire Brew
+snowballs during lategame

+especially weak early in the game
+low base HP and defensive stats (refer from url above)
+low mobility
+prone to ganks because of previous two bullets
+relatively slow wave clear


One very good thing in Vainglory is that snipers are not only limited to building weapon power to enhance their basic attacks. Items such as Alternating Current and Broken Myth give rise to CP snipers. Nevertheless, how could crystal power be efficient on Ringo?

Ringo's skills all scale with crystal power. When his Achilles Shot is maxed, it will deal damage of 350 + 125% of your crystal power. When his Twirling Silver is upgraded to level 4 (because we will not be maxing this skill), your basic attacks will be empowered by 80% of your crystal power. Not to mention the 70% attack speed and 0.9 movement speed bonuses over 6 seconds. Lastly, his ultimate Hellfire Brew at max level will deal an initial damage of 480 + 75% crystal power, with the burning at 70 + 20% crystal power over 7 seconds. One full combo could delete an enemy!

Take for exmaple a level 8 Gwen (68 base shield) with a Kinetic Shield (75 shield), her shield will be about 68+75=143. Now this Ringo with a Shatterglass (150 crystal power) with one point in his ultimate (250 base damage) activates it on Gwen. That will be 250+(0.75)(150)=362.5 initial damage with the burn at about (7 seconds)((30)+(0.20)(150))=420 damage. That's a total of 782.5 crystal damage! To compute the total damage that Gwen will take, it will be:

Ability Damage
= (Ability Power)/(1 + Shield/100)
= (782.5)/(1 + 1.43)
= 322 crystal damage

That's more than a quarter of a level 8 Gwen's total base HP (1195)!

Calculations derived from http://www.vaingloryfire.com/vainglory/guide/complete-guide-to-vainglorys-hidden-stats-and-calculations-by-an-engineer-4311


The attack speed from Swift Shooter is preferred for most snipers. I discourage starting off with a Weapon Blade as you will most pobably sell it and it will be less economical. Swift Shooter should do the work if you wish to last hit with basic attacks.

If you are having difficulty last hitting with basic attacks, utilize your Achilles Shot. Buy a Crystal Bit and/or an Hourglass. Achilles Shot with one point deals 80 crystal damage, last-hitting with it should be pretty easy as you familiarize yourself with it.

Do not hesitate to replace one starting item with a Light Shield or a Light Armor if you feel that you will be poked hard. It is especially useful against Joule (whichever item pathing she takes) and Koshka, as they can pretty easily poke you despite your distance advantage.

If you want to rain it down the lane, it is best to go with a Crystal Bit and an Hourglass. Don't be so afraid in making trades as these two items make space for three Halcyon Potions.



Alternating Current provides you 60 crystal power and 65% attack speed. If you double it, aside from 120 crystal power is that you will have above 100% attack speed---it will make Atlas Pouldron's active spell virtually useless! Atlas Pouldron is one of the most usual items the enemy will use against you. Why not devour it?

NOTE: You can always replace on of these with Eve of Harvest. If you feel like you need the sustain, one Alternating Current is the most optimal sacrifice for the slot. Eve of Harvest will make you last longer in team-fights, and its +250 energy and +5 recharge will compensate the low stamina of this item pathing.


Broken Myth is the only item in Vainglory with shield pierce, so it can never be not part of a crystal itemization. Also, having two Alternating Currents will make stacking up its passive pretty much easy.


Nothing sweeter than a sugar rush of +150 crystal power. Shatterglass is every CP hero's a must.


This itemization is about bursting the enemy team. However, with the crystal ratio from your Twirling Silver, you will still deal a lot of damage when your Achilles Shot and Hellfire Brew are on cooldown.


We are talking about bursting here, and Ringo's ultimate is the most heavy-dealing skill in this CP item pathing. The trick here is: on an impending teamfight, use your first ult to force the enemy captain to use his/her Crucible or the target's Aegis or Reflex Block. Follow-up with an Echoed Hellfire Brew after the shield is gone, the other unused shield will block it. Then the teamfight is pretty much done, with the team block and one solo block down.

If they refuse to use any blocks, target your second ult to a different enemy. This way, even if they split up, there will be at least two enemies burning in agony.


Aftershock's passive allows you to deal an additional 15% of the target's max health with your next basic attack. This will allow you to burst down even tanky enemies. With a spammable Achilles Shot, you can be able to deal significant damage over time during teamfights.

TRY THIS: Hide in the bush (unscouted!) and wait for the enemy carry to return to lane. Activate your Hellfire Brew, and together with the fireball surprise him with an Achilles Shot and a Double Down- Aftershock empowered basic attack. The enemy carry will least likely be able to retaliate to the incoming burst. If he/she survives, run him down with your Twirling Silver, OR recall to the Halcyon Platform and let you and the enemy disappear at the same time (toxic behavior ahead)!


If you feel that you lack energy and recharge, you can change your Journey Boots to Halcyon Chargers. Both are great with Ringo, as they fulfill different needs in reference from player to player.


The trick to becoming the Ringo god is maximizing your heroic perk Double Down. Every killing blow you deal will make your next basic attack guaranteed to critically strike. This skill is not as easy as it sounds, as you first need to be skilled in last-hitting lane minions.


If you haven't noticed, the health bar of lane minions occasionally turn from dark red to bright red. This means that it will take only one basic attack to kill them. Try hitting minions as soon as their health bar brightens up. There is no need to predict when to strike with the bright red health bar with Ringo, as his basic attack missile speed is very fast. This prediction is more appropriate with heroes such as Celeste.

You can also last-hit with Achilles Shot if you are having difficulties, but this skill is best used to poke the enemy. I recommend using it only on the big one (the one worth 94, I think), or to make up for a basic attack short of killing a minion.

NOTE: If you really need to, you can use your Hellfire Brew to a clump of minions to quickly defend your turret or to simply push, or to a turret if you wish to take it down quickly. But this is highly discouraged. Your ult could be the thin lining between winning and losing a teamfight.


After last-hitting a minion, quickly switch target to the enemy laner. Throw a critical basic attack and quickly follow-up with an Achilles Shot, then withdraw. If he/she chooses to back instead, follow-up with your Twirling Silver and land a few basic attacks, then withdraw as soon as the enemy minions start to switch aggro to you. Continuously and consistently doing it will whittle down any enemy laner. The best part is will serve to intimidate him/her. Own the lane by punishing his/her every attempt on last-hitting.


Practice stutterstepping. Do not stay put in one position while last-hitting minions. If you stay unpredictable, the enemy laner or ganker is less likely to hit you. Also, do not just run away if you are being poked. Kite! Your Twirling Silver grants you movement speed. Turn around and sneak in a basic attack and an Achilles Shot once in a while. If you don't, the enemy laner will most likely do it over and over again, keeping in mind that you won't fight back whatsoever.

NOTE: Kiting back is not always the best decision. It could be a matter of milliseconds before your captain gets into range to activate his Crucible. Playing more will calibrate you more properly in this kind of situation.


Do not always rely on the captain to deploy Scout Traps or Flares to keep you safe. Buy yourself some if the enemy Flicker or Kestrel becomes a nuisance and you have gold and slots to spare.

Try to stay in your side of the lane if you aren't going to push. If you have noticed, the lane is divided by the Vainglory symbol---a circle pierced with some sort of dagger. A lot of laners cry about always getting ganked. It is because they advance too much! You are much safer if you are nearer your turret. Freeze the lane if the minion waves go forward. To freeze is to minimize the times you deal damage to enemy minions, or to tank minion damage, so that they will stay where you want them to be.

Keep the minions outside your turret range! The turret will mess up with your last-hitting. This is the essence of tanking minion damage until the next wave comes. It is so that they will not enter your turret range and you being able to last-hit more easily.


When you cast a skill or a simple auto-attack, your hero raises his/her hand, swings his/her weapon, chants channels something. Then after that the actual skill or auto-attack launches. Then there is millisecond back-swing animation that your hero does before he/she performs another skill/basic attack. This whole process makes up the auto-attack timer: preparing, launching, recoiling. Negligible, huh? No.


This is done to completely reset the auto-attack timer. With this, you will be able to completely ignore that recoil moment. It will just be prepare, launch, prepare, launch. You will shoot at blinding speeds.

After throwing an auto-attack, quickly activate Twirling Silver. Once you activate it, Ringo's auto-attack animation will be completely reset, and he will quickly throw another AA. His Achilles Shot also resets his AA animation. A simple but effective combo would be: AA + Twirling Silver + AA + Achilles Shot + AA. If you have your Alternating Current, two of those four AAs will be empowered. When kiting: AA + move + AA + Twirling Silver + move + AA + Achilles Shot + AA + move. These sets of series are not always the best option, so adjust freely according to the current situation.

NOTE: This skill will depend on how quickly you touch the screen. Practice it with bots, and own other players once you master it.


This is to utilize the recoil moment for better positioning. With this, you'll be more evasive as a target, and more relentless as a chaser.

In a bot match, perform an auto-attack with Ringo (or any other hero for this matter), and notice when the actual missile is released. , and take note of the animation he/she does after that auto-attack. On your next auto-attack, just right when the missile is released, click away to any direction. Instead of performing that lazy back-swing or whatever and being idle in one position, you were actually able to move to the left or to the right just like dodging an imaginary skill. Later that imaginary skill could be a devastating Joule's Thunder Strike, or a killing Kestrel's Glimmershot.

Now try a fleeing target. When you don't cancel your AA animation, your hero will stand of a while after an auto-attack, and the target will get further away. Unlike when you do cancel the animation, you will be able to catch up and keep in range for another basic attack.

NOTE: Again and again, bots are your best buddies. Practice this skill with them.


These captains excel at setting up single-target kills for Ringo, for which he is best at. They all have reliable crowd controls, except for Fortress. He has excellent synergy with Ringo, still, because of their snowball potential. Also, with his Twirling Silver, popping the bleed from Law of the Claw and chasing with the movement speed from Truth of the Tooth, this duo is sure to get 'em rekt.

EXCELLENT: Lance, Phinn, Fortress, and Catherine.

Although these captains do not make as excellent synergy as the ones above, they are still great because guess what? They're captains, and will make sure to make use of everything at their disposal just to keep you alive.

GOOD: Lyra, Flicker, Adagio, and Ardan.


I am a player from the South-east Asian server. My main account's IGN is tLToTtI (apologies for the profanity, I will rename once I get moonking). As of 14 February 2017, I am at The Hotness Bronze tier.

Feel free to leave some feedbacks so this guide can be further improved. Thanks.

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