Jungle Queen - The Complete Guide to Koshka by LokiOakenshield

Jungle Queen - The Complete Guide to Koshka

By: LokiOakenshield
Last Updated: Jan 23, 2016
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Build 1 of 1


Build: Crystal Burst

Ability Path

Heroic Perk
Pouncy Fun
Twirly Death
Yummy Catnip Frenzy

Threat Meter

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Threat Hero Notes
  No Threat
  No Threat
Skaarf Again pretty squishy and skillshot oriented. Stun him when he tries his ult with out for his goo
Ringo Another squishy hero, gank him and stun him and burst him down quicky. His focus is his attack speed, so longer fights will go badly for you
Celeste Very Squishy and you an easily dodge her Heliogenisis. Be careful with your ult as she can drop core collapse on herself and stun you out of it. Reflex block her ult and her stuns
Kestrel Relatively squishy and can miss her arrows, and once she runs out she's done. Watch for her ultimate and don't get caught in her mist traps
Skye She is just as mobile as you are if not more, but your gap closing abilities are really useful here. Watch out for forward barrage and don't even try to run away, she will catch you.
Vox Vox is pretty squishy, but his high attack speed combined with an eve of harvest can sometimes be a pain.
Koshka Hit first and reflex block her ult. Build light shield early to counter her
Joule She is skill shot oriented, so dance around her and try to hit her from behind. WATCH OUT FOR BIG RED BUTTON
Taka He's squishy, but can heal quickly from his invisibility and can burst just as much as you can. He can dodge your abilities too. Just be careful and don't get caught out on low health
Glaive He's a tricky one. He's on the tanker side, and if you allow him to build stacks on you he can cause some problems
Rona Her Ult will destroy you if you get caught in it. best way to beat her is to jump in and out and when she tries her ult use yours to stun her then burst her down
Krul Krul is a tough one, avoid 1v1's with him (except for early game), and in team fights jump in, twirl death, jump out. Don't stay on him or he'll crush you. Starve him and invade him early game when he's weak. If you allow him to build up to his full potential in the late game he will be incredibly hard to take down
SAW His passive allows him to do massive amounts of damage after a few seconds. If he's not dead within a few seconds you need to get of his range immediately, or if you have you stun him to disrupt his stacks. Better to attack him with a teammate
Blackfeather He has medium health and can burst a lot with his abilities. He can dodge abilities with his ult, and if he builds stacks against you you're doomed. Play him like Krul, dive in and out, and if you can, starve him early game while he's weak. Don't let him gank you and try to dodge his abilities
  No Threat

Overview Top

Koshka is a very mobile assassin good at diving in and out of battle and dealing lots of burst damage. She's very strong early game, though falls off a little in the late game (not really a problem). She's a very quick hero, though generally a little squishy. Building defense on her is very important; don't think building extra damage will compensate. You can't deal damage if you're dead. Be aggressive especially in the early game, gank the enemy later often and use your stun to disrupt an enemy's high damage ability. She may not be the strongest late game character, but don't let that scare you. User your early game advantage to snowball your way to a quick victory or prevent your enemies from farming which can effectively prevent them from getting any late game power.

Item Build Explanation Top

Koshka's passive ability grants her a speed boost after successfully landing an ability, and also grants her next basic attack(s) after using twirly death bonus damage; the number of basics attacks granted the bonus damage depending on how many enemies she hits with it including minions, making it a very effective tool when ganking the enemy laner. This passive works very well with aftershock, which also gives a boos to the next basic attack after an ability, this time the bonus damage is 15% of the targets max health. Combined with her passive Aftershock gives Koshka some very strong burst damage.

The next abilities are all situational. Build Aegis if the enemy's ult stuns or deals substantial 1 hit damage (Joule, Ringo, Kestrel, Celeste, Skye) OR if you feel like you need the extra health boost build Fountain of Renewal (heals your team too!).

Shatterglass or Frostburn? This one is mostly preference. If you want raw damage go for Shatterglass. If you feel like you have harder time catching up to opponents build Frostburn to slow them down. Frostburn is also a good 600 gold cheaper.

Boots are hugely beneficial. 300 health, better move speed, and a getaway/chasing ability. Always build them, though you don't necessarily have to rush them. By midgame(10-13 minutes) you should at least have Travel Boots.

Your fifth major item is an easy choice. If the enemy carry's build shield items buy broken myth. If they do not then buy Eve of Harvest. The extra damage and energy is handy and the lifesteal is a lifesaver at times. If only the support builds shield, then probably go for Eve, though experiment a bit and find out what works best.

Typically there is at least one enemy with a Weapon Power build. U If their build focuses on really high attack speed such as Krul, Saw, and Ringo, buy Atlas Pauldron to counter it (It's range is limited so make sure they are close to you when you activate it). If your roamer is already building it then go for Metal Jacket. Only get Crucible if both enemy carry's (Laner and Jungler) build crystal.

That's it for this guide, and remember to experiment with different builds and find out what works best for you. Different enemies require different builds to successfully counter them. Good Luck!

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