Romantic Blackfeather Execution by GodlyNightmare

Romantic Blackfeather Execution

By: GodlyNightmare
Last Updated: Mar 26, 2016
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Build: Romantic Blackfeather Execution

Ability Path

Heroic Perk
Feint of Heart
On Point
Rose Offensive

Item Choices

Item Builds Top

Starting Items
<--For lifesteel and extra WP damage <--For extra healing (you want 2+ of these)
Early game (3-4 min)
<--Extra WP damage <--Faster attack speed <--Faster movement speed <--More health
Early Game (5-8 min)
<--More WP damage <--More lifesteel and WP damage <--More health <--Faster attack speed <--Faster movement speed (still the same)
Mid-ish Game (10-15 min)
<--More WP damage and lifesteel <--More health and slows enemies <--Faster movement speed and health regeneration (I think) <-- More CP damage <--Faster attack speed (still the same) <--More crit damage
Mid Game (15-17 min)
<--More WP damage and lifesteel <--More health and slows enemies <--Faster movement speed and health regeneration (I think) (still the same) <--Faster attack speed and more CP damage and adds CP to basic attacks <--More WP damage <--More crit damage (still the same)
Late Game (17+ min)
<--More WP damage and lifesteel <--More health and slows enemies <--Faster movement speed and health regeneration (I think) (still the same) <--Faster attack speed and more CP damage and adds CP to basic attacks <--More WP and crit damage or for more defense against other players

Super Important Facts Top

Facts You Might Want to Know For Fun and Seriousness
Blackfeather is a highway man with equal parts of love and fatality. He can be really deadly if you can earn lots of gold to buy many useful items like I recommended above. Instead of energy, Blackfeather uses "Focus" to use his abilities and can regenerate quickly and be regained quickly by land basic attacks on enemies.
Abilities and Heroic Perk
- Blackfeather's heroic perk is heartthrob, which applies heart to his enemies each time he lands an attack on them, and once the opponent reaches full hearts, the hearts will shown as broken, his A ability will deal so much damage to them. Additionally, every time the hearts refreshes or disappear, Blackfeather will deal extra CP damage, decreasing the enemy's health further more.
- Blackfeather's A ability, Feint of Heart, makes Blackfeather pierces his target with a powerful basic attack. Each upgrade increases the amount of hearts applied to the enemy. Also, whenever he uses this ability, the enemy leaves a rose trail behind everywhere they go, allowing his teammates, including himself as well, to move faster, making it easier to catch up to the enemy and kill them. Once you get the enemy low enough and have full hearts broken, use your A ability to execute them.
- For Blackfeather's B ability, on Point, he extends his blade, which damages and slows down any enemies along its path. This ability applies one heart to the enemy. Whenever Blackfeather lands his B ability on an enemy player, Blackfeather will be granted a small barrier for less than a second, preventing any basic attacks from decreasing his health. Each time you upgrade this ability, it increases its range, allowing to damage opponents from a safer range.
- Presenting Blackfeather's ultimate, Rose Offensive, he cuts through an area, landing basic attacks and light CP damage to any enemies that encounters it's path. During this time, Blackfeather blocks all negative effects and greatly reduces any damage that encounters him with fortified health. This ultimate has two charges, with each upgrade on the ultimate increases the cooldowm speed on this ability, allowing you to use the ability frequently. This ability is super effective in retreating from enemies, or engaging into a fight and catching up to enemies.

The End Top

I really hope you enjoyed this guide, I spend like about and hour on this guide, helping you to do better as Blackfeather and EXECUTING everyone in a match! I like to remind you that this item build can fail if the enemy starves you, meaning that you aren't able to get enough gold for the shop. Be sure to vote for this guide and give a thumbs up if this guide helped you a lot with Blackfeather and able to execute many players and pissing them off for dying so much! XD lol, so peace. (Reminder: This is my first time creating a guide, so don't be so harsh on me XD)

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