Detailed CP Assassin Saw [2015.12.21] by yellowshadow

Detailed CP Assassin Saw [2015.12.21]

By: yellowshadow
Last Updated: Dec 26, 2015
4 Votes
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Build 1 of 1


Build: CP Assasin Saw

Ability Path

Spin Up
Heroic Perk
Roadie Run
Suppressing Fire
Mad Cannon

Threat Meter

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Threat Hero Notes
Petal Take out Petal's Brambleboom Seeds any time you see them and watch out for Petal's Spontaneous Combustion that can deal massive damage. Petal is also very adapt at kiting and escaping and can be tricky to catch.
Vox Vox is one of the hardest hero to chase down thanks to his Sonic Zoom. When in team fight, avoid being right next to your allies or his Resonance/Pulse will have his attack bouncing around to all your allies. He is also a great chaser so don't get caught with low HP around him.
SAW When playing against WP Saw, stay out of his normal attack range when he's spun up and snipe with Suppressing Fire. You can face him head to head when Mad Cannon is up and Roadie Run for massive damage.
Catherine Catherine's ability to stun and/or silence makes her formidable. Avoid using Roadie Run while her Stormguard barrier is up.
Ringo Watch out for Ringo's burst when he stutter steps in conjunction with Twirling Silver and Achilles Shot which can land at least 5 hits on you before you can react. Keep a good map awareness when in a team fight and target him first. If he uses his ult on you, block it with Reflex Block.
Rona Rona's Foesplitter can deal a lot of damage and her Red Mist is lethal in conjunction with Frostburn. Stay away when you see her using Red Mist and snipe her with Suppressing Fire/Mad Cannon.
Skaarf Skaarf's damage Goop will slow you down and deal really good damage if you don't step away and his Dragon Breath is a game changer. Otherwise, he is very squishy.
Adagio Adagio is dangerous in a team fight, where he can help sustain his allies with healing and crowd controlling. When you see him casting Verse of Judgement, start running out of its range if you can't kill him in time.
Joule Be cautious of Joule's Rocket Leap stun and most importantly, her Big Red Button skill. When you see the animation for Big Red Button, get out of its area of effect and/or hit Reflex Block to nullify some of its insane damage.
Celeste Celeste has the most versatile skill set in the game. She can scout, she can AOE, she can stun, she can outrange you, and she can deal massive damage. Watch out for her Solar Storm and pop Reflex Block. Chasing her should be done with caution, as she can cover her track with Core Collapse.
Phinn Phinn is a monster tank that literally takes no damage. Be aware of his Forced Accord, which will allow him to drag you right in front of him. His Quibble hits extremely hard and he can delay you from running with his Polite Company. Target him last in a team fight.
Ardan Ardan is extremely difficult to kill due to his tankiness. His Vanguard allows him and his allies to catch up to you very quickly and can isolate you with his Gauntlet. With Breaking Point and Stormguard Banner, he can kill you quickly.
Kestrel When laning, always keep a minion in front of you and you won't have to worry about being hit by Glimmer Shot. When Kestrel disappears in a middle of the fight, avoid that spot to avoid the stun.
Koshka Koshka's ability to stun you and stick to you via her heroic perk and Pounce makes her very dangerous. Always travel with a teammate in the jungle and don't overextend at the lane in the beginning if you don't know where she is on the map.
Taka Taka's burst and his heroic perk that allows him to stick to you can be cumbersome. Make sure not to waste your Roadie Run while he is using Kaiten and set some Scout Traps.
Skye Be aware of Skye's mobility with Suri Strike and her ability to kite or stick to you while using Forward Barrage. She can close off your escape route with a well placed Death from Above.
Glaive Glaive's Afterburn skill will punt you away from your team and and stun you helpless. He also has great attack/defense/hp which makes him hard to burn down. Have your Reflex Block to counter his Afterburn's punt/stun.
Krul Krul usually comes with Shiversteel to slow you down from escaping so that he can finish you off with his Spectral Smite. Watch out for his From Hell's Heart stun and counter with a well-timed Reflex Block. Atlas Pauldron is a good counter against him, but try to stay away from him at all times.
Blackfeather Blackfeather's On Point skill can make him very hard to deal with as he builds Heartthrobs and Breaking Point stacks on you. Stay away from him as much as you can, as he is one of the best chaser in the game.

Why CP Saw? (CP Saw vs WP Saw) Top

The most popular form of Saw has been weapon-based Saw. So why go CP Saw when WP Saw seems so dominant? Let's review the Pro & Con of each type:

WP Saw Pro:
1. #1 damage when spun up
2. Overpower almost every laner in the game
3. Can be overpowering all throughout the game if left unchecked
4. Melts turrets, Kraken, and whatever is in its path while spun up.

WP Saw Con:
1. Target of focused fired first, meaning you will die before you can get your stacks up.
2. First target for stuns. If you are VSing a team with two heroes with stuns, you're in for a rough ride
3. Too slow - often times leaves allies to fight 2 VS 3 if the fight moves away from the starting point
4. Suppressing Fire/ Mad Cannon damage is negligible
5. Losing spin up/attack speed makes you useless and takes too long to build it back up
6. Easy to counterbuild; Atlas Pauldron can cripple your damage

CP Saw Pro:
1. Roadie Run is faster, covers much more distance, does much more damage, and is available more often.
2. Suppressing Fire and Mad Cannon does insane amount of damage.
3. Much better ability to reposition yourself in battle

CP Saw Con:
1. Normal attack damage to heroes at end game is negligible.
2. Useless when skills are on cooldown, terrible when bursting down a Kraken
3. Weak mid-game
4. Roadie Run damage can be nullified with active Reflex Block/ Crucible/ Aegis

While WP Saw gives you much higher sustained damage, it comes with far too much liability to be able to use against highly skilled team. In contrast, CP Saw gives you more mobility and options with a huge burst potential. Considering a team fight can end in 3-5 seconds, CP Saw just makes more sense as you progress into end-game against opponents who know what they're doing.

CP Saw Gameplay Top

Laning Tips:
1. Always make sure you have Roadie Run available to escape ganks
2. Stay at the upper part of the lane away from the lane bushes to have more time to react to ganks
3. Only overextend when you know where every enemy heroes are
4. Play safe, not sorry. The less your jungle/roam has to rotate to save you, the more they can feed
5. Embrace 2 vs 1/3 vs 1 because you are effectively starving the enemy. The longer you can keep the enemy dancing with you, the more you can help your jungle/roam get fed.
6. Counter-intuitive to #5, if you cannot handle 2 vs 1 or 3 vs 1, ping your teammates for help. If enemy takes down your turret first, it puts you at a great disadvantage in farming because now you must overextend
7. Keep looking at your mini map and rotate down to help your teammates when you see a fight

As a CP Saw, you will still dominate the lane early game. After 5 minute mark is when the opponent laner will start catching up to you, and by 10 minute your advantage will be gone. By that point you're not actively laning and you can clear the lane with one Suppressing Fire, so that's not a bad trade-off.

Team Fighting Tips:
1. Be the last one to enter the fight to avoid focus fire/crowd control
2. Reposition yourself if you see the enemy heroes coming towards you so they are deterred from focusing on you and are forced to face your jungle/support
3. Use your boots only when you need to (escape death, chasing down enemy to get ace)
4. Use Roadie Run first and reposition yourself before firing Suppressing Fire, which will allow you to unleash massive damage with Mad Cannon
5. Don't leave your allies hanging. Use Suppressing Fire to slow down enemy heroes who are running away for a secured kill or use it to secure safe retreat for your allies

Top 3 Best Teammates Top

Adagio helps you sustain by healing with Gift of Fire and take objective by boosting your attack with Agent of Wrath. Adagio commands a lot of attention when he starts casting Verse of Judgement.

Ardan's Vanguard helps you escape. His Gauntlet can change the tides of the game and allows you to snipe enemy at safe distance. Ardan can also do a lot of damage with Breaking Point and Stormguard Banner, so the enemy team is more inclined to focus on him than SAW.

Perhaps not as good a support as the above, but Catherine's Merciless Pursuit's stun is very useful for you to secure a kill or halt the enemy for a good escape. A well placed Blast Tremor in the middle of the fight can help turn the fight around.

For your jungle counterpart, the higher damage, the better. Often times with Saw, you are pegged as the first one to kill (hence why you should always enter the fight last). If you have a carry that commands a lot of attention for the damage he/she does (ie. Koshka, Rona), you will less likely be targeted as you enter the fight.

It is also optimal that your jungle counterpart is weapon-based. If both you and your jungle are crystal-based, the enemy can just build on Light Shield tree and negate a chunk of your party's damage.

Top 3 Bad Teammates Top

Taka's skills have high cooldown time and he is squishy. Once he uses X-Retsu and Kaiten, he can't sustain and will run from the fight with his Kaku. During that time, the enemy will focus fire on you. Taka's end game also falls off hard if the enemy builds Aegis so they can ignore him.

Krul is a sustain beast. His Dead Man's Rush grants him HP barrier and his Spectral Smite heals massive amount of his HP in a fight. Because he is so difficult to kill, some opponents will opt to kill him last since if they spend all their time killing Krul, his allies will have killed them first.

Phinn's tankiest hero in the game right now and is impervious to crowd control. Due to his tank and slow attacks with predictable skills, he is often ignored by the enemy in favor of you and the jungle. His movement speed is too slow to keep up and your party will easily split without good coordination.

Items Explained Top

Shatterglass will greatly increase your skill burst damage. Not only that, but Roadie Run's speed and distance covered is dependent on amount of crystal power you have. Definitely essential in a successful crystal power-based build for any heroes. You can NEVER have enough of these.

Aftershock is a great item not only because it helps with your skill cooldown, but gives you great bursts of damage. You can get great damage in short periods of time by using Roadie Run, a normal attack (15%), Suppressing Fire, and normal attack (15%) which will pretty much guarantee a kill.

Broken Myth is an absolute essential item towards late game when your opponents start counterbuilding with Light Shield tree to negate your burst damage. Without it, CP Saw will become useless towards the end.

Reflex Block is a lifesaving item that will prevent you from getting stunned or getting wrecked by another opponent's ultimate ie. Ringo's Hellfire Brew. You should always build at least one defense item... Roam can't save you every time and you will always be the "object of affection" from opponents.

Even though a SAW is destined to be slow footed, Sprint Boots can help speed up your movement and hence boost your ability to reposition yourself in a fight. It also impacts the speed at which you close in on your enemy with your Roadie Run.

Frequently Asked Questions Top

Q: No Alternating Current for the core item? What gives?
A: Alternating Current can be somewhat viable, but the focus is to burst, not sustain. From my test, with Shatterglass, Aftershock, Broken Myth, and Alternating Current, you will 60 normal damage and 240 damage to a turret when it procs. Is it worth it? I personally don't think it is if you factor in enemy's armor damage reduction. I would rather get another Shatterglass.

Q: Why should I prioritize Reflex Block instead of Light Shield or Light Armor?
A: The reason I value Reflex Block over Light Shield or Light Armor tree is because a stun is a certain death for a Saw. That doesn't mean you shouldn't build Light Shield or Light Armor tree. As long as you have three attack items, you can get Reflex Block and whatever other defense item will help you live longer.

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