Hack 'N Slash (Weekly Staff Pick) by HeroOfTime

Hack 'N Slash (Weekly Staff Pick)

By: HeroOfTime
Last Updated: Nov 11, 2015
35 Votes
Build 1 of 1


Build: Hack 'N Slash

Ability Path

House Kamuha
Heroic Perk

Threat Meter

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Threat Hero Notes
  No Threat
SAW Saw's weakness are assassins. Ambush him while his Surpressing Fire begins.
Ringo Ringo shouldn't be a big problem if you can take him out fast. When you're running away from him don't forget to activate Kaku because Ringo can slow you down.
Adagio Adagio's Ultimate can be dodge by Taka's Kaiten if it is timed correctly.
Fortress Fortress is a new hero and I barely see anyone who uses him. Remember that his dogs will see through your Kaku.
Celeste Celeste's Core Collapse combined with Heliogenisis can cause lots of damage especially if the Celeste has a strong crystal build.
Petal Petal's ultimate can be a pain in the butt, but without it, she's vulnerable to your attacks.
Skaarf Watch out for Skaarf's ultimate. It can sometimes be deadly.
Ardan When Ardan is with its teammate, just try to stay away from him.
Joule Joule can be slow with attacks, but she can ambush you while you are in the bushes with her Rocket Leap.
Vox Vox can silence you. You're abilities are crucial in the game so watch out for him.
  No Threat
Catherine Catherine's stun and silence can really be a pain when fighting against her. She's almost invincible if she builds up on defence a lot. In late game watch out for her shield. Don't go reckless. You will just be killing yourself. Oh and your teammates...
Krul To defeat Krul, you need to kill him before he activates Spectral Smite. It is better to stay away from him if he has a high attack speed build.
Glaive Glaive can be a big problem in the lane. He can pull you toward the enemy turret in seconds and kill you before you know it.
Koshka Koshka is the girl version of Taka. They are both assassins. The first one to initiate the battle could get a guaranteed win.
Taka Taka VS Taka: May the better Taka earn glory. You need to expect what he will do. Also use different kinds of strategies to out-smart him.

Who is Taka? Top

Taka is a high damage dealer. Probably one of the highest with a good build. High means HIGH. Taka sacrifices a lot of his stats to boost his attacks so his health can be a problem. In other words, he is very fragile. VERY fragile. But having one defence item can change that.

Explanation of Abilities Top

Kaiten can deal lots of damage. Take leaps into the air and can not be effected by attacks while in the air. This is very useful when Taka is out of hp. Use Kaiten to leap in to the air and attack them. Activate Kaku as fast as you can to for your life.

Kaku gives you a little bit of movement speed while you activate it. What's better is you are invisible to your enemies. Use Kaku to escape or sneak up on enemies. You also heal bit by bit when you activate Kaku.

X-Retsu deals massive damage by jumping to an enemy and slashing them with his switchblades, carving an X-shape on the enemy. The enemy also gets mortal wounds when X-Retsu is activated.
Mortal wounds will half their healing powers if the enemy is using a healing item or ability.

Items Top

In this chapter. I will explain all of the items in this build.

Tension Bow is probably one of the most important items for Taka. Using X-Retsu - Kaiten - then a basic attack could finish off an enemy. Try to get Tension Bow as fast as you can or in less than 5 minutes. You can even replace this later in late game to a Tyrant's Monocle for extra critical damage and more weapon power.

Tornado Trigger is a very good item for Taka. Not only does it make your attacks go faster, critical chances and damage increases by 20% each. This is very important for Taka as his basic attacks will only be effective with Critical Strikes. This is the next item you should get after Tension Bow.

Sorrowblade boosts Taka's attack power by 150. Obviously, the higher the attack power, the stronger your attacks are.

Serpent Mask is an item that works well with Taka's critical strikes. Remember that each critical strike will give Taka lifesteal. Serpents Mask only makes this effect better.

Aftershock is also an item that works with critical strikes. Using X-Retsu - Kaiten - then a basic attack will deal tons of damage while also getting lifesteal because of the basic attack.

(If you want you can always switch the order around!)

Choice for 6th Item Top

Aegis is good for defence on crystal power and Metal Jacket will do good for defence on weapon power.

Clockwork is a must-get if you want you're ability's to come off the timer quickly. For more ambushes and initiating team fights.

Journey Boots are extremely useful for chasing down enemies who are trying to flee you. Activate it to get a burst of speed to finish them off.

You can also use a totally different item for your 6th item in this build. It is up to you.

Attack Patterns Top

1. -> Basic Attack -> -> Basic Attack ->

This pattern is a Kill-and-go pattern. End with a Kaku when your enemy is killed and possible sneak up on other enemies and repeat this pattern.

2. -> -> Basic Attack->

This pattern is for sneak attacks. Go stand in a bush and wait till you see an enemy. Sneak up with Kaku and follow the above.

Please suggest more patterns to me in the comments.

Tips Top

-Taka is safe in the jungle than the lane. Keep farming for gold and EXP to get better items.
-Taka is better when there is only one jungle, YOU.
-The one to initiate a team battle is you. Sneak up with Kaku to initiate a team battle. Make sure your team is following you.
-With this build, stealing a minion mine is easy. You can even do it for fun so they get distracted on their minion mine. Use this time wisely. You can go fight the enemy turret, get the gold miner, or even kill the enemy trying to steak the minion mine.
-Use pings to position your allies in a team fight.
-When you are in a team fight, the enemy is most likely to target YOU. They'll focus you first because they will notice how much damage you are putting onto them. GET OUT IMMEDIATELY with a Kaku I MEAN IT. If you don't theres a 90% chance that you will die in just a few seconds. If you're willing to take a risk, then get back in the fight after you escape by surprising them. It has a 50% percent chance of a success.

-Taka VS Taka: First use Kaku to initiate the battle. Use attack pattern #2 to deal massive damage to the enemy Taka. Always be alarmed of his Kaku as well. He could mirror your movements. Kill him as fast as you can.

Thank YOU!!! Top

Thank you for reading my guide. I have gotten 26 kills with this build once and a solo ace.
HAVE FUN PLAYING VAIN GLORY!!! Also check out my Ringo guide by clicking on my account and checking the guides.


P.S. This is my first guide. Opinions and feedback please.

P.S. 2. Here's my IGN: HeroOfTime

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