Skaarf is back (Updated 1.18) by vikings102

Skaarf is back (Updated 1.18)

By: vikings102
Last Updated: May 19, 2016
9 Votes
Build 1 of 1


Build: Build #1

Ability Path

Fan the Flames
Heroic Perk
Dragon Breath

Threat Meter

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Threat Hero Notes
  No Threat
  No Threat
Ardan High health but slow and normally lower attack power
Phinn Very slow, use goop and he's practically stunned
Adagio Adagios biggest threat is his slow and stun with his ult, if you can avoid that, your fine
Petal Her minions are annoying but if you get enough crystal power you can one shot them with spitfire
Fortress No real damage, but high health and amazing gap closer for the whole team
Catherine Her stun can hurt and her team can hurt you very fast while stunned
Rona If she closes on you, you need to get out fast, but as long as you keep your distance you'll be find
Skye Hard to hit but, like yourself, very squishy, BULLY her early game
Celeste Her abilities can hurt, but with enough power you can practically 3 shot her with spitfire
SAW Never engage while fully reved up, but while distracted and slow use goop and spit fire and he can't get away
Krul Deadly if up close, us goop and spitfire to slow him and whittle him down
Ringo A fast ringo can be very hard to hit with spitfire, use a goop to slow him then use spitfire
Skaarf Your own cute self, It all comes down to who can hit the spitfires and goops
Vox Deadly late game, but you peak earlier so USE IT
Glaive One of if not the best gap closer in the game, be prepared to use boots to get away fast
Joule Great gap closer/stun, if you get trapped you are most likely dead
Koshka Very deadly all around, need a reflex block for her ult
Taka Your biggest enemy, his burst damage is almost unmatched in game, always have scout traps around you and flares avalible

Ability breakdown Top

"Skaarf??s fire-based abilities light the target ablaze, burning enemies for 1.5% of their max health for 3.5 seconds. Each of Skaarf??s basic attacks will refresh the burn duration by 2 seconds, and increase the damage of the burn by another 1.5%, up to 10% per second. Damages-per-stack increases by 1% for every 100 crystal power. This fire does not burn turrets and deals reduced damage to Kraken."
"Skaarf spits a fireball that burns and damages anything in its path and collides with the first hero, structure, or boss monster it hits. Each target the fireball passthrough reduces its damage by 66%. Deals reduced damage to turrets if out of range."
OVERDRIVE THIS. Your main damage source if aimed properly, learn how to predict enemies, also a lesser known stat is that as you level it up it becomes faster.
"Skaarf hurls goop onto the target location. Enemies walking through the sticky substance are slowed. Skaarf??s fire abilities (including nearby flaming goop) will set the goop ablaze with a burst of damage that extends slightly beyond the gooped area. Once aflame, a gooped location will not slow but will apply damage over time. Deals half damage to minions & Kraken."
OVERDRIVE THIS. Your other main damage source, uses a metric but ton of energy at the earl levels, so try not to use it that much.
"Skaarf inhales deeply for 1.5 seconds, slowing fleeing enemies and accelerating closing allies. Skaarf then exhales flame for 3 seconds, incinerating enemies in a cone in front of him. While exhaling, enemies moving against the flame are slowed while allies moving with the flame are accelerated. Skaarf may move freely while spewing fire, but he cannot basic attack or use other abilities. Each time Dragon Breath is upgraded it adds shield piercing to the exhale damage.
Mainly a utility tool to accelerate fleeing teammates and to also provide a great scare factor, if your are going to use this successfully you will need a reflex block

Item guide Top

This build is mainly focused on ability damage
  • Start Crystal bit for the extra damage on spitfire and potions for the obvious reasons.
  • First Buy Back Heavy prism for the extra damage more ability damage for the energy regen to be able to stay in lane longer boots for the escape ability, you have no real natural escape early game always try to get 5 when ever you go back to the shop so you can stay in lane longer need these especially if your going against a taka, this is about the time when ganking really starts.
  • Second Buy Back this should be your first core item that you get, in early game it offers a huge damage increase to spitfire for the energy regen extra damage better speed and faster cool down keep these on you for most of the game again map vision becomes more and more important later in the game gives great damage increase
  • Core Build great ability damage increase good sustain, especially with the goop, you are squishy so you need the regen. great against shield, which the enemy will be building speed and your only real escape. infusions are great damage boosters.
  • Against A Crystal Carry gives some shield against abilities and can also be used if your teammates or you if you find yourself low health.
  • Against A Weapon Carry good weapon protection.
  • Against High Armor good team weapon, only get if you have a ridiculous amount of money or the enemy team has basically all armor.
  • Solo Build all of theses together change his attack animation, I won't tell you what it looks like, you need to try it out.

Early Game Top

Farm as quick as you can so you can have a heavy prism and a eclipse prism hopefully by level three, then you have a huge power spike so you want to take control of the lane. But this brings me to your biggest problem early game, YOU ARE SQUISHY, don't overextend unless your jungle is just dominating the enemy's jungle. Once you get your boots you can be a little more aggressive. Just remember to farm as much as you can, always check the top bushes with flares or put scout traps in it if the enemy team has a taka, or actually, just mine it anyways so you can stay up top away from the mustache bushes where everyone waits to gank. Most players will notice if you disappear from the lane but again most will chalk it up to you going down to the jungle shop to buy, so that means if you can sneak to the top bushes you can "gank" the enemy laner your self when they push the lane because your gone. Remember to always open with a spit fire and when you place a goop place it so that it is in the way of where the enemy wants to go so that they either have to run through it, taking a ton of damage, or go around if letting you get free hits on them. Always back if you have low health, backing is faster and doesn't give the enemy free money. Also a tip is to try to always hit the enemy when you are using your spitfire on the minions, it won't do nearly as much damage but any free damage to the enemies is good.

Mid game Top

If you were following this guide, you should have enough power to do some serious damage by now, still farm, you will do some easy damage and probably get some kills before they start buying shield, that is why I get shatterglass and eve first. Now is when you really need to watch out for ganking as the enemy jungler should have probably gotten enough power themselves to kill you. Start paying attention to what the enemy carry is building, weapon or crystal, and start building against that yourself. Now you will be fighting over the gold mine more and engaging in team fights. If you are behind, in levels or farm (gold), try to farm whenever you can. This normally goes by pretty quickly compared to the rest of the game.

Late game Top

Now is the glory time, you should try to stay with your team so you are ready for any team fights that break out. Try to pick off any of the enemy if they split up, even getting the tank out of the way helps. Still try to get gold any way you can, these items are pretty expensive and when you get your max items you should try to stay above 1k gold for any quick infusions that you need, these are awesome and can mean the difference between a win and a loss.

Conclusion Top

In the hands of an unskilled player skaarf sucks. Period. This isn't after his first buff where he was ridiculously op, now he requires a bit of finesse and actual skill to dominate with, but that is my main point for this rambling guide, he can be COMPLETLY OP in the hands of a great player.

Thanks for reading it all if you got this far. vikings102 (I changed the title so it looks better)

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