Zooming Through the Fold (CP/WP) 2.1 by Goob3r

Zooming Through the Fold (CP/WP) 2.1

By: Goob3r
Last Updated: Feb 20, 2017
5 Votes
Build 1 of 2


Build: Crystal Power (Lane)

Ability Path

Julia's Song
Heroic Perk
Sonic Zoom
Wait for It


Build: Weapon Power (Lane and Jungle)

Ability Path

Julia's Song
Heroic Perk
Sonic Zoom
Wait for It

Table of Contents Top

Intro to Vox Top

Vox is a fun, easy hero to play. Whether you use him in the lane or the jungle, your bound to have fun. His high mobility makes him good at dodging projectiles, and his speed lets him get to locations faster. Do note though that if you prefer tanks, he is definitely not the one for you.

Abilities Top

Lets take a look at his abilities, and how they work.

Julia's Song
Vox's abilities mark enemies with Resonance. When basic attacking enemies with Resonance, bolts will bounce outwards to two nearby enemies dealing 20/60/80/100/140 (+90% crystal ratio) crystal damage and refreshing and spreading Resonance. (Resonance bounces deal 50% damage to minions.)
Julia's Song is very useful. While its best with Vox's CP path, it still gives his WP path a little poke. This is very useful early game, as it lets you poke the enemy if your laning, and overall just gives you very effective crowd control. Late game, it's only really useful with CP, but the refresh still leaves you with some opportunities in the WP path.

Sonic Zoom
Vox dashes in the targeted direction, throwing two basic attacks to the nearest enemy marked by Resonance (prioritizing heroes).
This is your ticket to escape, catch-up, poke, and juking. If your getting chased or trying to catch up to someone, just simply use this. not only does it shed a small amount of space between you and the enemy, if your close enough it also hits them. Also, in the lane you can apply Resonance to the enemy, and quickly back them up with it by using this to fire a few basics at them. Easily more useful with WP, as they count as basics, and will deal WP. Juking is easy with it, especially when you have good reflexes.

Vox emits a sonic pulse that echoes off nearby enemies and applies Resonance. The pulse applies a slow that is significantly stronger near its center. Each upgrade to Pulse increases the damage of Vox's bouncing attacks to enemy heroes.
This is your most useful ability. It lets you apply Resonance, gives you good poke power, lets you clear out crowds in a breeze, and is kind of like a cheap flare. Try and use this as much as possible in team fights, as it lets you deal damage to all three enemy's at once. Also, if your not sure if a bush is safe or not, you can use this next to it, and if there's someone in there, it should look like a blip (or blips. It depends on how many people are in there.) pops up in it.Also good for running away as the slow will help you somewhat.-NOTICE- It's only useful for escapes. Because they are running away from you in a catch-up, so the slow down usually doesn't hit the enemy unless your right next to him.

Wait For It
Vox fires an ultrasonic wave that applies Resonance to enemies in its path and refreshes all Resonance. Shortly after, a wide shockwave explodes along the same path, dealing crystal damage and silencing enemies. Striking enemy heroes with the shockwave will also cause Resonance to bounce.
Your best fight initiator. You should try and use this at the start of every team fight, as the silence is going to prevent the enemy team from retaliating for a couple of seconds. If your going CP, it's also useful with how much damage you deal with it, especially if you're going CP. If the enemy player has critical health, try and snipe them with it, even over walls.

Well there's a good look at his abilities and how to use them. I will be bringing up some more tips about them later in the guide, so don't worry if there is something in here that I forgot or you didn't understand.

Items: CP Path Top

Lets take a quick look at your CP items.

Alternating Current
Passive: Every other basic attack deals 70% of your crystal power as bonus damage.

+60 crystal power
+65% attack speed
This is your first item every time when you are building CP. Not only does it make things a little easier when it comes to kiting, it also makes your basic attacks a little more useful. For instance without it late game, you might as well just not do anything if you can't use your abilities, and are down to your basics. However, with Alternating Current, even late game your basics still pack a punch. Yeah its only every other attack, but at least its something.

Broken Myth
Passive: Amplify all crystal damage by 4% for each second you are in combat against heroes. After 5 seconds, you lose a stack each second. Max 9 stacks.

+10% Shield Pierce
+70 Crystal Power
Get this second every time. Not only will it give you some shield pierce, its passive buffs your CP. This is especially useful in fights, as the passive works only while your in combat against heroes. Try to stay in the fight as much as possible though, because those 5 seconds are up faster than you think. I'm not saying keep fighting till you die though. Just try to keep fighting as long as possible, and when you deem it necessary to leave, leave.

+150 Crystal Power
This is your ticket to success. It will allow you to finally get that awesome damage on his abilities, and should let you rake in the kills easier. You don't have to get it as your 3rd item, but it should at least be your fourth.

Energy Battery
+150 Max Energy
+2.5 Energy Recharge
Definitely get this early game, when you are energy hungry. However, sell this around mid game, when you will start getting some items then that will cover for this. You can upgrade this to Halcyon Chargers or Stormcrown instead of selling them though.

Halcyon Chargers
Passive: +0.5 move speed. (Does not stack with other boots.)

Passive: Travel.

Activate: Sprint for 3 seconds (50s cooldown).

+200 Health
+15% Cooldown Speed
+250 Energy
+4 Energy Recharge
They don't have as much movement speed as Journey Boots, but they have some extra health, and some much needed cool down speed, energy, and energy recharge. They also have the longest sprint time out of any of the other boots. Very useful for catching up, or running away.

Passive: Basic attacks deal 60-160 (level 1-12) bonus true damage per second to non-heroes, 20% to heroes

+30% Cooldown Speed
+4 Energy Recharge
+200 Health
Get this only if you want to take objectives faster, and want better basic attacks. In case you don't know what true damage is, here's what it is: It's damage that pretty much ignores shielding, and armor. Again though, only do this if you want to take objectives faster, want some more health, cool down speed, and energy recharge, or you are insecure about your basics not doing enough for you.

Crystal Infusion
Consume: Temporarily gain 20-60 crystal power, 12%-36% cooldown acceleration, and 10-30 armor & shield based on your level. Lasts 2.5 minutes.
Infusions are a must in this game, as they will give you bursts of power. Start getting them at level 9, and keep getting them through the rest of the match. The buffs are dependent on your level, so lower levels won't get a whole lot out of them, and they will just be a waste of money that you could've spent on something else.

Well that's pretty much it when it come to CP items. Just remeber what order to get them in.

Items: WP Path Top

Now lets take a look at your WP items.

Breaking Point
Passive: Gain 10 weapon power for every 140 Weapon damage dealt to enemy heroes (+5 damage needed for each stack thereafter). 25 stacks max. Decays 2 stacks per second after you’ve stopped stacking for 2 seconds.

+35% Attack Speed
+55 Weapon Power
Get this as your first item. Like Broken Myth, this will buff your attacks. However, the difference is how you earn the stacks. You won't be getting as much out of it early game, but it'll pick up around mid game, when you start dealing more damage. Even without the 55 extra weapon power, the passive alone will give you 250 weapon power with full stacks. It also gives you a little extra attack speed for early game.

+150 Weapon Power
This is your main damage output. Once you get this, it'll become much easier to chew through the enemy's health. Get it as your second item. As soon as you get it, try to become more active in fights.

On Hit: Your basic attacks shred 6% of the target's armor for 3 seconds. Max 8 stacks.

+15 Weapon Power
+50% Attack Speed
This pretty much lets you take them out faster. It will let you get rid of some of the enemy's armor so that you may do more damage. Assuming you get full stacks, you can shred a total of 42% there total armor. Also really good for taking objectives, and team beneficial. Just know that the shredded armor is only temporary, and will come back.

Poisoned Shiv
Passive: Every 3 basic attacks will apply a mortal wound for 2s.
Barbed Needle


25 Weapon Power
40% Attack Speed
10% Lifesteal
This is definitely more of a situational. This is a must when you are fighting healers or self-sustainers. The mortal wound prevents them from healing as much from there items, and abilities. You can pretty much replace Bonesaw with this. You can also get this if you prefer self-sustain over more damage.

Journey Boots
Passive: +0.6 move speed. (Does not stack with other boots.)

Passive: Travel.

Activate: Sprint for 2 seconds (60s cooldown). Damaging heroes instantly sets the cooldown to 12 seconds if it is above it.

+250 Max Health
These are easily more helpful when you are going WP, rather than CP. These give you a decent amount of health, and good way to keep up with the enemy if he/she is trying to escape. The reset lets you catch-up easier to escaping enemy's, or can let you get away faster. It also lets you use them more freely, so long as you hit an enemy hero.

Activate: For the next 4 (6 if you are melee) seconds, your basic attacks slow the target by 40% for 1.2 seconds. (18s cooldown)

+500 Max Health
This is pretty much for if you want to get kills easier. It gives the enemy hero a tougher time escaping, while you can keep up with them, and deal damage. Try and use this if the enemy hero is escaping, as the active is worthless in a fight. You can also use it to get away faster by activating it, and then kiting.

Weapon Infusion
Consume: Temporarily gain 20-60 weapon power, 8%-24% attack speed, 10-30 armor & shield based on your level. Lasts 2.5 minutes.
Infusions are a must in this game, as they will give you bursts of power. Start getting them at level 9, and keep getting them through the rest of the match. The buffs are dependent on your level, so lower levels won't get a whole lot out of them, and they will just be a waste of money that you could've spent on something else.

There's your WP items. Try to remember what order they come in, and which ones you would prefer to get.

Items: Defense Top

Now here is a look at what defense items to get.

Slumbering Husk
Passive: Taking 20% of your max health in damage over 1.5s fortifies your remaining health for 1.5s (35s cooldown).

400 Health
You should get this every time you lane. Not only does it give you a nice amount of health, its passive is wonderful for countering high damage dealers, and burst damage. Get this as soon as your core is out of the way, as it will let you stay in fights longer.

Activate: Reflex Block (35s cooldown)

+125 Shield
+30 Armor
+200 Max Health
Get this if the enemy hero on the team who's giving you a problem is CP. Its massive shielding will also help against mages, and the reflex block will help get you out of a sticky situation. Try to keep in mind though to not get this if you are fighting a double-weapon team. It will do absolutely nothing for you.

Metal Jacket
+170 Armor
+35 Shield
Pretty much a must when you are fighting a WP hero who is beating you up. Its heavy armor should also be great against warriors, and snipers. Not whole lot left to explain, it's pretty straight forward.

Atlas Pauldron
+85 Armor
+35 Shield

Active: Reduces attack speed of nearby enemies by 65% for 5 seconds in a 4-meter range. Does not reduce below the base attack speed animation. (15s cooldown)
Honestly, this is more of situational with Vox. You should not be getting close enough to use this. Get this only if you are fighting a Krul or someone else who is making it impossible to get away alive.

Well that's pretty much it for defense. Try to remember that while carries do tend to get only a couple of defense items, you need to get the right defense in the right situation.

Early Game Top


You are definitely at your weakest here, so unless the enemy carry tries to rush you, just farm. You want to try and farm as much as possible so that you can get some experience and gold. I wouldn't recommend rushing the enemy carry, as Vox has one of the lowest health values, and if you spend to much time attacking, you will lose a lot of your farm. Try to play as passively as possible and don't over-extend.


Okay, so this is basically just the lane, only a little more aggressive. Try to farm as much as possible, but don't get carried away. You should still try and gank the lane in between jungle rotations. Try to level up fast, as you will get his Wait for It, which will let you gank easier. You should still try and keep your distance though, as you still have one of the lowest health values.

Mid Game Top


Definitely try to be a little more pushy. You should have your first tier 3 item by now, and so that now you pack a little more punch. You should be aware of where your support is, as it becomes a little dangerous to hang out in the lane right now without him/her. If your using CP, try to fight them when they are grouped up, that way you can make the most out of your perk. If all three of them are there when you are CP, try target the roam, as the bounce will hit the other two.


This is when you really amp up your aggression level. You should still be cautious, but more open to fight. Try to get them to initiate the fight so that you can just use your Sonic Zoom to avoid the attack and really nail them. Don't really pick a fight yourself unless it is someone by themselves or you have your support with you. Other than that, just keep trying to do rotations through the jungle.

Late Game Top


This is your moment to shine. Try to be as aggressive as possible. You can most certainly destroy them, so long as you don't get cocky, think things through, and stay on your toes. Travel with your roam or jungle, as you are not really a 1-v-1 type hero. Constantly re position in fights, and try to keep a distance. Initiate every fight with your Wait for It. From here on out things should be much easier, and you should be able to handle things without stress.

Help with Kiting Top

Here is a video I found on kiting. I found it to be a really good help (even if it is out-dated). I hope it helps you as much as it helped me.

Conclusion Top

I really hope this guide helped, and that it isn't as ****py as I think it is. You don't have to follow the build either. Just adjust it however you want and keep experimenting. Please leave some feedback so that I can adjust some things if I need to. I will make a threat meter soon so don't worry about that. GLHF!

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